Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1888: Xiao Lijun's **** looks

Chapter 1888 Xiao Lijun's Royal Ass Look

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly raised her eyes and destroyed the atmosphere. "Husband, although you are wearing a white coat and ascetic and sexy, people can't help but want to cut off your clothes ... but every time I come over, It ’s you who gave me a birth check. Is n’t it a long time that I ca n’t see the three little beans in my family? ”

B-ultrasound cannot be frequent, but it can't be done at all.

The good atmosphere was ruined by Ruan Mengmeng.

Li Junyu sharpened his teeth, his face just getting better, and he became even colder.

It ’s not good to mention that at this warm and sweet moment, I mentioned the three obstructing little beans.

Ruan Mengmeng seems to get to the anger of her tyrant, uh ... she even saw the blue tendons in his forehead, and seemed to smoke.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Don't be angry, don't have a checkup if you don't have a checkup. Big deal, we won't take the B-scan, don't get angry ..."

She coaxed her family to be three years old just like a child.

Well, who calls Li Junyu who is jealous is naive like a three-year-old child.

Even his son's vinegar was eaten, and he was the unborn baby bean peas, only he could make it.

The tyrant took a deep breath and pressed down the sourness in his chest.

He whispered, "You can rest assured, even if you don't care about the three of them, you can't care about you."

Li Junyu took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. After a while, a small door on the side of the B ultrasound room heard three regular knocks.

Li Junyu got up, went to the door, and opened the small door.

A white old lady, also in a white coat and covered with silver wire, came in from the door.

Ruan Mengmeng: "... !!!"

She couldn't help but ask, "Is this old lady?"

Li Junyu: "She is an old professor from Fred. Zhan Yang paid a high salary to the obstetric authority, and she is the number one authoritative doctor in China."

Ruan Mengmeng wonders: "Since Zhan Yang paid the high price for the authority to return, why does this old lady ... will listen to you?"

With a smile on her face and standing behind Li Junyu, Ruan Mengmeng knew that it was not easy.

The old professor didn't know if he could understand them, but by looking at her kindness and kindness, she knew that she was facing them.

Perhaps Li Junyu's presence here today is also related to the arrangement of the old lady.

Li Junyu raised his lips: "Because Dr. Fred was funded by the Redington Medical Group from a young age, it was the same from the university's medical school to the later doctoral studies. Of course, this relationship, outsiders and I don't know. By the way ... she was still an obstetrician who delivered my mother. "

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes widened.

Li Junyu's mother's midwife, then ... Doesn't this old lady have seen Xiao Lijun's ass!

"Ruan Mengmeng, don't allow yourself to think." The man's voice was low and cold.

Li Junyu can guess without asking what Ruan Mengmeng is thinking.

Ruan Mengmeng laughed twice and greeted the old lady, so she lay down so that the old lady could examine it for her.

During the B-ultrasound, Ruan Mengmeng saw the vague fetal effect on the screen. She was not a doctor who didn't look very real, but the old lady said that the three babies were very healthy and very good.

Moreover, from the perspective of the obstetric authority of country M, these three babies are undoubtedly boys.

(End of this chapter)

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