Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1889: Shocked, Zhan Yang's decision!

Chapter 1889 Shocked, Zhan Yang's Decision!

The tyrant, who was also skeptical of the examinations of domestic doctors, heard this diagnosis, and his stern face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ruan Mengmeng pursed her lips and grinned.

When she was done checking and getting dressed, Li Junyu was dragged to the corner by the corner and sucked and kissed on the wall for a long time.

It wasn't until Zhan Yang's questioning voice came out of the door that Ruan Mengmeng held his tyrant adult backhand, soothed, arched in his arms, and left.

Out of the door of the examination room, Zhan Yang asked his eyebrows tightly: "Why did it take so long? Is there something wrong?"

The furrow between his eyebrows was deep, and his frowns seemed to really worry about her.

Ruan Mengmeng shook her head: "No, the babies are fine and no problem, I want to see them more."

Zhanyang Shuangmeishu opened her head and nodded her head: "Every month in the future, Dad will arrange for you to go to the hospital for examination."

"But I want to come over once a week." Ruan Mengmeng said as usual.

Zhan Yang's eyebrows just stretched and frowned again: "A week? Will it be too frequent?"

"No, I'm pregnant with a triplet. I'm afraid of three male babies. I'm afraid they're undernourished. I'm also worried about not paying attention when I get pregnant for the first time ... I asked the old lady who checked for me just now. She If you don't worry, once a week is fine. "

Who is the old lady in Ruan Mengmeng's mouth? Zhan Yang naturally knows.

Professor Fred is an obstetric authority in Country M. He had originally retired and he invited him.

Zhan Yang believed what the old lady said.

But the most important thing is to confirm that Meng Meng is pregnant with three boys. He is even happier: "Good boy ... Meng Meng, you really make Dad proud. These three children will grow up in the future and can inherit you. The beacon group in your hand ... No, 31% of the shares are not enough. If you have three children, I will give you 10% more, which is a total of 41%. So in the future, you will take 11% of the shares and give them three 10% each. . "

Zhan Yang held a total of 51% of the shares of the Beacon Group. He said in front of Duan Xiuhui that the remaining 20% ​​was left to Zhan Mo and Zhan Jiaer.

Isn't it just 10% for the brothers and sisters of Zhan Mo?

Ruan Mengmeng is surprised, why is Zhan Yang so happy to hear that she has a boy.

For Zhan Mo and her, he was not so patriarchal.

She asked, "Is there a difference between having a boy and having a girl?"

With a smile on his face, Zhan Yang answered subconsciously: "Of course there is a difference. Boys can inherit the family business, girls ..."

"What's wrong with the girl? I'm not a girl too." Ruan Mengmeng was unhappy immediately. "Don't you also say, give me the shares. Why, do you look down on our girls?"

Zhan Yang's smiling lips solidified for a moment.

A few moments later, Zhan Yang began to explain: "Daddy doesn't mean this ... Meng Meng, you will understand later, not every girl can be as clever as you and your sister. For insurance reasons, it ’s better to be a boy, a man. The child has made him suffer, and he can cultivate to inherit the family business. If he was not careful, he gave birth to his daughter like Jiaer ... "

Speaking of this, Zhan Yang brushed a deep, mature face.

"Zhan Jiaer ..." Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help narrowing her eyes. She seemed to have caught some important points from Zhan Yang's fragmentary words.

Suddenly, a white light flashed through my mind.

Ruan Mengmeng asked: "Do you mean ... a daughter like Zhan Jiaer is not good, don't you want her to inherit the family business?"

Zhan Yang didn't seem to expect that Ruan Mengmeng would guess, his eyes glanced at the wrong look, and smiled: "Meng Meng, you are really smart."

"Yes, you guessed right. Dad ... Dad is very disappointed with Jiaer. Dad will give her real estate and cash, but will not leave a share to her. All the group shares in my hand will only be left to You and Zhan Mo. Originally planned to give you 31% and Zhan Mo 20%. Now ... "

Zhan Yang took a deep look at Ruan Mengmeng's obvious belly.

"Now, I changed my mind. I will give you 41% of the shares and Zhan Mo 10%. As for Jiaer, she does not have the right to inherit the shares of the group."

[Beyond 1200 words: Updated on 10.15, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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