Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1890: Why on earth don't you love Zhan Jiaer anymore?

Chapter 1890: Why Don't You Love Zhan Jiaer?

Give Zhan Mo a 10% stake, but give her 41%, and Zhan Jiaer simply?

Even though Ruan Mengmeng had already built up in her heart, she knew that Zhan Yang's behavior toward her was extraordinary, but she felt shocked when she heard the words.

Zhan Mo and Zhan Jiaer are, in the final analysis, the closest relatives of Zhan Yang.

Zhan Jiaer is abominable, but from Ruan Mengmeng's feelings from her brothers and sisters, Zhan Jia should have protected Zhan Jiaer very well and grew up as a little princess.

And Zhan Yang, he should also love Zhan Jiaer very much.


What happened so that Zhan Yang dismissed the little princess who once held it in her palm?

There is war desert.

Zhan Mo is Zhan Yang's eldest son and his only son.

She was still questioning Zhan Yang's preference for boys and girls in the last second, but the next second, Zhan Yang's decision surprised her.

If this kind of property distribution is also called patriarchal, then Ruan Mengmeng really has to open his pants to see if he has the wrong gender.

In fact, she was the boy who was favored by Zhan Yang.

She was a little shy, with mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know how to deal with the things that Zhan Yang had treated her ... these ‘good’.

This is so heavy that she couldn't accept it frankly and became even more ambivalent.

Zhan Yang saw Ruan Mengmeng frowning and relieved: "Mengmeng, you don't need to be burdened, your father will give you all these things willingly. I ... I owe you to your mother and daughter, these are not enough to make up for your mother and daughter The two have been hurt. Dad does n’t ask for your forgiveness, and you do n’t have to respond to Dad so soon ... This is just that Dad wants to treat you unilaterally, and you accept it. ”

Is it good for her unilaterally?

Allowing her to accept this is tantamount to accepting the Beacon Group?

For some reason, Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful eyebrows tightened tightly, and she always felt that things were strange.

By the way, she should not twist her nose with these grand words that Zhan Yang said. The words that Li Junyu of her family said were the correct way of thinking.

What Li Junyu said to her just inside the B-ultrasound room was like a light in the darkness and chaos, which led Ruan Mengmeng's mixed thoughts to lead.

She immediately calmed her emotions and chuckled a smile: "Okay, if you really want to give it, wouldn't I dare to answer it? Good to me and transferring shares is not a trivial matter. If you really To prepare to do so, then publicize the transfer of shares.

Rest assured, as long as I pick it up, I will manage the Beacon Group for you. I'm afraid I'm afraid, these words are just talking on your lips, but you dare not do it. "

Who can't talk big, Ruan Mengmeng is not necessarily ready to manage the Beacon Group.

But if she loses, she won't lose. If Zhan Yang falsifies with her, she can also fake with him.

Who knows, after listening to the words of Ruan Mengmeng's anti-general army, instead of losing his temper, he sneered at the proud and indifferent Zhan Yang to outsiders: "I will arrange a press conference next week ... Meng Meng, Dad will let you see It ’s up to my father ’s determination. During this time, you have a good life at home. When I deal with the business troubles, I will give you a highly concentrated beacon group. ”

Within the Beacon Group, there are naturally people who are unwilling to let him transfer the shares to Mengmeng.

At the same time, there is no shortage of people who have been used to Shutan days and have forgotten their duties.

Those who prevent Mengmeng from coming to the position of president will deal with Mengmeng one by one.

He can hold those ants up and wipe them off easily.

The rot grass fluorescence is also matched with Haoyue Zhenghui.

(End of this chapter)

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