Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2334: Zhan Mo knows that he used to be a ruthless person in Mengmeng's heart

Chapter 2334 Zhan Mo knows that he used to be a ruthless person in Mengmeng's heart

Zhan Mo tilted his head slightly, glanced at Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful soft eyes, and frowned slightly: "Do you think that video is fake?"

"Isn't it?" Ruan Mengmeng asked this sentence smoothly, and her expression paused slightly.

Suddenly she turned her head to look at Zhan Mo, and finally she had a miserable expression on her faint little face: "Is that video real ?!"

Zhan Mo laughed.

He looked at Ruan Mengmeng's awkward and amused eyes with amusement: "It turned out that you thought I had made a perjury and planted the misfortune to Zhou Zhengji ... Meng Meng, it seems to you that Zhou Jiaojiao must have I cut my tongue, and that video was just a product of high-tech synthesis. "

Ruan Mengmeng heard this, her face was covered with a thin layer of pink.

Because Zhan Mo said that she was thinking at that moment, she felt weird.

Zhan Mo was right, Ruan Mengmeng thought that the video of Zhou Zhengji personally cutting off Zhou Jiaojiao's tongue was fake.

Because she was in the small house that day, and she saw that Zhou Mo's people pressed Zhou Jiaojiao with her own eyes. She thought that all this was just a means that Zhan Mo used to deal with Zhou Zhengji.

However, she happened to have to deal with Qin Fang and Zhou Zhengji, so even if she had doubts, she didn't pick it out on the spot just now.

Zhan Mo naturally guessed her mind, and knew that she was afraid of being a cold-blooded person in Ruan Mengmeng's heart.

He may be more suitable for such things.

Zhan Mo's dark eyes moved away from Ruan Mengmeng's face, and he looked forward again: "That video is real, without any editing or post-editing. Zhou Jiaojiao was indeed caught by me, but she is not worth dirty my hand.

I gave Zhou Zhengji a chance to let him choose. There wasn't even any persecution. That road was chosen by him ... "

Between power and daughter, Zhou Zhengji chose power without hesitation.

Although Zhan Mo broke with Zhan Yang, he was taught and raised by Zhan Yang since he was a child. He naturally brought the indifference of the Zhan family from his behavior.

At that time, Zhan Mo was another son satisfied by Zhan Yang.

Zhan Mo is not giving the Zhou family a chance to bite themselves in the future.

So he let Zhou Zhengji choose for himself and left that video.

Ruan Mengmeng learned that the video was real, and none of them were persecuted. Instead, Zhou Zhengji offered a proposal to please the war and indifference.

Such a person has been with Grandpa all the time, and it is no wonder that he would betray his grandpa to Zhanyang so early.

Zhou Zhengji is really a shameless man.


The two quickly drove to the hospital.

Ruan Zhaotian's incident caused great social concern. At the moment, outside the ward door, not only the police maintained order, but also reporters.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng coming, the flash in the reporter's hand kept on.

Ruan Mengmeng was escorted by War Desert and walked to the ward.

The reporters who wanted to keep up were stopped by the bodyguards brought by Zhan Mo.

Ruan Mengmeng entered the ward.

At this moment Ruan Zhaotian's wound had been treated. He was wrapped in gauze on the chest and was lying on the bed for infusion.

Beside him were the old lady Ruan and Ruan Xueqin who were crying with red eyes.

Suddenly saw Ruan Mengmeng appear, Ruan Zhaotian's dim eyes suddenly lighted up.

The old lady Ruan and Xueqin looked at Ruan Mengmeng, her mouth moved and she seemed to want to say something, but after all, she didn't speak.

"Meng Meng ... you came to see me ... I ... I'm so happy ..."

As soon as he was in pain, he fell back to bed.

[The update is completed on February 8. See you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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