Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2335: In order for Mengmeng to take care of herself, she doesn't even care about her

Chapter 2335 In order to let Mengmeng take care of herself, she wouldn't even care about me

"Why do you get up and take care of yourself ... Look at her face and follow the account. Whatever she cares about you is to see if you are dead, what are you happy about!"

Elder Ruan pressed Ruan Zhaotian back to bed, and mentioned Ruan Mengmeng in a bad tone.

Although she hated Qin Fang, Ruan Mengmeng was buried in her heart.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't know what drugs the Ruan men had taken. From childhood, the men in the Ruan family favored her one by one.

Thinking that his son could block the knife for Ruan Mengmeng, the old lady was uncomfortable.

"Mom, don't say that Meng Meng, she's not ..."

"She's right, I did come to see if you were dead." Ruan Mengmeng softly interrupted Ruan Zhaotian's words with a cold voice.

Suddenly heard Ruan Mengmeng say this, Ruan Zhaotian froze for a moment, then his eyes sank and could not help but dim.

The old lady Ruan standing on the side also choked, and after a few seconds the reaction came, she would yell.

However, at this time, Ruan Mengmeng's still cold voice sounded again-"You are a dozen years old, what can you do?

Qin Fang rushed over to me, and you asked her to come over, and you did n’t know that I was strong since I was a kid ... do n’t say she took a knife in her hand, even if she took a kitchen knife, it would n’t hurt me. "

Ruan Zhaotian didn't expect that Ruan Mengmeng would scold herself with her head and face, a little stunned: "But I ..."

"Whatever I am, I say you, you listen ... What do you think you are doing to block the knife for me, do you want to report it? I tell you, even if you really die because of blocking the knife for me, I won't shed tears for you, thank you for nothing.

So Ruan Zhaotian, you are not allowed to do such stupid things in the future! "

After all, she still cares.

As much hate and regret as you have in your heart, you care about it.

Ruan Mengmeng's emotion should be very indifferent, she should be very weak, but from the moment Ruan Zhaotian suddenly came out to block the sword for her, she has been suppressing the unexplainable emotion in her heart.

That emotion had been forced on her heart, causing her chest pain.

When I came to the hospital, I saw a man with a bandage on his chest.

Looking at his whitish twins, watching his face with many wrinkles, watching him see the relaxed look that he pretended to be immediately.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that the mood she has been suppressing in her heart can no longer be suppressed.

Ruan Zhaotian looked straight at Ruan Mengmeng who split his head and covered his face with a training. He suddenly opened his mouth silly a few seconds later and showed a big smile: "Meng Meng ... you ... are you concerned about your father? You're willing to forgive Dad, aren't you willing to ... "

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ruan Mengmeng blinked, staggering her eyes.

Ruan Zhaotian knows that this is Meng Meng shy: "OK, okay, daddy doesn't say daddy, don't say, daddy ..."

Ruan Mengmeng corrected: "Who says you are my father, I have no father."

Ruan Zhaotian's breathing was stagnant. Thinking of Ruan Mengmeng's experience, she realized immediately how heavy the word 'dad' was to her.

He didn't dare to force Ruan Mengmeng to call himself "daddy", and just said, "Okay, it's not dad, it's not ... then ... you can call it whatever you like, uncle, or just name ... ... "

In order for Ruan Mengmeng to take care of herself, Ruan Zhaotian really did everything, and she didn't even care about her face.

(End of this chapter)

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