Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2393: Here comes the Duke of Redington

Chapter 2393: The Duke Of Redington Comes

"Ms. Ruan, the evidence you have provided has been verified by the Forensic Forensics Department. This is a catalog of all the information. After you have read it, there is no problem. Please sign your name."

Ruan Mengmeng was hurried to be summoned by the police station, thinking that Li Junyu had good news over there.

Who knew of the police station just asked her to sign all the evidence provided.

Xing Mu flashed a little disappointed, and she signed the name with the police.

Out of the police station, Zhan Mo pulled the door for her.

"How?" Zhan Mo stayed beside Ruan Mengmeng for the past two days, except for occasional loss of sight in Li Yuan.

But Ruan Mengmeng took care of the two babies and Li Junyu, and didn't ask too much.

"It's just a signature, and no progress has been made." Ruan Mengmeng got in the car.

Zhan Mo sat in the driver's seat and fastened her seatbelt thoughtfully: "This kind of thing can't be rushed. You must take time to cultivate your spirit these days. With my understanding of my father, Zhou Zhengji was accidentally damaged The general must have annoyed him. Next, he will revenge madly. "

In some ways, Zhan Mo and Zhan Yang are the same people.

He was raised by Zhanyang Education, and he has no eyes. I believe no one in the world can compete with himself.

People like Zhan Yang are even more confident. The only loss in his life was the defeat of Ruan Mengmeng in country M.

And now, it is his second failure.

The opponent is still Ruan Mengmeng.

This was definitely enough to cause him stormy revenge.

Ruan Mengmeng nodded slightly, rubbing his brows, showing a little tiredness.

She was really tired during this time. She had to take care of two young children every day, to visit her grandfather, to deal with the two companies of Yu Meng and Shi Meng ... and so on, and many other trivial things.

Fortunately, Mu Jingxing returned. He sent a heavy soldier to guard it, which was a temporary solution to the grandpa's security problem.

And Zhan Mo ... He also helped himself a lot recently, and Ruan Mengmeng's attitude towards him was not as rusty as before.

It's just that Ruan Mianmian's death was like a time bomb that had been separated between two people.

Even if everyone didn't mention it tacitly, we couldn't ignore the existence of this shadow.

Ruan Mengmeng secretly looked at Zhan Mo, looking at his sharp sides, and hesitated for a moment.

Zhan Mo's indifferent eyes stared directly at the car, as if she did not know that Ruan Mengmeng, who was the co-pilot, was quietly observing herself.

Until the car drove into Liyuan, Zhan Mo's dark eyebrows frowned tightly: "Are there any guests in Liyuan today?"

With the words of Zhan Mo, Ruan Mengmeng also found that the situation outside the gate of Li Yuan was wrong, and the wide parking apron was full of luxury cars.

Uncle Li has invited guests in this eventful season?

A little thought is not possible.

Moreover, Ruan Mengmeng observed carefully that the luxury car parked in Liyuan Manor had several local license plates, but the remaining ones were from the European embassy.

Ruan Mengmeng realized: "I see. It's not a guest. It should be Li Junyu's Duke of Redington."

Duke of Redington?

Zhan Mo's brow froze tightly. He had heard about this Duke of Redington who did not like Ruan Mengmeng.

Zhan Mo immediately turned his face: "I heard that he doesn't like you very much, and even wants you to divorce Li Junyu and let him marry another person as a wife."

Ruan Mengmeng looked slightly surprised and turned to look at him: "... how do you know this?"

She remembered that she did not mention Zhan Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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