Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2430: She's going to see Ruan Shishi!

Chapter 2430 She Wants To Meet Ruan Shishi!

The doctor shook his head: "No, it's not just that ... Although Bo Da Shao's medical skills are truly amazing and more exquisite than the well-known Master Two. But speaking of it, it is harder for Bo Da Shao to save people than to kill him. . There is still one person who is truly willing to heal this incurable disease and turn the decay back into magic. "

"Who is it?" Ruan Mengmeng's voice trembled slightly, and she suddenly had a feeling in her heart, a strong feeling of excitement and tension.

"It's a mysterious woman beside Bo Shao. I faintly heard what she was called ... what poem. The woman's medicine has been recognized by Bo's old lady, and she can definitely cure your child."

Poems, poems ...

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes flickered when she heard the doctor's words.

She knew who the doctor was talking about, and how could she not know that person, that was her sister, Ruan Shishi, the closest person in the world to her!

Ruan Mengmeng always knew that her sister was a genius. She knew everything and learned everything. She had a kitchen in the hall, but she didn't know that she could do such a magic job even with medicine.


She always knew that her sister was beside Bo Hanyuan. She wanted to find her back at first, but later she didn't dare to recognize her just to protect her.

The elder sister has lost her memory, and even nearly died once. Ruan Mengmeng dare not let her return to the current vortex to put her in danger again.

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Li ... if you want to find that person, you can go to the underground laboratory in the back hill of the hospital the next morning. At that time of the week, you will bring the Miss Shishi to check the research progress. Li Big and small have a good relationship with each other. Someone in Li ’s house knows how to enter the laboratory ... That's all I can say. Do n’t tell anyone that I disclosed it to you. "

Although there were factors threatened by Ruan Mengmeng's casserole, the attending doctor couldn't bear it anyway.

Such a small and handsome child was actually deliberately mutilated and lost his hearing and vision.

The parents of the doctor, no one wants to see such a tragedy, not to mention that although Mrs. Li's performance is strong, the doctor saw her eyes watching the child but did not miss the trembling tears in her eyes.

I can help once and only once, I just hope that the young and old who do not like to contact with people will raise their hands this time, and let the Miss Shishi rescue the child ...


After returning to Li's house, Ruan Mengmeng made a decision after discussing the situation with Zhan Mo, Li Junting, Li Junche and others.

She did not want to drag her sister back to this complex world, but she couldn't let Xiao Chong leave it alone.

She's going to the lab, but sister, she will pretend she doesn't know.

I hope everything goes well. After Xiaochong is cured, her sister will continue to be her Mrs. Bo family. The troubles of the warriors and Zhan Yang will be dealt with by her!


On the other side, Zhan Ningning, who was taken back to the hospital, was by his side, listening to his reports.

"Master, it really is as you expected. Soon after you left, Ruan Mengmeng seems to have discovered the child's problem. Now he is taking that child to seek medical treatment everywhere, and his heart is on the child."

"So, she has no time to contact the clan elders to deal with the clan convention?" Zhan Yang's deep eyes were full of light.

Sure enough, it was right for Zhan Ningning to take the child directly to Liyuan.

Regardless of whether Zhan Ningning succeeded in taking over the subject or the matter was revealed, Ruan Mengmeng will be stumped, lack of skill, and what to fight with him.

[The completion of the 3.4 day is over. Tomorrow night, it may take about 22 o'clock to update. I will try as soon as possible ~]

(End of this chapter)

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