Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2431: Meet Ruan Shishi (1)

2431: Word Stacks Level 2431

"Oh, to rescue that child, ordinary quack doctors simply don't work. How can the Bo family be so good. When she finds a way to heal that child, the others in the war clan are already on my side."

Zhan Yang's profound black pupil was shining.

He never fought unprepared battles. Ruan Mengmeng made him jealous in many places. In this case, he set up the game himself, leaving her no time to take care of him.

"Dad, it's still a trick you think about. Ruan Mengmeng's self-proclaimed mother love overflowed and sent the child back to her. Someone cried ... Oh, I can't wait to see that she can't save the child. Wash your face. "

No matter how serious the baby's condition is, no one knows it better than Zhan Ningning.

Ruan Mengmeng has to spend countless money and efforts to save that child.

But even that doesn't necessarily make the child's senses recover.

Zhan Jiaer, who is transformed into Zhan Ningning, will have a perverted satisfaction in her heart whenever she thinks that Ruan Mengmeng will have to wash her face with tears and endless suffering for the rest of her life.

Zhan Ningning couldn't help but say, "Dad, your strategy is still effective. The position of the warlord must be ours this time! Daddy, should we take advantage of Ruan Mengmeng's mental plan to send her to ... ... "

She poked her neck open and made a rather suggestive gesture.

Seeing Zhan Ningning's move, Zhan Yang's eyes cooled down extremely.

He glanced at Zhan Jiaer, with a deep chill under his eyes: "I will send someone to stare there, Ruan Mengmeng, as dumb as you, and not qualified to teach me to do things ... You just have to do what I tell you Others don't need to be nosy. "

Zhan Ningning: "..."

There was a rush of indignation under her eyes, but she could only shut up helplessly.



On this day, Ruan Mengmeng, accompanied by Li Junting, Li Junche and Zhan Mo, came to the hidden research laboratory of Bo Family.

When she returned the day before yesterday, she told the situation to the three of them, Li Ershao and Li Sanshao said that they knew this place and had visited it.

Only then did Ruan Mengmeng know that he had suffered a serious illness during the time when she and Li Junyu broke up.

At that time, Li Junyu took his two younger brothers to the laboratory to find Bo Hanyuan for treatment.

Since Li Junyu and Bo Hanyuan have a close relationship, it should be easy to want Li Junting and Li Junche to take her into a laboratory.

But who knows, when the four came to the laboratory, the Bo's guards actually stopped them.

Even if Li Junting and Li Junche had already identified their identity, the guards would not let them go. Gein Bo Hanyuan had already explained that, when he brought Miss Shishi, no one was allowed to enter the laboratory to disturb.

Since the Bo family didn't let go, Ruan Mengmeng and Zhan Mo looked at each other, so they had to come.

Although Ling Nan and others were waiting at the outermost level, and bodyguards were not allowed to enter, there were two fighters descendants. The fighter ’s ‘casserole-like fist’ was not fake.

Even without Ruan Mengmeng's hands, Zhan Mo alone can solve these guards present.

In the end, a rapid sirens sounded throughout the laboratory. Numerous security guards wearing biochemical suits and armed with biochemical equipment surrounded them from outside—

"Raise your hand, don't move! If anyone is going forward, these biochemical drugs will only be used on you!" The leading guard took the loudspeaker and warned solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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