Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2434: Sisters affectionate


Until Ruan Mengmeng and Bo Hanyuan thought that Ruan Shishi was thinking of something.

Then I saw the person in front of me smiling with a smile: "This name is so familiar ... I remember it, I have seen it in the news. You are the youngest oriental film actor Ruan Mengmeng, hello, I am a poet Shi, glad to meet you. "

Ruan Shishi reached out and shook Ruan Mengmeng's hand in the air.

When Ruan Mengmeng felt that her right hand was surrounded by the familiar warmth, the sourness in her nasal cavity became sour, and her eyes became red.

This feeling is too familiar ...

From small to large, this person is holding her hand in front of her, taking her to school, taking her to an amusement park, and taking her to the crossroads of all sizes in life.

Without her sister, there would be no her.

She was already familiar with the warmth, and once held, she didn't want to let go.


Ruan Mengmeng knows that she can't break power at this time, even if she is sour in heart, she still forces herself to release the familiar tenderness with all her strength after a polite handshake.

Seeing this scene, Bo Hanyuan's frowned frown was slightly inconceivable.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't break everything, and also because the little fairy was still with her and would not stay away.

"Mrs. Li Shao ... No, I'll call you Mengmeng, it seems like this kind of kindness." Ruan Shishi has an indescribable fondness for the young woman in front of her.

Maybe it's because this young woman is the wife of Bo Hanyuan's best friend, she told herself like this.

"Well, I won't call you Mrs. Bo, I will call you ... Shishi, Shishi sister."

When the word 'sister' blurted out, Ruan Mengmeng felt that her tears were almost tense.

She wanted to call this woman ‘Sister’ in front of her loudly, and wanted to tell her how much she wanted her and how much she needed her.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard Ruan Shishi said: "No, you don't have to call me Mrs. Bo, I and Han, we are not married."

"What?" Ruan Mengmeng's trembling tears were closed in an instant. She looked at Ruan Shishi and looked at Bo Hanyuan staggeredly: "But ... But Bo Hanyuan, he ... he didn't have a wife ... "

Later, Ruan Mengmeng could hardly say.

She knew that Bo Hanyuan had had several marriage contracts before, and each time it ended with a dead fiancee.

So, despite having been married several times in name, in fact, they have not actually touched those women.

It wasn't until this time that he met his elder sister that he finally entered the marriage hall.

Ruan Mengmeng always thought that Bo Hanyuan married his elder sister. The elder sister was so happy around him that she didn't dare to disturb--

But now, my sister actually said, she ... she's not Mrs. Bo!

Ruan Shishi shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "Han, she is indeed married. But in a sense, my wife is not me."

"Little demon, except for you, Bo Hanyuan will not touch any woman." Compared with the ease of women, Bo Hanyuan's stern features almost frozen into frost.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes rolled around and found that there was something wrong.

The sister who thought she should be wronged was indifferent.

On the contrary, Bo Hanyuan, it is him who marries someone else!

He was still aggrieved, with an unwilling look, what was going on?

Ruan Mengmeng felt so sad that Ruan Shishi died, naturally she was worried that her sister would be wronged.

She also forgot to avoid the taboo for a while, holding Ruan Shishi's hand to ask for her warmth, for fear she was bullied by Bo Hanyuan.

And Ruan Shishi, smiling and letting her pull herself, her eyes unconsciously emerged with a petting smile ...

Even without memory, Ruan Shishi has no resistance to Ruan Mengmeng in front of her.

Ruan Shishi found it amazing that she just wanted to be good to her, good to her, good to her ...

[The update will be completed on the 3.5th. See you tomorrow night.]

(End of this chapter)

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