Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2435: Clan Assembly restarts

Chapter 2435: Clan Assembly Restarts

Ruan Shishi was really good to Ruan Mengmeng.

She couldn't bear to see the tears under Ruan Mengmeng's eyes, she couldn't bear to look at her sadness, her eyes frowning.

So at the moment Ruan Mengmeng said something, Ruan Shishi nodded without hesitation and agreed.

"Little fairy, you ..." Bo Hanyuan's cold eyes sank and he was about to stop.

But Ruan Shishi raised his eyes and blocked his voice.

Ruan Shishi looked at him, and slightly picked Xing Mu with a little reproach: "How did I tell you, what do you learn to do if you don't save people, eh?"

The little woman's delicate eyebrows were dyed with indifference, but when she looked at Ruan Mengmeng in a flash, she gave a gentle and doting smile: "Mengmeng, don't worry, I will cure the child."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Ruan Mengmeng, who was held intimately by Ruan Shishi, suddenly thought that she had returned from then on, the age tenderly cared for by her sister.


A few days later, the clan assembly of the highest specification within the war clan restarted again.

Because his hometown host, President Kai, has long been unconscious and unconscious, this clan conference needs to be more cautious.

Zhan Hai convened in advance the remaining respected clan elders in the Zhan clan, and used a new election method under the consensus of everyone.

To ensure fairness, the clan conference was held for three days.

The heirs fighting for the title of the homeowner had a chance to speak at the scene. Of course, they also had to accept questions from other ethnic groups and questions from competitors.

Adults of the Warring Family have a ballot, and after the three-day clan meeting, everyone will vote anonymously.

As for the other respected clan veterans, they will have 5 votes, 10 votes, and the greatest war will only have 20 votes.

Although critical, if everyone voted for Zhan Yang, he would not have a veto.

"very fair."

Hearing the clan assembly process reported by his subordinates, Zhan Yang's lips brought a satisfactory arc.

Subordinates: "It is still well arranged by the host. Although the old man in Zhanhai has some prestige, he is far worse than President Zhan Kai. Zhanhai is too mean, and those people below are afraid of him. As long as we contact him, One after another is willing to retreat. "

With the help of other clan elders, this clan assembly was completely at the mercy of Zhan Yang.

Unfortunately, Ruan Mengmeng, who was still busy treating the child, didn't know the danger was coming.

"Good job." The angle of Zhan Yang's lip angle was even greater.

"It's just that my subordinates don't understand ..." After a little hesitation, the man asked his thoughts.

"Since more than 80% of the warriors are on the master's side, why don't the masters take the sea of ​​war directly and take the position of the master? Why bother to host this clan conference and waste time with Ruan Mengmeng."

Although Zhou Zhengji fell, he didn't dare to say a word so far. Zhan Yang just lost his arm, but he was unscathed.

He returned to Country S, but within a short period of time, he had regained his strength.

Even Duan Xiuhui's maid and Duan family were played by him.

This man has only what he doesn't want to do, but nothing he can't do.

It is also because of this that his loyal and loyal men are even more incomprehensible. The master can pinch Ruan Mengmeng with only one finger, and why waste so much time playing this boring game with her.

"You don't understand much more ..." Zhan Yang's deep, mellow voice sounded dark.

"The clan meeting must be held, not only, but also three days, one day at a time ..."

Subordinates showed a more puzzled look.

Zhan Yang: "Because only in this way can Ruan Mengmeng feel pain, the kind of Ling Chi's pain."

(End of this chapter)

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