Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2436: Is Xiaochong charged?

Chapter 2436: Is The Small Charge Full?

His beacon group was destroyed by Ruan Mengmeng himself, and his desire to stand on the peak of the forest of world commerce in his life was just destroyed.

Only one step away, he will become the business emperor of the world, but at the last moment, he is stabbed from behind by the so-called daughter who first believed in his decades of life.

Almost never failed in his life, even if Zhan Yang, who was ordered to execute by President Zhan Kai himself, could save himself from danger for the first time.

And the taste was too painful, even more painful than the onset of the tumor in his brain.

Therefore, he will return the same pain to Ruan Mengmeng.

Since the daughter is not obedient, it is natural to be a father to teach her personally.


The clan conference was reopened, but Ruan Mengmeng hurriedly walked out of the Bo's underground laboratory early in the morning on the day of the conference.

"What about little peach, what about my eldest nephew?"

"Is Xiaochongcure cured?"

"Is the child okay ..."

As soon as she stepped out of the laboratory door, she was surrounded by Li Junting, Li Junche, and Zhan Mo who came to pick her up.

Bo Hanyuan has a weird temper and does not allow anyone to enter the laboratory except Ruan Mengmeng and Xiao Chongchong, so the three men can only wait outside.

Ruan Mengmeng's clear apricot eyes swept over the anxious handsome faces of the three men.

Li Ershi, who is usually romantic, Li Sanshi, who is only interested in sweets, and indifferent who is always indifferent ... The three are at the same time anxious.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't hold back, ‘噗嗤’ laughed out loud.

After discovering that Xiao Chongchong was sick, no, or in other words, she was infected with the poison of Zhan Yang and her emotions were indifferent. For the first time, she revealed a sweet and charming smile as when she was young.

She smiled, her eyes narrowed, her pear vortex shallow, her eyes drenched with clear water.

"Healed, Xiao Chongchong can now hear my voice, and my eyes will move with the light ... Sister ... Sister Shishi said, as long as it takes a while, slowly recover, there is hope and normal people same."

When Li Junting heard it, he patted his chest and said, "That's good, that's good. I'm really afraid that my eldest nephew will have a problem ... your sister, this is really the medicine."

Li Junting gave a thumbs up and said with a low volume.

They now know that Ruan Shishi lost her memory and that she would have more headaches whenever she thinks about the past, so it may be difficult to recognize Ruan Mengmeng.

Fortunately, Ruan Mengmeng does not mean to make the relationship clear.

Ruan Mengmeng: "She is my sister, of course she is amazing!"

Although she could not recognize each other, she stayed with her sister these days, and the whole person seemed to be illuminated by the sun.

Ruan Mengmeng was like a little sun in the past, but no one knows that this little sun draws warmth from another big sun.

At any time, whether or not Ruan Shishi has restored her memory, as long as she can be beside her, Ruan Mengmeng is warm.

Zhan Mo saw the long-lost smile on Ruan Mengmeng's face, and her deep black eyes sank slightly.

For a moment, he really envied Ruan Shishi.

Zhan Mo: "Since there is no danger for the time being, let's go to the clan assembly now ... you have prepared all the materials I prepared, and the third uncle is still waiting for us."

The clan meeting was held today.

Zhan Yang thought that Ruan Mengmeng had been worried about Xiao Chong's condition these days, but he didn't know that Ruan Shishi's immersive medical technique could actually relieve Xiao Chong's situation.

Ruan Mengmeng, who had her sister beside her, felt inexplicable in her heart.

Instead of panic like Zhan Yang thought, she was more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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