Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2437: But a disability

Chapter 2437: It's Just A Disable

These days, Ruan Mengmeng seems to pay little attention to the clan conference. In fact, he has already entrusted Zhan Mo and even Brother Jing and Feng Yizhen to collect information for himself in preparation for overthrowing the war at the clan conference.

She is confident that the evidence and information in her hands are enough to completely disappoint the Zhan family with Zhan Yang--




The clan conference was officially held.

first day.

Ruan Mengmeng was accompanied by Zhan Mo, Li Junting, Li Junche and others at the venue of the clan conference.

When they arrived, Zhan Yang and others had arrived, and he sat opposite Zhan Ningning and Duan Xiuhui.

For the safety of the venue, everyone did not need to carry weapons, and even the bodyguards were screened out.

The battlefield's own security guards.

This is a circular meeting place. All the people in the war clan are sitting around and can clearly see the situation in the middle of the meeting place.

Before the meeting officially opened, Zhan Yang came to Ruan Mengmeng deliberately.

After passing through the area where Ruan Mengmeng was sitting, he stopped and looked down at Ruan Mengmeng and Zhan Mo who were sitting together, and his eyes showed a deep gloom.

"Meng Meng, I'm tired these days ..."

Zhan Yang first twitched the corners of his lips to reveal a smirk.

"Your child, my dad told you that he may not be your baby ... you look at you, your face has lost so much, how many tears were wasted for a child who is not his own child."

Here again, deliberately confused audio-visual, disturbed her mind.

Ruan Mengmeng is well aware of Zhan Yang's measurement. He just wants to shake himself from all aspects and make himself uneasy.

She raised Jingliang's eyes and stared at Zhan Yang fiercely, not concealing her dislike for him, knowing that she was too lazy to talk to him.

Seeing that Ruan Mengmeng did not answer, Zhan Yang continued to attack her psychological defense line: "If I were you, I would not waste time on a disabled person. It would be better to throw that child away, I have told you anyway, he is not you Li Junyu's son ... Threw him and relieved himself, why not? "

Zhan Yang did not know that the child had gradually recovered under Ruan Shishi's wonderful hands. In his opinion, human nature is evil. Instead of wasting his heart for a handicapped child, it is better to throw it away.

Isn't this a relief for Ruan Mengmeng.

He did not believe that Ruan Mengmeng would not waver.

"That's enough ... I'm not you!" Ruan Mengmeng couldn't bear it anymore and retaliated.

"Regardless of whether the child has a disability or an illness, he is my child. No mother will give up her child! Zhan Yang, you don't need to say anything more. Xiaochong is my child. I Never throw him away! "

He would not abandon her child as he had abandoned himself.

She is not Zhan Yang, neither in this life.

"Really, I understand." Zhan Yang looked slightly deeper, but smiled deeper.

"Remember what you said, don't let me down ... Meng Meng, I hope you can hold your disabled son like you are now, and never give up."

Ruan Mengmeng did not want to talk about Xiao Chongchong, but when she heard Zhan Yang suffixed with a disability and disability, she could not help but fight back--

"My son is not disabled! Zhan Yang, I know that all of his illnesses were made by you, but your wishful thinking is wrong! Heaven will care for the good people, and Xiao Chong's vision and hearing have gradually Recovery, as long as you adjust slowly, he will be like a normal person ... he, no, yes, disabled, obsolete! "

(End of this chapter)

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