Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2438: Married woman to illegitimate daughter

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"What are you talking about, he's cured?"

Zhan Yang finally showed the first shocked expression after arriving at the venue today.

"No, you don't have to be stubborn in front of me ... his condition is impossible ..."

Ruan Mengmeng: "How impossible, you are not God and can control the fate of all people. Moreover, here is the S country, the East, and God does not work for us.

Zhan Yang, you thought you could control everything, but you were wrong ... tell you that starting from a small charge is the first step for you to lose control. After that, there are steps two and three, and you will lose everything you have step by step. "

Ruan Mengmeng's expression is so firm. Her crystal clear apricot eyes are shiny, black and white are clear, so that people can see through at a glance.

Because of this, Zhan Yang almost saw that Ruan Mengmeng was not lying.

What she said is true

That child ... he was really cured.

"This is impossible ..." Zhan Yang Mo Mei frowned deeply, and for the first time had doubts about her own judgment.

But he soon found himself dysfunctional.

Covering the tremor in his eyes, Zhan Yang sneered: "Oh, even if you cure that child, then you will still lose in my hands. Ruan Mengmeng, you look forward to it, wait I will give you a great gift. "

After all, Zhan Yang turned around and looked away from Ruan Mengmeng and Zhan Mo, leaving only an unpredictable back.

"Meng Meng, don't be influenced by his words ..." After Zhan Yang left, Zhan Mo stroked Ruan Mengmeng comfortably.

Ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly: "What does he want to do? His last words were intentional ..."

She hadn't pulled away from the anger just now, but her mind was calmer than ever.

Zhan Mo: "He has always been good at deceiving people. He wants to disturb your mind. Don't be fooled."

Is that right?

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes scratched with uncertainty.

But when I recall it carefully, I can't think of anything strange.

Forget it, for the time being regardless of Zhan Yang's conspiracy, no matter what he does, she will see the move.

"Everyone, the clan assembly of our fighters officially started from this moment ... Now the heirs of the heads of both sides have been invited to power."

Under the introduction of Zhan Hai, Ruan Mengmeng was accompanied by Zhan Mo to the most central platform.

Zhan Yang personally accompanied Zhan Ningning from the other side.

Sure enough, Ruan Mengmeng and Zhan Mo hadn't guessed beforehand. Zhan Yang suffered from brain cancer, so this time the candidate for the homeowner competition changed from Zhan Yang to Zhan Jiaer.

Ruan Mengmeng's cold eyes glanced at the woman who transformed into 'Zhan Ningning'.

Just Zhan Jiaer.

As long as Zhan Yang's chosen successor is Zhan Jiaer, she can use those evidences to deprive Zhan Ningning of her inheritance qualifications!

By convention, both parties introduced the status of heirs.

Before it was Zhan Ningning's turn to introduce herself, Ruan Mengmeng spoke first: "Uncle San, despite the surname of Zhan Ningning, as far as I know, her original name should be Qiu Ningning, which is adopted by Zhan Yang Orphan. When is the position of the warlord, when can an outsider be seated? "

Zhan Hai's face was embarrassed. He naturally knew the inside story about this, but he was a bit difficult to speak.

Without waiting to be explained by the battle sea, the soft voice of 'Zhan Ningning' sounded in the venue: "Who said that I am not a war family, my name has already been written in the family tree of the war, and since then has been my father's daughter. Not to mention ... Here ’s a DNA test that proves that I ’m actually the biological daughter of my father ’s exile. ”

After all, Zhan Jiaer took out a paternity test report.

The public acknowledged that she was an illegitimate daughter. Zhan Jiaer, the original married daughter, was really `` aggrieved '' in order to take the position of the host of the warring family!

[The update is completed on 3.6, see you tomorrow night ~ I wrote the wrong name in front, the third uncle is 'Zhan Hai', and 'Zhan Hong'an' is a child adopted by the warring family.

Sorry, today I was confused and mistyped the name of San Shu Gong Zhanhai into Zhan Hong'an. It has been modified. Thank you, ‘cute to explosion’, for reminding me.

(End of this chapter)

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