Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2509: Touch the car CP lockup

Chapter 2509 Touching The Car CP Locked Up

Li Junyu frowned: "..."

His little **** cat turned his elbow.

However, the word 'brother-in-law' is very useful for Li Junyu.

Well, he decided not to correct his wife's words for the time being.

Hearing her sister's explanation, the pain in Zhan Mo's eyes dissipated a little.

He can't wait to see A Che, to tell him that he must take back the note, there is still a lot of way to go between them. Li Jun Che was born of his war-dead man, and died of his war-devil ghost. He never wanted to escape in this life. .

He would not allow him to escape, and he was not allowed to escape again.

Taking advantage of the unhealed body, Zhan Mou ignored the persuasion of Ruan Mengmeng and knocked on the door of the next room.

When Li Junche knew how to open the door, he suddenly saw the man standing outside the door, and Qing Jun's handsome face was unbelievable.

Zhan Mo: "Ache, I am back ..."

Li Junche: "..."

Zhan Mo: "The note is invalid, I take back the words on the note."

Li Junche's original stunned face suddenly appeared slightly embarrassed by the words of war.

It is okay for Zhan Mo not to mention this sentence. As soon as he mentioned this, Li Junche remembered the picture in front of him who left himself.

"It's too late ... If Li Shao writes on the note, Li Junche can't forget. Since then, we have nothing to do with it, I will never wait for you again ..."

After that, Li Junche was going to close the door, but Zhan Mo held the door panel down.

Li Junche pushed several times, but couldn't close the door.

The powerful genes of the warriors play a role that cannot be ignored at this moment.

Li Junche raised a pair of angry eyes and glared at Zhan Mo, originally with a complaining look, but it was so lively and cute that he fell under Zhan Mo's eyes.

Zhan Mo didn't hesitate to bully him, squeezed his door into a strong position, and not forgetting to hold Li Junche's wrist arrogantly: "Ache, I'm not angry ... I slowly explain to you ..."

Later words, outsiders can no longer hear.

Because the door was closed in front of Li Junyu, Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junting.

Witnessing all three Li Junyu: "..."

Li Peacock: "Brother, you really don't care? Are you afraid that Ache of our family will suffer?"

Li Junyu had not spoken yet, and his big palm squeezed Ruan Mengmeng tightly.

Now, what else to say is that the order of his young wife is more important.

Anyway, sending the third child out can solve Zhan Mo's big brother who is hostile to himself.

He has always thought that his own little milk cat is the most important man. He still embraced Ruan Mengmeng and returned to the room with affection without guilt.

The remaining Li Junting, silently looked at Li three years old who was kicked out of the elder brother's house, and suddenly wanted to hold Li three years old and stuff some dog food.

Misery is still the worst for Li Junting ... this day can't go by.


War desert returns, life in Li Yuan is warm and beautiful.

But in another cluttered alley in the city, a mother and daughter just woke up.

The almost disfiguring pain on his face made Zhan Jiaer sleeplessly even when she slept.

There are too many nightmares in her dreams, the pain of the soul and the pain of the body seem to be in hell, so horrible and so real, Zhan Jiaer was frightened by the vision in the dream, she dreamed that she had lost her entire face and was stripped Pei, she wanted to find her face but never found it again.

"No no ... I don't, I don't ... Ah !!!"

Suddenly a scream, Zhan Jia sat up and awakened from her dream.

"Woohoo ..." She gasped heavily, exhaled, and was full of cold sweat and fear in her heart.

Fortunately, fortunately ... Fortunately, everything was just a dream, she just dreamed that she was ruined, everything was fine, but it was only a dream.

[3.25 first 3 changes, there is a change around 19:30]

(End of this chapter)

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