Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2510: End of Duan Xiuhui's mother and daughter

Chapter 2510: The End Of Duan Xiuhui's Mother And Daughter

"You ... Jiaer ... ah ... don't come over!"

Suddenly, a familiar scream came from behind.

Zhan Jia'er heard the sound of turning back, and saw a woman with disheveled hair, pale face, and scared to the corner of the wall.

It's Duan Xiuhui!

Zhan Jia'er's eyes flickered with disdain, but suddenly felt a huge sting, coming up from the bottom of his face muscles.

Because she made a disdainful expression, the muscles on her face were pulled, and it was just a small gesture. Her face was as painful as a thousand swords. She was so trembling that she couldn't even say a word.

When she was stunned, Zhan Qingze had let Zhan Jiaer apply a special medicine on her face.

This medicine will keep Zhan Jiaer's face obscure forever. Even the most brilliant cosmetic techniques will not restore her appearance.

And this kind of special effect medicine has a certain paralysis effect, so when Zhan Jia'er just woke up, she couldn't feel the abnormality on her face, and thought she had just had a nightmare.

But now, she found out that the situation was not right ... She reached out her hand in horror and gently touched her face. When the terror came from her fingertips, Zhan Jiaer could not help screaming.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since my face is gone, my face is gone ... Mom, mom ... Save me, save me!"

In the face of suffering, Zhan Jiaer has long been habitually dependent on others.

She did not have the courage to face difficulties, and the people she relied on the most since childhood were Zhan Mo and Duan Xiuhui.

Even though Zhan Jia'er now hates the uselessness of Duan Xiuhui, she still can't help asking Duan Xiuhui for help when she has no God.

"No, don't come ... don't come ... you stay away from me!" But Duan Xiuhui is also a lady Qianjin who is raised and respected.

Even if Zhan Jiaer is her own daughter, even if she really loves Zhan Jiaer, but in the face of **** and **** face, Duan Xiuhui dare not even look at it, how can he let the other party touch himself.

The two women tangled and wept in this darkened hut.

It wasn't until they were tired of crying and noisy, that they slowly quieted down and realized a little bit about their current situation.

They are now in a shabby, darkened hut.

There was only a dim chandelier in the room, and the whole hut was in a one-room and one-room setting.

It is a bedroom and a living room, but there is not even a decent living room, so there are two folding beds and a set of dilapidated tables and chairs.

The rest, not even the place to cook and use the toilet.

"This, where is this?" Duan Xiuhui held her arms helplessly and looked around in horror.

Zhan Jiaer has calmed down now. She is just as scared, but she knows that the only person she can rely on now is Duan Xiuhui, so she said in a gentle tone: "I don't know ... Mom, I'm afraid ... Let's go find him Let me help you. "

Zhan Jia'er didn't mention Duan Yuanxun. As soon as she mentioned it, Duan Xiuhui thought of the big brother who had fallen into a pool of blood before coma.

Duan Yuanxun dare to calculate Zhan Yang, he will not be better than himself.

Duan Xiuhui scared to think about Duan Yuanxun's result.

But Zhan Jiaer's words reminded her that she should go to find someone else in Duan's family.

She is not the same as Zhan Jiaer who ruined her appearance. She is Duan Xiuhui and Duan Jiaqian. Even if her brother offends Zhan Yang, the Duan family still has the rest.

So Duan Xiuhui pushed the door out if she didn't want it. Who knew you could not help but scream when you opened the door: "Ah ... go away, who are you! Go away, let me go!"

A bunch of ragged and ragged homeless men were already attracted to the hallway by the quarrel of mother and daughter.

They were excited when they heard the mother and daughter's voice, and there have been no young women here for a long time.

And now, finally let them wait ...

It turned out that Zhan Jiaer and Duan Xiuhui were sent to the darkest corner of the city.

This is the edge of the black market, a place outside the law.

Waiting for them, will be unable to survive, unable to die, endless pain ...

[Beyond 1200 words: Updated on 3.25, see you tomorrow night ~]

Received the notification, April 7 will be more than 50 chapters, then it should be written that Li Junting's extravagant ~ This is the last time before the end of the change, babies see you ~

(End of this chapter)

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