Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2515: Sprinkle some puppy food


"Duan's family really closed?" Li Yuan, Zheng Wo in the arms of Li Jun Yu Ruan Mengmeng, who was playing with three little guys, was slightly surprised when he heard his husband's words.

"Well, all the Duan family's properties have been acquired by a mysterious person. The Duan family died, went to jail, and scattered. Since then, country S has no prominent luxury Duan family."

Li Junyu told the young wife about the outside news while taking over the small charge in her hands.

This little guy has a cold temper, but he has become extremely sticky after walking around for a while.

Even the small talk and small delivery know that he gave up Ma Ma to his father, but Xiao Chongchong still took possession of Ruan Mengmeng's soft breasts. I didn't know to let go.

This made Li Junyu very dissatisfied.

The child Li Lishen was ruthlessly "repressed" by his father.

Li Junyu hugged the little Li Yan deeply and stuffed it into Ling Bei's arms.

The man said coldly, "Take the three of them down."

The three stink boys have been sticking to Meng Meng all morning.

He came over after finishing the business. The three little guys were reluctant to give up their little wives, and there was almost no sight.

"Why take them down, just let them play here." Ruan Mengmeng raised her small face in the palm of her hand, nestled in Li Junyu's arms.

A tyrant has recently become more and more jealous.

Obviously, the three little Douding are their darlings, but in Li Junyu ’s eyes, it seems that the three little Douding are all rivals. As long as there is a chance, they must be separated from the 'Rivals.'

"Baby, I have something important to talk to you ... leave them alone for the time being, obediently." Li Junyu easily held Ruan Mengmeng on her leg, and her rough fingers pinched her chin on the soft lips. Falling a soft kiss.

The kiss of the man was so violent and fierce, even if both had three children, Ruan Mengmeng still couldn't resist such a fierce kiss.

The air in her chest was robbed a little bit, and her breathing was gradually chaotic. Eventually she could only breathe in Li Junyu's chest, surrendering obediently.

"Well ... what the **** are you talking about? I listen to you." Hands around Li Jun's waist, Ruan Mengmeng hung on him with no backbone.

There are only two of them in the small side hall full of sunshine, and the others have long retired with interest.

Li Junyu hooked her lips, her long fingers still pinched her jaw, and gently rubbed the soft meat under her neck, just like teasing a cute milk cat.

This action has made Li Junyu addicted from the moment they first met.

But now, Ruan Mengmeng is his entire person, and the bright 撸 撸 cat is even more reckless.

After experiencing so many separations and difficulties, Ruan Mengmeng returned to warm and calm again. Even though Ruan Mengmeng cried and laughed at Li Junyu's jealous behavior with children, she couldn't help but indulge in the gentleness he built.

The tyrant with a cold temper in her house, only by facing her, would show a rare tenderness.

And this kind of gentleness is what impressed Ruan Mengmeng most.

"Well, so comfortable ..." I couldn't help but let out a whine, Ruan Mengmeng was almost in Li Jun's arms.

Li Junyu's scorching eyes fell on the small face of Yanruotaoli, a small woman in her arms, and she just wanted to swallow the humiliating little thing into her belly immediately.

It's a pity ... he must now suppress the surging valley aggrieves, because there are more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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