Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2516: Owe a wedding

Chapter 2516: Owe A Wedding

"Meng Meng ..." Li Junyu leaned down and bit the little woman's red lips and said dumbly, "Marry me."

"... Huh?" Ruan Mengmeng's voice was confused.

She was really a little confused, nestled in the dreamy gentleness built by Li Junyu, and suddenly heard that he said he was marrying him, and thought she had heard it wrong.

Aren't they already married?

The man's deep phoenix eyes sank, and thin lips grinded on her slightly swollen lips: "Fool ... I'm proposing to you."

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes are even more blurred: "Did I ... marry you already?"

He also gave birth to three babies. Which marriage did he ask for?

Li Junyu winked deeply: "But I still owe you a wedding, baby ... I promised you that I would give you the most magnificent wedding."

Since she was a naughty and naughty high school student, he has promised to give her the grandest wedding and introduce him to the world.

Now, after so much, when they have formed a happy family, this promise has not been fulfilled.

The first wedding was his asshole.

The second wedding was disrupted by war desert.

And this time, he won't let anyone destroy it.



After hearing these two words, the blur in Ruan Mengmeng's eyes was finally replaced by soberness.

Yeah, Li Junyu didn't say she almost forgot that the two of them had never held a wedding.

Every time it was not so smooth, I was stumbled by this or that.

However, for a woman, even if she has become a mother, the wedding is the most dreamy and beautiful thing in her mind ... she also wants to wear white veil and walk with the most important people in her life. Into the church.

"Why, stupid?" Li Junyu looked at Ruan Mengmeng's appearance, and there was a smile across his eyes.

"Still, you don't want to marry me, eh?"

The words were asked like this, but Li Junyu's long fingers raised Ruan Mengmeng's chin slightly, and a pair of black eyes stared at her tightly.

The long and narrow Fengmou even revealed the looming threat.

The look seemed to say that if Ruan Mengmeng dared to refuse, she would swallow her in the next second.

"I ... I need to think about it." However, Li Jun Yuban raised his face and pretended to be serious. It was no longer scary Ruan Mengmeng. She sat up and tilted her head slightly, but gave the tyrant adult completely dissatisfied s answer.

Li Junyu's voice was deep: "Meng Meng ... what else should you consider?"

People are already his, and they have to think about it.

It seems that she didn't bully her enough in bed last night, or that she was too sleepy this morning and was reluctant to pull her to do morning exercise, so this little **** cat became more and more floating.

"I ... still have to consider, grandpa and mother's body. And sister, Zhan Yang hasn't heard from me for so long, I'm afraid he really can't do it this time ..."

Speaking of this, Ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly and paused slightly.

After Zhan Mo was sober, he had clearly told them about the transaction with Zhan Jiaer.

At that time, Zhan Jiaer had the upper hand completely, and Zhan Mo had compromised and lay on the operating table in exchange for Xiao Chongchong.

If it were not for Zhan Yang's critical moment, Zhan Mo would never have come back alive ...

Thinking of what the man did, Ruan Mengmen glanced deeply.

She is very sure that Zhan Yang is not a man who cares about his blood relationship. He is indifferent and indifferent. It is impossible that Zhan Mo is his son because he is a son.

However, Zhan Yang did make a puzzling move for them.

What made him choose to save the war desert?

What is he trying to do?

(End of this chapter)

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