Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2569: Really a living person!

Chapter 2569 is really a living person!

When I heard Shen Lan, I also saw Ming Zhuo. The old lady Li breathed in a breath, it was considered that she had almost broken off the breath.

Shen Lan: "What I said just now ... After Chen Qingzhi's poisoning failed, I went to Yue Xuexin's yard and talked to her. I found that Yue Xuexin's mood wasn't right. Some are even crazy.

At that time, I noticed a little, and saw the servant beside the old lady in her yard. The maid I said was a young maid with a pair of braids, thick eyebrows, dark skin, and thick hand hair. "

With the style of Shen Lan's eyes above the top, she is a servant who does not care about a face at all, and does not remember it for so long.

The reason why she remembered that time was because she secretly followed the maid and wanted to see what she was doing.

Inadvertently seeing the maid rolling up his sleeves to do things, startled by the thick eyebrows of the hand fur, and was only impressed.

Shen Lan: "It didn't take long before that maid didn't show up next to the old lady ... I always thought she was killed by the old lady."

"How could I destroy her mouth? I don't even remember who this person was ..." The old lady caressed her heart, angrily anxious to go and clean up Shen Lan in person.

Shen Lan was speechless, and she was as deep as Shen Lan. Of course, she now understands that there is something else inside.

Whether it was to send a brown paper bag to Mrs. Li, or go to the yard of Yuexuexin, or even suddenly disappear when the marriage disappeared and even the files disappeared, it seemed that all the problems lay with this servant.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Li old lady or Shen Lan, it is very likely that they made other people's pawns.

Wanting to understand this, both Shen Lan and Mrs. Li could not wait to find out the maid named Mingzheng at that time, and forced to ask all the inside information.

However, after so many years, how could a maid who had disappeared for a long time without any news be found?

The old lady Li panted relentlessly: "It's a pity ... It's a pity that year, that's how I broke the clue ... Since the maid named Ming Zheng has made troubles from it, she will never reappear, I'm afraid I won't find it again Out of this man ... "

If you ca n’t find this person, you ca n’t tell the story.

The old hands held by Mrs. Li on the Zhu Qi box could not be closed tighter.

If so, she can't even take out the photos inside.

"That's not necessarily." Who knows, just then, the deep and cold voice sounded lightly.

"The maid in your mouth is Ming Ming ... Look, is this the person ..."

After that, he slapped his hands, and the bodyguard in black behind him suddenly gave way.

An expressionless man in black carried a fastened sack and walked out from behind him.

Until then, many people noticed that the sack was twisting desperately, and it was obvious that it contained a living creature.

And looking at the size of the living thing twisted in that sack, it is very likely that there is a living person!

The sack was thrown to the place without emotion by the man in black, and then the tied knot was untied.

"唔 ... 唔唔唔 ......"

A woman with a rag in her mouth and a shawl revealing herself from the burlap pocket.

Really a living person!

Just when everyone was in shock, the man in black had untied the woman's hands tied behind her back.

(End of this chapter)

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