Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2570: A woman with a shawl

Chapter 2570: A Woman With A Shawl

As soon as the woman with the shawl was loosened, she immediately took her hands in front of her, and her painful twist was tied to her numb wrist.

As she twisted, the sleeve cuffs slipped down, naturally exposing a top arm.


An exhalation sounded at the scene.

The woman tied in this sack ... this woman actually has a thick hand hair, she ... is she ...

The man in black now removed the rag stuck in the woman's mouth.

The hands were loosely tied, and the mouth was loosened. The woman with the shawl did not escape in the first place. Instead, after a moment's horror, she suddenly wrapped her arms around her, held herself tightly, shrank her body, and tried to avoid Drive in black.

Through the thick black hair scattered, he secretly observed the surroundings.

As soon as she saw the light, she didn't seem to be able to adapt to it the first time, and her eyes wandered through the crowd for a while, then she settled in the direction of the old lady of Li Family.

At this moment, the old lady Li was also very excited, her voice was shaking: "She ... Is she ... Is she the maid of the year ... Is it the kraft paper bag she gave me ... She can prove for me ... "

Hearing the voice of the old lady, the woman with the shawl was stiffened, and then she held herself tighter, her body shaking with a visible amplitude.

Mrs. Li: "It is she ... it is her ... Look, she is guilty of being a thief, she is scared!"

At that point, the woman's body immediately shook like a sieve, and she could hardly control her body.

She didn't dare to answer, didn't dare to speak, just hugged herself, staring closely at the direction of the old lady through thick black hair in an extremely frightened state.

Even if the black hair covered her face, it was enough to make people see her deep fear.

"What the **** is going on? Why didn't she speak ... she ... you ask her, ask what happened ... Did she give me the paper bag? Is there something like a medicine bottle in it, she should touch Come out. "

The old lady Li was in a hurry, but this was a ‘life-saving sign’ that she managed to catch.

"Let her make it clear. Let her explain who gave her the paper bag. If she couldn't tell her, she would be tortured and tortured! And, as Shen Lan said ... she went to Yue Xuexin's yard later. Whatever she ran, she told her everything. The murderer must be her! "

The old lady kept questioning, and even shouted excitedly at the back.

However, the woman who was depressed and didn't know where to find it, just curled up pitifully, like a bird of surprise.

She just hugged herself tightly, not even daring to move.

It wasn't until the gloomy appreciation was enough for some people to panic, before finally speaking coldly-"You don't have to wait for her to speak ... she has been dumb and dumb, and can't speak."


"How could this be……"

"Things from that year ... Then how did she prove it to me?" Old lady Li was the most anxious now. She was anxious to prove the innocence, and the witnesses that she had managed to catch would have been dumb.

The gloomy and gloomy eyes fell on Mrs. Li's face: "But although she can't speak, she can still write."

"Yes, you can write ... let her write, let her write ..."

(End of this chapter)

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