Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 832: Obediently waiting to see a play

Chapter 832: Obediently Waiting For A Show

Ruan Zhaotian and his father made a firm decision. It was not enough. They even called directly and called the tyrant.

After Ruan Zhaotian's cheerful explanation of Li Junyu, he packed his daughter and put it on the 'Ship of Thieves'.

Ruan Mengmeng was embarrassed and speechless when she went back to the "Thief Ship".

To escape from Li's New Year, she kept hiding in her heart and didn't tell Li Junyu to know.

Because Li Junyu has done a good job before, she explained to her separately what happened to Yao Yuqing's belly, and also told her that there would be arrangements.

It stands to reason that she should not be jealous.

But ... But since she became Mrs. Li, she is probably petting and proud.

Anyway, I just can't swallow that breath, especially to let her go to the old house and see the people at the old house, each regards Yao Yuqing as Li Junyu's future wife.

The picture was too dazzling, and she was afraid she couldn't control it.

Thinking of this, the girl quietly looked up and glanced at the man sitting beside him.

I thought about it, I do n’t know now that I told Li Junyu that she would go out to play with her classmates during the Chinese New Year. Is there any chance?

"Chinese New Year ..."

The girl was looking for a chance to speak, but was interrupted by the man's faint voice.

"I've arranged everything Dad and Grandpa told me. For Chinese New Year this year, Mrs. Li just needs to be obedient to follow Mr. Li."

Li Junyu suddenly lowered his voice and leaned over with a sultry breath.

Ruan Mengmeng's heart beat a little.

When Li Junyu grabbed his big hand, he would stay by himself alone after getting on the bus. It must be the cranky wife holding it on his lap.

The man looked down at the slightly milky cat, his eyes sinking.

He bit her cute earlobe and Shen said: "At that time, Mr. Li will solve those pesky people. As long as you are responsible, you just watch the show ..."

Going to the theater?

Ruan Mengmeng, who had been hesitating and depressing, the beautiful Xingmu suddenly flashed.

It sounds good ... she likes it the most!


As time goes by, it will soon be Chinese New Year.

According to the practice of previous years, the people in the big house, the second house and the third house of the Li family must gather in the old house.

Here in Li's big room, because Chen Qingzhi is still undergoing treatment abroad, he cannot return for the time being.

She didn't leave, and Li Yaoyang couldn't bear to leave his ill wife and was hospitalized abroad alone.

So this year he only used video to worship his parents for a few years.

By the way, I ordered Li Junyu to remember to take Ruan Mengmeng to the old house and take care of his brother and sister at home, especially Ruan Mengmeng who spent the first year here.

You must not let your sister feel wronged.

When Li Yaoyang made a video call with Li Junyu and told him on the phone about the New Year.

Li Junyu is sitting on the sofa in the luxury apartment.

The long legs with nowhere to rest were free to lie on the sofa cushion.

The little **** cat ordered by Li ’s father to take good care of himself was holding ‘Li three years old’ and nestled on Li Jun ’s clear abdominal muscles.

Hearing his father's words, Li Junyu cut off the phone camera at that time, leaving only the call function.

He bowed his head and kissed the dishonest young wife who was swaying in his arms.

Ignored completely, his father kept asking from the video.

Ruan Mengmeng was so frightened that she was afraid to speak, for she was afraid that her voice would be heard by Li Yaoyang.

Until the kiss was over, she grabbed Li Junyu's shirt collar, put her small mouth close to his ear, and said with a tone of voice: "What are you doing ... why you suddenly kiss me, you will be discovered by your uncle!"

The man laughed: "It's nothing, just hearing my father say, make me be nice to you."

Kissing her is good to her.

Ruan Mengmeng understood and was speechless for a moment.

[Next chapter, before 23: 10 ~]

(End of this chapter)

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