Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 833: It's too late to regret it

Chapter 833: It's Time To Regret It Now

On the morning of the thirteenth year of the throne, Ruan Mengmeng was awoken from the bed by Li Junyu early in the morning.

She covered her mouth and giggled: "You ... don't kiss anymore, I didn't brush my teeth."

Her tyrant really likes to kiss her more and more, either kiss or neck.

Anytime, anywhere, anytime, as long as the two are alone, they will unknowingly evolve into a kiss.

Now, it's not just that I haven't been dizzy for a long time, the girl also has to take gum, mouthwash, etc. anytime, anywhere.

Come on just fine, even if it's early in the morning kissing.

Because of this, Mu Jingxing laughed after she knew she was abnormal. She brought gum and mouthwash when she was fine.

"I don't want to be kissed until I can't get out of bed, then get up obediently ... Mrs. Li, your styling team has been waiting outside for a long time."

The old house has a lot of rules. You have to dress up for a reunion dinner. Although Li Junyu has arranged a good show, he doesn't want his young wife to be provoked by such small things.

So I dug people early in the morning.

Hearing Li Junyu's words, Ruan Mengmeng flashed in her mind the picture of wearing kitten clothes that day, being pressed by Li Junyu on the bed, and could not breathe.

Wow ... so dirty ... so dirty ...

The girl immediately sat up from the bed, hurriedly ran to the bathroom to wash, and then, at the speed of light, sat in front of the modeling team.

An hour later, Ruan Mengmeng, who was redressed, appeared in front of Li Junyu.

The soft black hair was tangled up, revealing the girl's bright forehead, round ears, and a long, thin white neck.

Such a hairstyle makes her whole person feel calm and generous.

The cute apricot eyes of Shui Ling, because of the change in makeup, added a gentle and graceful beauty.

The girl hooked her lips and smiled slightly.

The pear vortex on both cheeks exudes cuteness.

And the curved apricot eyes, which are full of water, are stained with a charming luster under the light.

The styling team also chose her a light pink veil skirt, which is more like a fairy, like a fairy, and a fairy.

"How's it going?" Ruan Mengmeng gently pulled the skirt and asked the man who had just entered the dressing room.

She seldom wore such ladylike clothes, which suddenly seemed so uncomfortable.

Ruan Mengmeng is not very confident in this style, because she is not a gentle and gentle personality.

Who knows, Li Junyu suddenly ordered the others in the locker room: "You go out first."

His voice was cold and he couldn't hear emotions.

Others kept coming out, but Ruan Mengmeng felt a little stunned.

Li Junyu's voice sounded fierce, and his face did not look good. He was cold and gloomy.

Waiting for the others to go out, Ruan Mengmeng wanted to ask what happened to the tyrant, who made him unhappy, or what happened.

The tall, slender figure came towards her.

Li Junyu said suddenly, and her broad hands clenched her slender waist tightly: "Mrs. Li, it's too late to regret it now ..."

"Huh?" The girl blinked Xingyan's eyes, her face agitated.

Is preparing to ask Li Junyu exactly what he is talking about.

Ruan Mengmeng's small and soft chin was caught by Li Junyu's slightly rough fingertips.

He squeezed her cute little chin and raised it.

"Meng Meng, tell me, you regret going to the old house with me. Now, it's too late ..."

A sudden sentence is inexplicable.

Coaxing her like that before, and now she is about to escape, Ruan Mengmeng accidentally wants to crook.

She was a little upset, and whispered, "Is there something wrong with the‘ good show ’you said? Are you ... do you have to pretend to be a pair with Yao Yuqing?”

[Before the next 0 o'clock ~]

(End of this chapter)

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