Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 848: Deep into his neck

Chapter 848 Deeply Into His Neck

No one could have imagined that Wu Peiwen was such a crazy woman.

Last second, she was hiding behind her parents, showing her innocent face.

As if just returned from the shock of just now.

The next second, she suddenly heard the moment when everyone heard that the child had been born, and the mother and child were at ease--

Holding something in his hand, he hurled at Li Jinghui and pierced it over Li Jinghui's collarbone.

Of course, a woman's physique is inferior to that of a man. After Wu Peiwen rushed to Li Jinghui for a moment, Li Jinghui was screamed out loud and threw it out.

The Wus and his wife immediately went up to Li Jinghui desperately, but fortunately they were stopped by a group of promptly responding servants, Li Jinghui's second brother Li Jingyao, and his younger sister Li Jingjing.

However, Wu Peiwen, who was dumped to the ground, smiled at this moment.

"Hehe ... hehehe ... hahaha ... Li Jinghui, I see how you died this time!" Wu Peiwen's left face swelled high, but her bright eyes were sparkling.

What she held in her hand was a small syringe.

Just now, she used a syringe to pierce Li Jinghui's neck.

And now, all that is stored in the syringe is the blood of a man she once loved.

Yes, I have loved ...

Even if you don't want to admit it, the fact is that irony.

She, Wu Peiwen, Tian Zhijiao-rarely really like a man.

But once you like it, it is sincere.

Although she devalued Li Jinghui just now, but in fact, aren't those words the irony of her honor?

She has been in love three times in her life.

When she was still studying abroad, she was deceived by her first love boyfriend and was pedaled by two boats.

After knowing the truth, she personally scratched the face of Xiaosan, and then let people sell the first-born civilian who deceived her to the duck shop.

The second time, Li Junting, they all knew, shocked the entire S city power circle, and so far it is a rumor that everyone talks about it.

It was Wu Peiwen's first attempt to accept a man after his first love.

The other party is a very talented person, and he is very good in all aspects.

Although his family history is still worse than that of the Wu family, he wins honestly and introvertedly.

Very few words, typical engineering males, and even a little nerd-is a certain family, illegitimate children who do not receive much attention, without inheritance.

But that's it, Wu Peiwen also fell in love, because the other party's restrained affection and honesty.

It's a pity-the mean man is the mean man. Even if he looks honest and introverted, he can't change the inferiority of stealing.

When she was dating, she said that she loved her so much that she would die alive, and in a blink of an eye, she was found to roll sheets with other women-the reason is that Wu Peiwen is the pearl of Wu's family.

That time, Wu Peiwen tied the man and the Xiaosan together and pushed down the stairs.

Although he did not die, he suffered multiple fractures throughout his body and almost suffered a half-body failure.

Since then, there have been many rumors about Wu Peiwen in the circle-but she doesn't care, she still does her thing.

Until recently, at an accidental party, she bumped into Li Jinghui who was walking towards her with a wine glass.

Her third love began from that time-Li Jinghui is humorous, tall and handsome.

Not only that, he was also very coaxing and showed great affection for her.

Soon, Wu Peiwen fell-but after her fall, Li Jinghui disappeared.

[Next Chapter 23 o'clock]

(End of this chapter)

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