Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 849: Cord blood

Chapter 849: Cord Blood

Half a month later, at the blind date arranged by his parents, Wu Peiwen once again met Li Jinghui with a look of resistance.

Only then did she know that Li Jinghui had fallen in love with her but was forced to marry by her parents.

At that time, Li Jinghui didn't know Wu Peiwen's identity, so he could only join the blind date under the pressure of his parents.

The reason for the expression of resistance is to make the woman dissatisfied, so that he can find himself.

Hearing what Li Jinghui said, Wu Peiwen was very touched.

Li Jinghui told her that he was the eldest son of Lijia's three-bedroom. His parents had high hopes for him and he had to find a strong wife.

After seeing him for two months, Li Jinghui showed his affection.

Because the boyfriend of the second relationship was honest and introverted, he actually stole, which made Wu Peiwen completely change the concept of spouse selection.

He no longer likes men who look honest.

On the contrary, I feel like Li Jinghui, who has met many girlfriends, has a wide range of knowledge, and read the prodigal son of Qianfan, once settled, it will be more reliable.

Wu Peiwen was completely occupied.

When Li Jinghui said that she needed funds to run the company, she immediately raised two hundred million yuan from his private treasury.

When he said yes, wanted her.

Always adhering to his parents' advice, and keeping her body innocent, she dedicated herself to Li Jinghui.

Even because of Li Jinghui's request, he wanted a child with the blood of both of them.

Before her marriage, Wu Peiwen accepted Li Jinghui's possession of no contraceptive measures.

How much love at that time, how much hate now.

A few days ago, when she inadvertently went to the bar to find her friends, she went to a private room and heard that the drunken Lijia's big room had a second-ranked playboy. He lied in it that Li Jinghui had a leg with his grandmother.

She became suspicious and sent someone to investigate.

I originally thought that I suspected that I was wrong, but the evidence was so easy to check, piece by piece, piece by piece, the evidence was as strong as a mountain.

Of course, Wu Peiwen didn't know that it was all the script arranged by Li Junting, and she even went to the nightclub deliberately to pass Li Junting's words.

Of course, Li Ershao did everything to deny it.

Once the suspicious seed is buried, how can a woman like Wu Peiwen put it down.

Just at this time, Shen Lan learned that Wu Peiwen actually ran to the nightclub to find Li Junting, but Li Junting, the playboy, was cut off.

Not long ago, Shen Lan specially invited Wu Peiwen to invite her to come to Li's house during the New Year.

He accidentally revealed on the phone that during the Chinese New Year, the Li family would be here, and the gathering of the three rooms was very lively.

Shen Lan wanted to show three rooms. Their third room was the most loved by the grandfather and old lady.

But when Wu Peiwen heard this, she suddenly thought that the two dogs and men would definitely take the opportunity to date-she couldn't stand it, couldn't stand it, so she had such an arrangement today.

And now--

"Li Jinghui, you quibble ... Although quibble ... you can deceive the elders who are old and dim in your family, but you can't fool me!"

Wu Peiwen threw away her high heels and stood barefoot on the ground.

Holding the syringe tightly in her right hand, she raised her lip and hooked her left index finger towards the little nurse who had just ran out of the guest room.

The little nurse froze slightly, but ran to Wu Peiwen in the sight of the next moment.

"Miss Wu, give ..."

No one expected that the little nurse had a sealed test tube in her hand.

"This is umbilical cord blood, Miss Wu ... is here ..." The little nurse's face was all white, but her family was in the hands of Wu Peiwen, a terrible woman, and she dare not give it.

Wu Peiwen snatched the test tube, and suddenly rushed out when everyone didn't expect it.

[Next chapter before 23: 40 ~]

(End of this chapter)

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