Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 879: Announce major wedding

Chapter 879 Announcing A Major Wedding News

"Jinghui, hurry, hurry ... apologize to your brother in the lobby." The old lady Li first responded and urged.

Li Jinghui's eyes moved reluctantly, but thinking of his mother, he could only walk over.

"Lobby, sorry, I shouldn't ..."

"Enough, don't apologize." Li Junyu's extremely cold voice interrupted Li Jinghui's words.

"I apologize for such cheap things that don't require cost and effort. I'm not rare." Li Junyu crossed Li Jinghui, his cold eyes turned to Li Hongyang.

"Uncle, it's better that we say something practical. The land on the other side of Xicheng New District, give it to me."

"This ... Jun Yu, that land is the land king I just spent more than 8 billion photographed. You ... you are too big a lion!"

Li Hongyang's complexion changed slightly.

That piece of land was photographed jointly with Shen Zhen. The future development of S City will be shifted to the west. The new area of ​​Xicheng is the government's development focus.

He paid a lot of money and took a lot of roads to win the plot in one fell swoop.

How can it be like this, give it to the big room!

Li Junyu nodded: "Well, it's right not to give it. A small Mrs. Li San and Xiao Shao, of course, is not important. Since the third uncle has no sincerity, tomorrow I will tell the media about the good things San Mi and Li Jinghui did."


Li Hongyang took a breath and his face was cyan.

"Jun Yu, I'm your uncle anyway, so you don't miss family relationships !?"

Li Junyu smiled coldly: "In this sentence, the uncle should tell Sansui and Li Jinghui to listen. We are also relatives. They gave me a big belly woman and wanted me to recognize the child When did you read your relationship? "

"What's more, what do they want ... shouldn't Uncle San be more clear than me, eh?"

What is pictured is, of course, the real estate of Lijia.

Some words need not be pointed out, and everyone present can understand.

The thoughts of Shen Lan and Li Jinghui, if it were not because of a family member's relatives, Li Junyu would not have been so easy, and it would have been solved with only a few billion yuan.

Li Hongyang knows that Sanfang is untenable, and also knows how damaging it would be for Dafang if Shen Lan and Li Jinghui made it this time.

What's more, the matter has not yet passed to the old man.

When the old man was there, Shen Lan and Li Jinghui would also have to peel off their skins-after thinking about it, don't continue to offend Li Junyu any more, and give him the land.

As long as he can calm his anger, he will not be allowed to provoke things in front of the old man.

"Okay, I will transfer the land to you tomorrow ..." Li Hongyang compromised.

"No, I want to see the land transfer documents on my desk before tonight."

"You ..." I did not expect that Li Junyu would be so strong, Li Hongyang gritted his teeth.

Mrs. Li quickly rounded off the field: "Forget it, it's all family, don't be upset for this little thing. Jun Yu, today is New Year's Eve, there is no work outside the house, you have to wait and see after a year ? "

"Thirty years old, the third uncle has the ability to find someone to handle this matter. Grandma, it is not that I don't talk about kindness, but some people stretch their hands too long. I won't let them hurt for a while, I ’m afraid It will stretch out without remembering it again. "

The hints and satire in Li Jun's words are really obvious.

Li Hongyang was so speechless that letting him take out the land was equivalent to cutting his flesh.

Li Junyu was right this time.

He hurts, how can he not hurt, it hurts so much!

On the other hand, Li Junyu, after Li Hongyang's compromise, did not intend to let it go.

He took the opportunity to make another army.

The man's eyes narrowed and he told the old lady extremely indifferently: "Since Yao Yuqing's affairs have been resolved, I don't need to conceal any more. On June 5 this year, I'm going to get married ... I will get there early.

[Before 23 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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