Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 880: Meet granddaughter

Chapter 880: Meeting Your Granddaughter

Get married?

wedding! !! !!

Li Junyu is getting married, and there is a wedding-and even the days are set, June 5! !! !!

All the Li family members who were present were blasted by this news. It was not only the old lady Li, the second room of the Li family, but even the third room that was just tense with Li Junyu almost exploded.

How could Li Junyu get married ... he ... when did he like women? !!

"Jun Yu, you ... don't worry, you tell your grandma clearly, when did you have a favorite person, and how did your grandma not know? Which girl is it, how old is it, what does it do, and its character How about ... have you ever seen grandma, you can scare grandma, don't take a man to the stage that day ... "

Mrs. Li just couldn't do anything because her grandson was angry with her youngest son.

At this moment, I heard that the grandson had a person he liked, not a man, and he was almost fainted.

It turns out that grandsons like women.

It turns out that grandsons don't like men.

It turned out that the grandson could marry himself and give birth to the next generation without her having to hurry him.

"Ah, hey, Junyu ... if you say that you have a girl you like, grandma me ... how can I ... get you a woman like Yao Yuqing!"

The old lady Li was not very particular about this.

Immediately after the remarks, Li Hongyang and Li Jinghui's face standing behind her became pig's liver color.

But now the old lady is happy, excited, excited!

It doesn't care about others at all.

"Jun Yu Jun Yu ... come here, tell your grandmother exactly which girl it is. Is there a picture, no no no ... simply talk directly, no no ... you still bring people home directly, let me see……"

"Grandma, I said, the wedding is on June 5th ... on that day, you can naturally see the bride." Li Junyu's tone was light, because when it comes to the girl she likes, the corner of her lips finally evokes a little joy In radians.

Compared with the cold and stern expression just now, Li Junyu's eyebrows now seem to be relaxed a bit.

"What, you wo n’t be able to see it until the 5th of June? No way, how can grandma see her granddaughter that day ... Jun Yu, you ca n’t hold grandma like this, quickly take the child home and show me . "

The old lady cares about Li's future grandson-in-law, but she cares about one hundred and ten thousand.

Not letting her meet sooner, she was afraid that she could not sleep well.

At this moment, what Yao Yuqing, what Li Hongyang, even the little great-grandchild just born were left behind by her.

This is Jun Yu going to get married, but Jun Yu!

The old lady and the old man almost bothered Li Junyu's liking for women, and gave no hope—the grandson of his family didn't pick the poisonous tongue of those ladies.

Like, hum ... next life!

"Well, since Grandma must see it--" Li Jun Yu's eyes were pale, and he turned his head and looked towards the sofa.

There, a girl with an unusually blushing face appeared, sitting stupidly between the second and the third, looking at him with a kind of faint, totally unable to find North.

Li Junyu hooked his lips and nodded slightly in the direction of Ruan Mengmeng.

He raised his hand and ticked at the girl— "Come here, come to Grandma."

[More than 6, see you tomorrow night at 8 o'clock?]

(End of this chapter)

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