Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 899: Tyrant protects his wife

Chapter 899: Tyrant Protecting His Wife

After Chen Qingzhi's injuries were dealt with, the family sat down with Memei to eat.

After dinner, Li Yaoyang and Li Junyu and Li Junting will go to the study to talk about something.

Thinking that Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junche were both candidates for the college entrance examination, they were asked to return to the room to review first, so don't delay learning.

Li Junche is nothing, anyway, my father is back now, and he moved back from the apartment to live as before.

He was sharp and neat, and led Li Junxi up.

But Ruan Mengmeng ...

Uncle Zhao was on the side, showing embarrassment.

The master didn't know, because Meng Meng's room had been evacuated because of Yao Yuqing's stay.

Not to mention that Meng Meng can't live in Liyuan now, she just wants to live, then ... that's also living in the young master's room.

Uncle Zhao glanced at his wife who was sitting aside, afraid to say this sentence.

He pondered, using a gentle reason: "Master, Miss's room was not cleaned because of the maintenance of the interior walls. Otherwise, wait a minute, I will let someone reorganize a vacant room for Miss. "

Li Yaoyang frowned slightly. Uncle Zhao rarely did anything so unplanned.

When I was trying to say something, I heard Chen Qingzhi's gentle and virtuous voice, and came from one side: "Yaoyang, don't bother old Zhao ... In fact, I just had a meal and I haven't had time to say something. I and Mengmeng privately It's all said, she can't bear her dad, and plans to move back to Ruan's house. "

With that, Chen Qingzhi looked at Ruan Mengmeng and asked gently, "Meng Meng, hurry up, say thank you to Xiaoxi's father, and two other young masters, thank them for their care of you these days."


Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful little face flashed a mistake.

She did promise her mother, but ... but why did you say goodbye to everyone, as if you would never meet again?

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes flickered and she didn't answer for a long time.

Chen Qingzhi's eyes, as clear as autumn water, became heavier ...

Standing behind Li Yaoyang, Li Junyu, the dark eyes of the phoenix, glanced slightly over the cold.

"Oh, it seems that our Mengmeng is shy ... Then I, as a mother, thank you for her." Chen Qingzhi saw Ruan Mengmeng for a long time that she did not answer, and she was not afraid to be embarrassed. .

Then he said: "It's not too early, Meng Meng should go back to review earlier. Now the senior year is the time when school is heavy, I asked the driver to take her back to Ruan's house. Meng Meng, now with Xiao Xi's father and Jun Yu Farewell, Junting. "

Chen Qingzhi urged, but it was strange in Ruan Mengmeng's ear.

She always felt ... Mom, seemed to be anxious to let her go.

But it's not right to think about it ... At first, my mother was very ill. She was so eager to see herself.

When she finally saw her, her mother's tears and her guilt and regretful expressions were all vividly remembered.

The girl shook her head, she really thought too much ... she would think her mother was strange.

Li Yaoyang: "It's ... Yeah, academics matter. Or you can let Lao Li send her ..."

"No, I will go to Ruan's house by the way. Father, when we are finished, I will send Meng Meng in person. She is a girl and it is not safe to go back at night."

The extremely cold voice interrupted Li Yaoyang's words coldly.

Li Yaoyang suddenly heard the words of his eldest son, and thought that he had heard it wrong—the son of their iceberg became so enthusiastic.

However, just think about it ... Meng Meng is a girl, after all, it is safe for the driver to send her personally.

Without thinking too much, Li Yaoyang nodded and agreed.

Li Junyu stood on the steps and asked Ruan Mengmeng, who was sitting on the sofa, lightly: "Wait here, I will come down soon."

[Next Chapter 21:20]

(End of this chapter)

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