Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 900: Suddenly Chen Qingzhi found that he seemed to have grasped a certain point

Chapter 900 Chen Qingzhi Suddenly Finds Out, He Seems to Grasp Some Important Point

After being told by her husband, the girl's entire face was puffed.

She almost couldn't help laughing at the corners of her lips, stunned, and raised the glass to conceal.

When Li Yaoyang took Li Junyu and Li Junting upstairs to the study, Chen Qingzhi's gentle eyes were glanced at Ruan Mengmeng, who was carrying a dessert after dinner and was heartless.

"Meng Meng ..." she called softly, as if asking casually.

"Your relationship with Jun Yu, how is your relationship?"

Suddenly heard Chen Qingzhi's question, Ruan Mengmeng held her dessert plate and trembled slightly.

If it wasn't for her quick response and developed reflex nerves, she immediately stabilized her left hand—maybe this dessert plate had already slammed on the floor.

The girl slowly lifted her small face from the dessert plate and shook her head without changing her face: "No ... it's not very good, he is very majestic, especially fierce!"

Just as it was to convince Chen Qingzhi, Ruan Mengmeng nodded after he said it, which was quite true.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's expression, the doubt in Chen Qingzhi's heart was dispelled.

But in her head, Ruan Mengmeng's slightly swollen lips when she got out of the car today, as well as the trace of the suspicious kiss between her neck.

However, Mengmeng returned today with his brothers Li Junyu and Li Junche.

Just a cold person like Li Junyu, Chen Qingzhi could not associate him with Ruan Mengmeng's swollen red lips and the kiss marks on his neck.

Not to mention, there is Li Junche in the same car.

Li Junyu's weak-born person can't do anything close to other girls in front of his brother.

Therefore, the suspicion is just beginning, and it has not spread further.

"Well, you're right, Jun Yu is a very serious and indifferent person ... if you can, it's best not to go too close to him."

Chen Qingzhi kindly reminded Ruan Mengmeng.

The young girl froze slightly, but then thought that the image of her tyrant in the eyes of others seemed to be really like that.

My mother said this, probably because she was accidentally offended by her tyrant and violated his majesty.

So, the girl did not understand with Chen Qingzhi, and nodded obediently.

After a while, Li Junyu came downstairs.

The second child was still upstairs in the study room, but Li Yaoyang ‘hushed to ask for warmth’ and did n’t follow up.

Li Junyu took the coat replaced by Shu Shu, and said coldly, "Meng Meng, gone ..."

Only nodded slightly to Chen Qingzhi, as indifferent as ever.

Chen Qingzhi was just like nothing, didn't mind, and smiled and sent him to the door with Ruan Mengmeng.

Until their car drove far away, the corners of their lips continued to have a decent smile.

But ... when Li Junyu's rear lights disappeared in the direction of the gate, Chen Qingzhi turned and stepped into the shadow.

The corners of her lips softened little by little.

"Meng Meng"?

Dangerous light flashed in Chen Qingzhi's bright and clear apricot eyes.

Li Junyu, when was it so intimate with people?

He is as cold as an iceberg. No, he is as lonely and arrogant as the flower of the high mountain on the top of the snowy mountain.

When will it be like this, close and affectionately called a ... who has no blood relationship with him, but just met a girl less than a year old?

Li Junyu's title is abnormal, too abnormal ...

At a moment, Chen Qingzhi flashed Ruan Mengmeng's little red face after Li Junyu's order.

The shyness on that face, the shy and timid eyes, the little appearance of the turbulent spring of the girl ...

No, no!

Chen Qingzhi suddenly found that he seemed to have grasped a certain point—

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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