Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 916: It ’s not illegal to hit that one.

Chapter 916: It's Never Offending To Fight That One

The woman, wrapped in a towel, screamed and hid in the bathroom.

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly reacted after the first encounter.

She immediately stepped over the door and was about to carry people out—at the moment she hadn't expected it to be like this.

So that when I saw the woman, my head went blank, and I didn't see who the man was.

"Who are you, show me, and who will let you take a bath here!" Ruan Mengmeng slammed the door and made her sister's bathroom door bang.

Had it not been for the anxious banging of her sister's bedroom door, which made her distressed, she must have opened the bathroom door and dragged the woman hiding in the bathroom.

"Ruan Mengmeng-do you still have a little education! What do you want to do, do you want to demolish the house, give me a break!"

Mrs. Ruan finally arrived at this time and stood at the door, pointing at Ruan Mengmeng.

The girl couldn't bear to break the bathroom door anymore, so she turned around and looked at the old lady.

She frowned, resisting the sourness in her heart: "This is my sister's room, how can you use it for others? Who is that woman ... why does she live in her sister's room!"

"Well, what do you think this dead girl rushed so fast to do? Originally for this? Oh ... Shishi has been gone for so long. This room is empty and empty, so I do n’t want to use it for people. A lifetime? "

The old woman rolled her eyes inadvertently.

She doesn't particularly hate Ruan Shishi, after all, Ruan Shishi is capable.

But everyone is dead. Why do we still have a room, it ’s better to use it for other people.

"What's more, this is not for outsiders. The person who lives in this room is Cao Mei and Qin Fang's cousin. She now specializes in bringing Xiaoyu to live upstairs."


Ruan Mengmeng's eyes opened and he passed the startled light.

No wonder she just thought the woman was familiar and seemed to have seen her, but she couldn't remember who it was.

It turned out that she was Qin Fang's new nanny who chased Xiao Zheng Hou, and Qin Fang's mother Cao Meifeng's niece Cao Mei.

It was the real cousin Qin Fang, who was absolutely her own.

Ruan Mengmeng thought about the time she was in the hospital. When she first met Cao Mei, her restless eyes followed Li Junyu.

It is an insult to my sister's house to be lived by such a person.

Even if Ruan Shishi is gone, it is the best Ruan Shishi in the world.

Her elder sister is proud and perfect, and she must not be touched by such an impure woman, even if it is only the room she left!

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were slightly condensed, and she didn't care about the innocence of the young and old. The bright apricot eyes glared at the old lady with a grudge.

Mrs. Nguyen, who had never received such treatment before, stared at her legs almost softly.

"You ... you are not a grandson, you ... what do you want to do! Don't you dare hit me? I ... I warn you, I'm your grandma!"

The old lady relied on this, so she dared to give directions in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

But now, she couldn't guarantee it ... because Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were too bright, she was so angry that she almost dipped in water.

Ruan Xueqin was also afraid, holding the old lady's bluff: "Ruan, Ruan Mengmeng, you're cold ... calm down, we are your elders, if you dare to do something to the elders, be careful of me ..."

When she didn't finish the words, she saw that the lips of the girl suddenly tilted upwards.

Ruan Mengmeng sneered and interrupted Ruan Xueqin ’s words: "Relax, you are my elders, and I won't treat you ... But the one inside, you and my Ruan Mengmeng do n’t touch your relatives, you do n’t know anything. It's not illegal to be shot by a gun abroad. I'll give her a shot, and I can't believe it ... "

Then the girl turned her head and kicked the bathroom door with a sharp kick.

This time, she no longer felt sorry for her sister's bathroom door.

Because the woman who had stained her sister's room had to be repaired.

[After work late, update is 2 minutes late, sorry, next chapter before 21:00]

(End of this chapter)

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