Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 917: Chicken flying dog jumping

Chapter 917: Flying Chicken

After some chicken flying dogs jumped, Ruan Zhaotian finally caught up and opened Ruan Mengmeng.

"Meng, Meng Meng ... don't get excited, don't get excited ... Cao Meizhu this is what Dad agreed to, and you should blame Dad if you blame it, don't hit anyone ..."

Ruan Zhaotian hugged Ruan Mengmeng. Ruan Mengmeng rushed into the bathroom just now to learn from Cao Mei.

As soon as the door was opened, Cao Mei took the shower head and rushed towards the door with the hottest water.

Fortunately, Ruan Zhaotian came over and hugged Ruan Mengmeng.

Pull them away.

"Dad, do you think it's OK if you agree? This is my sister's room! You promised me not to give the sister's room to someone else. You said that even if my sister is gone, her room can be reserved. Come down, how are you ... how can you ... "

Ruan Mengmeng looked at Ruan Zhaotian with hate, all eyes were puzzled.

Why did her dad let other people live and let Qin Fang's cousin live in it?

She couldn't understand it, she couldn't understand it all her life.

"Meng Meng, Dad didn't deliberately break his word, just because ..."

"No matter what the reason, Dad, you can't stand it. This woman is Qin Fang's cousin. You know that sister didn't like Qin Fang before you lived. Did you let her cousin live here instead of deliberately answering her sister?

Ruan Mengmeng didn't want to listen, she wanted to break free from Ruan Zhaotian to go in and teach the woman named Cao Mei.

But as soon as she struggled, Ruan Zhaotian called ‘Ouch’.

"Ruan Mengmeng, you dare to hit your dad !!!" At this time, Mrs. Ruan was protecting Cao Mei who had just ran out of the bathroom.

She hid far away and didn't really see it. She thought it was Ruan Mengmeng who had started to Ruan Zhaotian.

Ruan Zhaotian quickly waved his hand, "No, it's not about Mengmeng, it's me ... it's myself ..."

Ruan Mengmeng looked along the place that Ruan Zhaotian was covering, only to find that the skin spreading upward from the back of Ruan Zhaotian's hands was all hot.

Not only hot, but also blisters one by one.

It's burns!

When Ruan Zhaotian was protecting himself just now, he was burned by Cao Mei!

"Dad, why didn't you say it earlier when you were hurt?" Even if Ruan Mengmeng was regenerating, that hurt Ruan Zhaotian.

Just now, all the understanding of Ruan Zhaotian faded away, and he became worried.

Ruan Zhaotian's injury looks a bit serious. Ruan Mengmeng can't keep up with the matter of changing the room now, and quickly stabilize Ruan Zhaotian and go downstairs.

Old Lady Ruan and Ruan Xueqin saw this and were worried about Ruan Zhaotian's situation, and quickly followed up.

Cao Mei, wrapped in a bath towel and hiding at the back, saw a few people leaving, knowing that although she was targeting Ruan Mengmeng just now, she had no intention of scalding Ruan Zhaotian, fearing that she would be angry.

So, as soon as his eyes turned, he found his cell phone and quickly called Qin Fang and Ruan Jiaojiao who had not returned home.


Ruan's Living Room

Ruan Mengmeng just gave Ruan Zhaotian a good scalding medicine, and the old lady's yin and yang's weird voice rang: "Zhaotian ... I didn't say you, you look at your good daughter. When you come back, you yell and kill. It's got to be smokey at home. "

"How long did she come back? Within half an hour ... two doors were removed at home. Your hands were burned, and Cao Mei's head was swollen. So, some people are born with a calamity. Like the fox mother, shouldn't stay at our Ruan house at all ... "

"Okay, mom, this injury was hot by Cao Mei, not to blame Mengmeng. Besides, Mengmeng is angry, there is a reason. Who asked you to let Cao Mei move to Shishi's room ..."

[Next Chapter 21:20]

(End of this chapter)

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