Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 918: I suspect Ruan Mingyu was not born to my dad.

Chapter 918: I Suspect Ruan Mingyu Was n’t Born By My Dad

"Who says it's what we want, then you obviously agree!"

Speaking of which, the old lady hated Ruan Mengmeng, who was sitting beside Ruan Zhaotian, and said nothing.

Seeing her bright eyes, she looked at herself constantly, and the old lady suddenly became angry.

"Huh, Ruan Mengmeng, you're so sorry to stare at me like this! You think it's all the fault of others, and you think it's because Zhaotian didn't keep your sister's room for you? Oh, I tell you Ruan Mengmeng If you do n’t blame others, blame you! Blame yourself! If it wasn't for your shy thoughts, Zhaotian would not have made up for Cao Mei's room in order to make up for Qin Fang! "

Although the old lady hated Ruan Mengmeng very much, she had a little affection for Ruan Shishi ...

After all, Ruan Shishi can make a lot of money for the Ruan family and make the Ruan family flourish.

Remembering the previous feelings, there was nothing in Ruan Shishi's room.

But it happened, Ruan Mengmeng was too disappointing and annoying.

After Ruan Jiaojiao's recording that time, after listening to all of them, Qin Fang was wronged at the time to hold Ruan Mingyu back to her family.

In order to appease Qin Fang, Ruan Zhaotian nodded and agreed to Qin Fang's request, and let Cao Mei move to the second floor, occupying Ruan Shishi's room.

Ruan Zhaotian knows nothing to hide, and in this matter, he does feel that Ruan Mengmeng has done too much.

Just spread out the words and tell Ruan Mengmeng: "This is what happened, Jiao Jiao took a recording back ..."

"The voice in that recording was heard by Dad at once-it was your voice. When you said, 'I suspect Xiaoyu was not born to my dad', Dad's heart was agitated. Meng Meng, You ... how can you slander your brother like this? "

Ruan Zhaotian shook his head, which he did not quite understand.

Ruan Mengmeng knew that the original thing happened here.

Because of this, Qin Fang held Ruan Mingyu in a grievance and went back to her mother's home. She said, "Anyway, Ruan Mengmeng said, this is a wild seed, I just ran back."

It made Old Ruan anxious, Ruan Zhaotian anxious, and the entire Ruan family was anxious.

At that time, Mrs. Ruan was angry with Ruan Mengmeng because of the divorce between Mr. Ruan and her.

Immediately said he wanted to catch Ruan Mengmeng and ask him in person.

Ruan Zhaotian saw that Mrs. Ruan was in a real fire and was afraid she would use ‘family law’ on Ruan Mengmeng, so she tried to stop Ruan Mengmeng from going home.

Because of this, from the 30th year of the New Year to the present, it is almost June, and was finally broken by Ruan Mengmeng.

After listening for a while, the girl finally understood what happened.

Because of this, her dad was going to ‘compensate’ her sister ’s room!

Ruan Mengmeng was anxious, and didn't want to think about Ruan Zhaotian's face. She poured out the words hidden in her heart on the spot: "Dad, yes, I admit that ... I said this sentence. But Ruan does not need this Jiaojiao recording, I will say it myself. Even if I am in front of you, I still say so. I suspect Ruan Mingyu is not your son, say a thousand and say ten thousand, I still say this, I will not deny, and will not change ! "

As soon as she spoke, a sharp voice came from the building with a slight disdain.

"The second lady of the Ruan family really has the same rumors as she has no respect for her elders. She never thought of her elders at home. I used to listen to my aunt and cousin and thought it was a rumor. I really saw it today, and I know ... The rumors are true. In the presence of your father and grandmother, you dare to stigmatize your younger brother like this ... I don't know what you would say outside ... "

Cao Mei changed her clothes again, helped her forehead swollen by Ruan Mengmeng, and walked down.

[Next chapter, before 22 o'clock]

(End of this chapter)

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