Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 926: And they said yes, can eat her days

Chapter 926: They Say Yes, Can Eat Her Day

And the third is because ... some clues ten years ago were obviously broken, but recently they have surfaced again.

Yue Ting made a special trip to country S to find out the truth ten years ago.

In the past ten years, he and his father have been paying attention to this matter. The last time I went to Country S was for this, and this time-the progress was more significant than he expected.

Yue Ting believed that the grievances suffered by his sister that year would one day be a day.


Yue Ting came, after all, he was an elder. Although Ruan Mengmeng wanted to drag Li Junyu home to try on the groom's dress tomorrow.

But because Yue Ting has been at the dinner table, he pulled Li Junyu drinking and talking.

Even in the end, because she remembered her sister Yue Xuexin, she drank in tears while drinking—the girl could only hold back the urge to catch her husband home.

Just obediently, squatting aside like a little white rabbit.

Watching her tyrant, and Yue Tingyu, the two finished three bottles of red wine.

Li Junyu is also particularly annoying, take a drink and kiss her.

After that, her head was dizzy, and she was already attacked by the feeling of drunkenness.

After the meal was full, Yue Ting and Li Junyu were all right. Instead, Ruan Mengmeng, who was ‘kissed’, had fallen by the side.

"Oh, my family is so cute. Hey, she's drunk, I'll take her back ..."

After looking at the time, it was not long before Li Junyu hugged Ruan Mengmeng, who was drowsily sleeping on the sofa pillow, and said to Yue Ting.

Yue Ting frowned: "This type of alcohol is really ... hey. Junyu, your maternal grandfather likes to let his junior drink with him the most. If he knows that this wife you are looking for is this alcohol, I'm afraid he will be more dissatisfied."

Li Junyu lowered his eyes, looked at the girl in his arms, took off the suit jacket on one side and covered her.

His eyes were on Ruan Mengmeng, so soft that he couldn't help narrowing his eyes when he saw Yue Ting.

No one has ever seen such a gentle Li Junyu.

This is in stark contrast to the cold teenager who suddenly learned that his mother was violent.

Today, Li Junyu has lost a lot of shame that refuses to be a thousand miles away, and adds a kind of life and fireworks.

"There are many people who can accompany my grandfather to drink, but there is only one girl I can like. No, it is love, I love Mengmeng ... Well, you should understand how it feels to love someone."

Yue Ting: "..."

He was speechless.

Yeah, love someone, isn't it?

Like Shen Zizhi to him Yueting, this girl who looks young and silly to his nephew.

"Maybe this time, you're right." The pickiness of Yue Ting's eyes finally dissipated. "Anyway, Jun Yu, You bless you ... You can walk out of the past, but it's a bit of a letdown. There is a mind. Then there is Jun Ting, and Jun Che ... as long as you can watch each of you and start a family, your sister is in the spirit of heaven, and there will be no regrets. "

Thinking of the elder sister, Yue Ting's steady and serious eyes were actually a little moist.

He was brought up by his elder sister. Until later, the elder sister crossed the ocean to marry Li's family and left Europe.

Although her elder sister is gone, for her, Yue Yueting will take good care of her three children.


It's late.

Li Junyu held his drunken wife and went upstairs from the underground garage.

The elevator reached the top floor, and he and his young wife finally returned to their home.


Li Junyu looked up at the clock on the wall. It was ten minutes before it was 0.

On June 5th, the birthday of his little **** cats, their wedding day.

Also ... they said yes ... can eat her days.

[Before 23:30 in the next chapter, it takes a little time]

(End of this chapter)

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