Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 927: Meng Meng, remember today

Chapter 927 Meng Meng, Remember Today

Ruan Mengmeng woke up in a strange feeling.

Exactly, she opened her eyes uncomfortably because she felt hypoxia, had trouble breathing, was hot and soft, and had a strange feeling coming up.

The moment she opened her eyes, she almost thought she was dreaming.

She ... who is she ... where is she ... how could she ...

In the bedroom covered by heavy curtains, there were only two yellow wall lamps on the bedside.

The sconce exudes a dark golden light, faint but warm.

By the light and shadow of these two wall lamps, Ruan Mengmeng can clearly see the man who is covering his body, the light and red body.

The girl took a sharp breath and almost blew her nosebleeds.

"Li, Li Junyu ... you ..."

"Happy birthday, Meng Meng ..." Without saying a word, she was kissed by the man to the red lips, and then covered by his lips again.

Li Junyu nibbled the girl's soft lips, carefully drawing her cute little lips.

When the girl was still unable to respond, she took a moment to hold her lilac tongue deeper and kissed once more.

Ruan Mengmeng feels wrong--

Today Li Junyu is very wrong!

Although during this time, as long as they are in the same bed, they will hug each other before bed and kiss and fall asleep.

But the kiss that was so strong that she choked and could not breathe for the first time appeared.

She could feel a fire in Li Junyu's body, no, it was not just fire, it was a fierce beast.

He was like the most mighty male lion on the prairie, but she was like a dangerous white rabbit that fell into the mouth of the male lion.

Ruan Mengmeng's sixth sense told her that the situation was wrong and dangerous ... Li Junyu's eyes were so hot that she could almost stun her ...

No, can't continue ...

"Well ... husband, that ... three years old, three years old haven't eaten ..."

"That stupid dog is tinning outside, so don't worry about it."

As soon as he came back, he resolved the number one enemy. At this moment, Li Junyu would never allow anyone or anything to stop him.

"Uh, then ... then I haven't taken a shower yet, I feel so dirty, I want to ..."

"When you're drowsy, I'll wash it for you. Meng Meng, you are so cute, and you will be entangled in the bathtub to send kisses."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Damn, what to do, so embarrassed ... she wanted to hit herself.

"So, what ... I haven't ..."

"Meng Meng, by this time, haven't you recognized the facts? Today is your birthday, 20th birthday, wait until the afternoon, our wedding will be held. I will take your hand into the church ... Meng Meng, I said, I will give you a grand wedding. Now, Mr. Li will ask Mrs. Li first ... "

"Because Mr. Li can't wait ... we said yes, on June 5th, you will give yourself to me."

Li Junyu's eyes became deeper and deeper, and among the dark phoenix eyes, there was Gu Quenian who would immerse at any time like a spring.

If he was not afraid to scare the girl, he would occupy her fiercely without giving her any chance to explain and toss.

"June 5th ..." Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were confused for a moment, then suddenly awakened.

"Is it already June 5th ?!"

She just opened her eyes just now and was kissed by Li Junyu again. She never thought about many things.

Her memory still last night, and she thought it was June 4th.

At this time, I heard Li Junyu repeat several times before suddenly reacting—

Now, is it June 5th?

In other words, today is her birthday, and their wedding day, he promised to give him ...

"Yes, my lovely young wife ..." Li Junyu pecked her gently.

"Just turned the clock, it's 0:23 on June 5. Meng Meng ... remember today, because ... you're mine soon ..."

After Li Junyu said, his body sank—

Under Ruan Mengmeng's eyes wide open, she completely owned her.

[More than 8, see you tomorrow night at 8]

Ask for a ticket, what is it ~ Our tyrant has finally grown up! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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