Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 952: You took her for the first time

Chapter 952: Her First Time

"... by, the woman I've touched?"

Li Junting was a little surprised and reached out to himself.

The evil eyes fluttered awkwardly when he heard Li Jun's words.

He hesitated and hesitated again, and then suddenly understood what his elder brother meant.

My second Olympics-

Actually broke up for this matter!

Li Junting was suddenly speechless ... His iceberg was too bullying, and he cleaned up Ruan Mengmeng, and actually beat him in turn!

Li Ersha feels that it is necessary for him to tell the truth and make a mess.

Anyway, he had originally decided to send this really a new wedding at the wedding of his eldest brother and Marshmallow.

"Brother, I have to say, you are wise, but confused. Xiaomitao is with me, she is with me ... It is not the relationship you think."

Li Junting plucked his hair, pretending to be mysterious: "I tell you the truth, I always have a secret in my heart. Remember the wedding gift I told you last time ... Actually, I'm going to be with you and Ruan Meng Meng's wedding, tell you about it. "

Li Peacock speaks vigorously, and deliberately lowers the volume, as if he is really talking about secrets.

However, in the darkness, Li Junyu's cold eyes glanced over a cold light.

That overly cold handsome face has become increasingly impatient.

And Li Junting, who didn't know it yet, continued: "Although it's a bit late now, it's better than letting you get this misunderstanding all the time."

Li Junting sighed, "Oh, brother, I won't hide from you ... To tell you the truth, in fact, the first time Xiaomi Tao was not taken by me. The person who slept with her was you, not me. You This kind of thing is against her, really can't be justified ... "

"You've cleaned people's food, and you said that you don't mind if the goods are not on the right board, and you want to return it ... Ahhh, it's not the right board, it's used by you from beginning to end."

Keke, Li Junting suddenly felt that he described Ruan Mengmeng as a bit unkind.

After clearing his throat, he immediately straightened up: "Anyway, you misunderstand Ruan Mengmeng ... brother, a man must dare to do something. When you take someone's little peach for the first time, you should Responsible. Don't lose your temper, hurry up and coax her back. "

The truth is clear, this time, his elder brother should not continue to misunderstand it.

Who knows, just when Li Junting thought things had been solved perfectly.

But when he heard Li Junyu's cold voice, "Did you finish talking, then go out."

"You ..." Li Junting couldn't believe it.

He made it so clear why his brother still-

"Brother, you can't do this. You fell asleep, and you are responsible for it ... Are you not convinced by what I said, I tell you, think about it yourself on the night of August 27, you were in the hotel ... you and……"

"Enough Lijun, I'll shut you up!"

Li Junyu's somber voice was a bit colder than before.

Those frosty eyes stared at Li Junting in the darkness.

"I don't shut up, I want to say-" Li Junting didn't care about Li Junyu.

He took a step forward, and in the dark environment, he couldn't see Li Junyu's cold face.

He is not afraid!

"I tell you Li Junyu, the person who actually went to bed with Ruan Mengmeng wasn't me at all, it was you—you were the one who went to bed with Ruan Mengmeng! Not only yesterday, but her first time was taken away Go, you ... "

(End of this chapter)

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