Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 953: Li Junting left, Li Junche came again

953 Li Junting is gone, Li Junche is back

"Li, Jun, Ting ..."

Before Li Er had said a few words, his neckline was suddenly yanked.

The next second, he had a pain in his back, and Li Junyu slammed it against the wall.

Li Junting groaned, and was about to ask his brother if he was crazy, but there was a cold and cold sound above his head, like a voice coming from the cold abyss of hell.

"Do you think that if you say that, will I be reunited with Ruan Mengmeng? I am your brother, not the women who are fooled by you casually, and put away your little smarts. If I let you hear you talking nonsense again-be careful Your own tongue. "

Too noisy second child is better to be a dumb.

After Li Junyu finished speaking, he relentlessly let go and let Li Junting slip down.

Wrapped with suffocation, he walked past Li Junting, who was sitting in the corner.

Without looking back, he fell on the study door—

Li Junting, who was deeply frostbite, was freezing cold from his body.

Leaning against the wall will not return to God for a long time.

Until a moment later--

"Fuck ... what kind of world is this! Someone believes in telling the truth, but no one believes in telling the truth !!!"


‘It ’s not me who is going to bed with Ruan Mengmeng, it ’s you—’

‘It ’s not just yesterday, she was taken away by you for the first time—’

‘Think of yourself on the night of August 27, you were in the hotel ...’

"Brother, you can't just give up ..."

Li Junyu left the study, looking indifferent and cold.

He stepped down the stairs, corners, and walked through the long corridor into a villa behind.

Li Junting's words, like a gramophone, kept echoing in his mind.

There seems to be a change of heart in his heart, but Li Junyu toughly covers up those things that are about to break out of the ground.

the truth……

Know how?

Something happened and it couldn't be changed.

The handsome and cold face of the man grew colder, as if it could drip water.

After Li Junyu's servants, they all subconsciously pressed against the wall, lowered their heads, and frowned as they were afraid to move.

Since the wife was suddenly kicked out of the house yesterday, Ms. Mengmeng was also kicked out, and the momentum of the young master seemed to be back more than ten months ago.

At that time, the young master, just like now, was full of low and indifferent momentum.

No one dared to come near.

If anyone is dead, accidentally contact the young master, maybe they will disappear from Liyuan the next day.

"Master, master three has just returned from the exam, and already knows about you and Miss Mengmeng ... he, noisy to see you."

Uncle Zhao lowered his head, waiting respectfully at the door of Li Junyu's new bedroom.

Since moving home yesterday, Li Junyu ordered Uncle Zhao to lock the bedroom he used to live in.

He moved to the villa behind to live alone, separated from the second and third masters.

In the past, the villa where four young masters and one young lady of Li's family lived one floor.

Today, only Li Junting and Li Junche are living there.

And the two young masters, even if they want to see Li Junyu, it is not so easy.

Li Junyu touched the doorknob's hand and paused.

When he heard what Uncle Zhao said, the man's face became worse.

He lifted those indifferent phoenix eyes and glanced at Uncle Zhao coldly: "Tell him to take the college entrance examination well, and other things should not be taken care of by him."

Today is the first day of the college entrance examination. The national entrance examination for country S takes nine exams at a time and takes three days.

There are two days left.

(End of this chapter)

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