Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 973: Mother and daughter

Chapter 973: Mother and Daughter Helping Each Other

"Chen Qingzhi, you woman, you faint my mother. I want you to look good—"

Cao Meifeng's eldest son, Qin Gang, fainted when he saw his own mother scolded by Chen Qingzhi.

Never mind that this is in Ruan Jialingtang, so many people are watching.

I'm going on the spot and give Chen Qingzhi a taste.

"Yeah, Mengmeng ... Someone is going to bully mom ..." However, Chen Qing was prepared early and hid behind her daughter.

Putting your hands on Ruan Mengmeng's shoulders gently, the whole man went back to the cat and hid.

She is no longer Chen Qingzhi of the past and will never fight an unprepared battle.

Before coming, Chen Qingzhi had estimated that he could wipe out the Ruan family by relying on only one mouth.

But the premise is that no one can be rough on the Ruan's side.

Therefore, she reminded Ruan Mengmeng early that she must protect herself.

No, she really guessed--

This man named Qin Gang is really not a thing. He is a big man who can't talk about people, but he will be rough on women.

"Mom, you hide, don't be afraid ..." Ruan Mengmeng took Chen Qingzhi behind him and raised Shui Lingling's eyes, looking directly at Qin Gang without fear.

Before coming, she was only dragged over by Chen Qingzhi, and had no interest in her coming to the Ruan family to quarrel.

But when she arrived, Ruan Mengmeng found that her mother, who had disappointed her, seemed completely different from her imagination.

Her mother was not as tender and weak as when she first met.

Her mother, not these days, complained harshly after being suddenly abandoned by Uncle Li.

Her mother seems to be a very complicated person and cannot be summed up in a single sentence.

However, Ruan Mengmeng knows that at this moment her mother is not only venting for herself, but also venting for her.

Since leaving Liyuan, she has been dim and pale, and she seems unable to find her hopeful eyes.

It was lightened little by little by Chen Qingzhi's brave and debilitating behavior.

The girl opened her arms and secured Chen Qingzhi's safety behind her.

Then he stretched out his right hand and tickled Qin Gang: "If you want to hit my mother, come here, I will let you have one hand."

Qin Gang: "..."

joke! !! !!

Up and down the Ruan family, who doesn't know how terrible Ruan Mengmeng is this weird girl.

Not to mention one hand, even two hands.

If she wasn't careful and kicked her with all her strength, Qin Gang was afraid that he hadn't avenged his mother before, and his life would have gone halfway.

"I ... forget it, I'm a man and don't care about you with a little girl." Qin Gang took a look at God, and easily found under the steps.

Who knows the next second, Chen Qingzhi stretched out half of his head from behind Ruan Mengmeng: "Qin Gang, your mother gave birth to your son, it would be better to have a daughter! If Qin Fang is born, at least she can give When someone else is a junior, let your mother enjoy the blessing. When you give birth to your son, your mother is bullied, and you dare not go to the enemy to settle accounts. "

"You, you, it's really a shame on your mother's face ... Usually it's okay to rely on your sister to eat soft rice. It's so useless at critical moments!"

Chen Qingzhi was almost happy.

The son of Cao Meifeng didn't get there first.

She was just as afraid that Qin Gang wouldn't come over to hit herself. When Qin Gang was about to leave, she ran out to add fuel and jealousy.

Qin Gang was so angry that Chen Qing's face was discolored when he uttered ‘not using it’, ‘relying on his sister’, ’‘ eat soft rice ’.

If it weren't for Ruan Mengmeng, he would go up and clean up Chen Qingzhi.

But it happened, Ruan Mengmeng stopped in the middle--

Qin Gang gritted his teeth for a long time, and at last he could only throw a sentence: "Huh, good men don't fight with women, I don't talk nonsense with you ..."



As soon as the words came out, the audience laughed.

This time, not only the face of the Lao Cao family, but also the face of the Lao Qin family, have all been lost!

[Before 22:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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