Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 974: True Confrontation (1)

Chapter 974: True Confrontation (1)

"Enough, please listen to me--"

The laughter of the audience really hurt Ruan's face.

At this moment, Mrs. Ruan had gasped, and stepped out with the help of Ruan Xueqin.

When everyone saw the old lady wearing vernacular and wearing mourning clothes, they immediately remembered where it was.

After all, it is also a spiritual hall, a place to worship Father Ruan.

It was very offensive that they blatantly laughed at the hall.

At that moment, the scene calmed down.

Following the guests who were laughing, many people closed their mouths in shame and lowered their heads.

What Mrs. Ruan wants is this effect.

She stepped out step by step with Ruan Xueqin's help.

"None of the guests present today are our friends and relatives in the Ruan family. Everyone took the time to take the time to bid farewell to the old man in my family-since they are all acquaintances, then there are some things that I am not afraid of the ugliness of the family. Hello everyone. All of you should know what Chen Qingzhi has to do with our Ruan family. "

"Yes, yes, she is indeed my son's" dead wife. "Eleven years ago, oh no ... it should be 12 years ago. Twelve years ago, this woman made a weak gesture, It was said that he was persecuted by my son and Qin Fang, a filial daughter-in-law, who was overwhelmed before jumping into the sea to commit suicide. "

"I know that this story was so popular that many people knew about it. Even with the neighbors of the community, he secretly said behind us that we had killed the original match, and that it was our family ’s Zhaotianhuahuagu. Sorry Chen Sunny. "

"But let's take a look-twelve years have passed. Isn't this woman still standing here well? Why have we persecuted her, when did we persecute her, but she, she is sorry for our Ruan family!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Ruan raised her head, and with the cold eyes in her old pair, narrowed her eyes Ruan Mengmeng and Chen Qingzhi.

The girl stood forward, subconsciously blocking her mother.

"Stupid girl, stand behind-fight you, quarrel. Which of your mouths is this old goddam's opponent. You keep away, let mom come ..."

As soon as Chen Qingzhi crossed, she crossed Ruan Mengmeng.

Her tall figure stood in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

Somehow, the girl suddenly felt sore.

Chen Qingzhi didn't know Ruan Mengmeng's mind. She raised her eyebrows, raised her proud chin, and looked proudly at Mrs. Ruan.

"Oh, I didn't die. That's because I'm so blessed that I have nothing to do with your Ruan family."

Old Ruan also sneered.

She showed a firm face and pointed at Chen Qingzhi and said, "Oh, you have a great life, but you can tell it! I think it was a game at the time. A selfish and shameless woman like you, how could it be death? You did n’t actually jump into the sea at that time, you just did n’t want to be lonely, pretending to jump into the sea, so you could take this opportunity to run away with your **** outside! "

When the old lady Ruan said this, the audience was uproar.

Seeing that the effect was excellent, she quickly pursued.

"Chen Qingzhi, don't you want to deny it! I tell you, the ugly thing you did that year was already exposed by Qin Fang! Even if I don't want to leave this old face today, I will expose your ugly thing!

Mrs. Ruan thought she was in control.

Who knows, one of Chen Qing listened, but froze his lips coldly: "Ugly thing, okay ... I don't know, what ugly thing I did ..."

"You ... you don't want to quibble anymore! Don't think that you can deceive others by pretending to be a victim! You have always been like this, since 12 years ago. It looks like ... but in fact, the real shameless person who really cheats outside is not our family Zhaotian, but you— "

"It's you, Chen Qingzhi ... it's you who gave Zhaotian a cuckold! It was you and the wild man outside who gave birth to Ruan Mengmeng!"

[Next chapter before 22:50]

(End of this chapter)

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