Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 975: True Confrontation (2)

Chapter 975: The Real Confrontation (2)

Speaking, finally speaking.

The old lady Ruan finally spit out the suffocation in her heart.

She hated Chen Qingzhi so much that she didn't know where Chen Qingzhi came from, and dared to run into the Ruan family.

Chen Qingzhi wore a green hat to Zhaotian, shamed the Ruan family, and asked the Ruan family to breed her wild seed for 20 years!

Why did she make trouble?

Mrs. Ruan thought fiercely--

Chen Qingzhi was because the Ruan family was afraid of trouble, he didn't want to make such a big family ugly, and didn't want to disturb the father's funeral.

OK, OK ... Now that Chen Qingzhi wants to use this to threaten their Ruan family.

Then Li Yinan was not afraid of shame first, and broke the matter.

Rather than being held hostage by this bitch, Chen Qingzhi, let everyone see clearly, what kind of shameless Chen Qingzhi is!

"Chen Qingzhi, can you hear me? My mother has taken out all the ugly things you have done. You and Ruan Mengmeng, you two yin women, a wild seed, are not qualified to come to our Ruan house to cause trouble."

Ruan Xueqin saw Chen Qingzhi listen to Old Ruan's words, but just sneered, and did not move at all.

Because I remember that Chen Qingzhi seduced her ex-husband, she stood up and pointed at Chen Qingzhi.

"Also, even if my brother and Qin Fang have an affair, that's because he can't stand the green hat you put on him, he will go to Qin Fang! I tell you, just as a restless woman like you, change any Men can't stand it ... my brother he took care of Ruan Mengmeng's wild species for you for twenty years.

"Oh, benevolence ... hehehehe ... a kind of benevolence ..." Chen Qingzhi suddenly looked up, revealing those cold and gloomy apricot eyes.

She went forward step by step until she reached the old lady Ruan and Ruan Xueqin.

"You, what do you want to do ..." Ruan Xueqin did a good job in front of the old lady Ruan.

Chen Qingzhi smiled: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to get closer, look a little closer ... look at the shameless face of your Ruan family."

"You, who you say shameless ..." Ruan Xueqin was frostbite from the cold from Chen Qingzhi's body, and couldn't help backing up.

When she realized that she was going backwards, she quickly stopped.

Ruan Xueqin braced her scalp and turned up the old account: "Chen Qingzhi, you don't pretend to be here. If you are shameless, who can compare with you Chen Qingzhi ... You not only steal people outside with your brother, you even Don't miss the men in your own family! "

"At first, if it weren't for you, my husband and I wouldn't have divorced! It's your shameless fox charmer who deliberately seduced my husband, otherwise ..."

"Oh, otherwise?" Chen Qingzhi smiled coldly.

Ruan Xueqin took a hard breath and said loudly, "Otherwise, how could I have reached the age of today and stay with my family! I also had a happy family, a husband that hurt me, and I had been pregnant Child. It's all because of you, because you and Ruan Mengmeng, one seduce my husband, one child that killed me, I ... "


A crisp slap slapped directly on Ruan Xueqin's face.

Ruan Xueqin was beaten.

She covered her face and turned her head in disbelief, looking at the man who hit her.

"Brother ... what are you doing, you ... are you crazy, why are you hitting me ..."

[Next chapter before 23:20]

(End of this chapter)

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