Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 976: Real confrontation (3)

Chapter 976: True Confrontation (3)

"Zhaotian, you ... what are you doing to play Xueqin, your sister is angry for you!"

Old lady Ruan felt very distressed at the sight of her daughter being beaten by her son.

I just feel that my son is still obsessed with how he got to this time. He still has a feeling for Chen Qingzhi.

Old Lady Ruan was unwilling, pointing at Chen Qingzhi's face and scolding: "Zhaotian, such a water-filled poppy and a woman with a lot of people, why do you still want to help her talk ... Zhaotian, don't be stupid , She gave birth to a wild seed with a man outside, you don't have to feel sorry for her, ashamed of her ... "

"Mom, that's enough-if you don't want me to face no one from now on, don't say it!" Ruan Zhaotian sank his face and clenched his right hand into a fist.

If it hadn't been for the insults of Old Lady Ruan and Ruan Xueqin to be blocked by Chen Qingzhi, he really wanted to find a place to hide, just don't come out!

"Oh, it's her who gave you the cuckold, and you have nothing to face!"

Old Ruan thought that Ruan Zhaotian was afraid of the matter and lost her face.

The man's face could not be put down, so he ran out to help Chen Qingzhi talk.

She quickly advised: "Zhaotian, you are the victim of this incident, you are innocent, you don't need to feel shameless to see people ... It should be shameless, it is the fox charming embryo of water-based poplar."

"Mom, that's enough! I said everything so you don't have to say it again, why can't you just listen to me ..."

"Zhaotian, listen to Mom ..."

"Shut up, stop talking-I told you to stop talking !!!"

Ruan Zhaotian couldn't bear his inner suffering, and was annoyed by the aggressive tone of Mrs. Ruan. He could not help but yelled at the old lady.

This voice, hissing exhausted, detonated all the backlog of emotions in his heart, and yelled at Mrs. Ruan on the spot.

"Brother, what are you doing ... Mom is doing it for you, and you are yelling at her ... Are you a ghost? Now, at this time, you are still helping Chen Qingzhi, the little slut!"

"Ruan Xueqin, you also shut up for me, there is nothing for you here!"

Ruan Zhaotian yelled at Mrs. Ruan just now, and she regretted it.

But when Ruan Xueqin was still talking about Chen Qingzhi, she suddenly sank.

He had a cheeky face and scolded Ruan Xueqin sharply.

Ruan Xueqin took a slap just now, and saw the woman who had destroyed her family harmony at first, and she felt very embarrassed.

At this time, seeing that his brother did not help himself, he was still helping Chen Qingzhi's fox spirit.

Suddenly there was anger.

"Chen Qingzhi, you shameless fox spirit, you seduced my husband, Matagawa, so that our good family was scattered like that! At that time, looking at you was my sister-in-law, looking at my brother's face, I didn't talk to You care ... now, I don't have to put up with it anymore, I must kill you **** vixen! "

Regardless of Ruan Zhaotian's warning, Ruan Xueqin rushed up with a strange cry, and fought with Chen Qingzhi.

But before she was next to Chen Qingzhi, Ruan Mengmeng had already protected Chen Qingzhi behind her.

Ruan Zhaotian raised his hand at the moment Ruan Xueqin rushed up, and slapped another palm on Ruan Xueqin's left face.

"Brother—Okay, you hit me, you hit me again for her ... but even if you kill me, I will go up and kill that woman. It is her, it is her, it is she that ruins my relationship with Tian Chuan ,is her……"

Ruan Xueqin covered her face and cried.

The crying, heartbreaking, seemed to be aggrieved.

But Ruan Zhaotian slaps again, on Ruan Xueqin's other face

He froze and said sharply, "Enough-Qingzhi has never been sorry for you, but your family is sorry for Qingzhi!"

"Ma Tianchuan wasn't seduced by Haruyuki. The real victim was Haruyuki ... If it wasn't for your ex-husband, he wanted to take Haruyuki while I was away. I and Haruyuki, I and her first child ... also ... and not ... well, that's a boy ... "

[Beyond 1200 words: update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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