Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 983: He looks bad

Chapter 983: He Looks Bad

"Everything is withdrawn. It's all here. Do you think the elder brother and Bo Hanyuan's devil will let us withdraw?"

Li Junting put his hand on the shoulder of the beautiful young man and dragged his brother who wanted to run.

He would never let the third child run, leaving him here to suffer.

He is not so stupid as Li Junting.

To die everyone die together.

Li Junche looked at the cold stone caves around, and sighed: "It's all blame brother, somehow drive away the marshmallows. I think it's better for him to get rid of the marshmallows ... I see, he is now better than the marshmallows. Much worse up. "

When Li Junche said this, Li Junting was also interested.

Nodded in agreement: "Just, don't look at him still cold, handsome so that women can't hold their legs together. Go to work and work as usual every day as if everything is normal. Huh, actually ..."

"He has recently become more and more reticent, cold and cold, more and more like Bo Hanyuan's robot. I think it is more annoying than before Xiaomi Tao."

Upon hearing this, the young boy could not help looking up at Li Junyu walking forward.

I just feel that the tall and erect back is like a huge ice stone.

One more look will make people chill, as if wrapped in cold wind.

Li Junche couldn't help but say, "Second Brother, you're right this time. Brother looks now, really ... sad."

Nonsense, such a terrible cold, no one will be better off watching it.

"Not ... I really hope Xiaomi Tao can come back soon. She won't reconcile with her brother. This day can't be better."

Li Junting sighed, something he did not dare to tell the third child, but could only hide in his heart.

He couldn't believe that Big Brother would break up with her because Xiaotao was not a virgin.

But the fact is that sometimes this is ridiculous.

It seems that the brother who loves Ruan Mengmeng so much will break up with her for such ridiculous reasons.

And, no matter how he explained, the elder brother didn't believe it.

"Marshmallow probably won't be able to come back ... I heard that my father had already completed the divorce formalities with Aunt Qing, and Xiao Xi was also taken abroad. Brother, probably because of this reason, separated from marshmallow.

The beautiful boy did not know the truth of Li Junyu's separation from Ruan Mengmeng.

He only knew that Aunt Qing was suddenly kicked out by his father and the two divorced.

Then Ruan Mengmeng broke up with Li Junyu.

Li Junche even blamed it all on Li Yaoyang's head.

Thought that it was his father's divorce from Aunt Qing that led Ruan Mengmeng to break up with Li Junyu.

"My father did this too much. Aunt Qing married him for so many years and gave birth to a little seal. Not to mention that when the mother was seriously ill, she also took care of her ... Look at the back of your brother, it looks better than before It's colder ... even we dare not approach. "

The beautiful boy finished this sentence, and quickly found a box of chocolates from his jacket pocket.

Open the lid and pour into your mouth.

Although he is clever and wise, he is still only a 17-year-old boy.

Although the elder brother in the past was cold and harsh, at least he can feel at ease.

Unlike now, only makes him feel strange, and a kind of indifference.

Even, it made him think for a moment that when his mother died, the elder brother's eyes that ignored almost everything and were isolated from the world.

At that time, if it wasn't for him and the second brother, he needed to take care.

Perhaps the elder brother had already closed himself and could not walk out of another world.

[Before 20:40 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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