Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 984: Two men, two different cold

Chapter 984 Two Men, Two Different Colds

"Well, it hurts and hurts, so I don't like dating when it comes to love ... love is too troublesome. A Che, you will meet girls you like in the future. Let ’s have fun together and get together. Don't be emotional. "

The second sighed and educated Li Junche with a tone of passing people.

Regarding Li Peacock's fallacy, the young boy pulled his lips and declined to comment.

Seeing Li Junche ignore him, Li Peacock deterred.

"Anyway, we need to make psychological preparations in advance. Brother is in a bad mood recently, and Father Bo is just away today. Looking at the current situation, it will definitely be the demon king of Bo Hanyuan who will give us a psychological evaluation later. Achel ... you , Do it for yourself. "

The tyrant is matched with the devil, and it is as scary as falling in love with ten women.

Li Junting dare not imagine how miserable his family will be today.

As for Li Junche--

If the lollipop, chocolate or something is confiscated, Li Junting will not be surprised.

A gentler treatment approach than that of Father Bo.

Bo Hanyuan's robot ... haha ​​...

Probably everyone in the world except his elder brother is redundant to him.


Bo Hanyuan's assistant Lian Heng led the way.

He didn't bother, he entered the password nine times in a row.

After opening the nine thick steel doors, he finally came to the real area of ​​the institute.

As we all know, the country's chief private hospital, medical and biotechnology, is world-renowned.

And this luxurious, not a hospital that ordinary people can live in, stands on the outskirts of S City, standing beside mountains and rivers.

No one knows. In the big mountain across the river from the hospital, the most secret and most important secret of the Bo family is hidden.

——Bo's Institute.

The research efforts of several generations of the Bo family, as well as the newly discovered research institute, are buried under this seemingly ordinary mountain.

"Second and third, please follow me to the treatment room here for a diagnosis. Bo Shao said that he will conduct a psychological evaluation for the two masters in person later."

Sure enough, as Li Junting and Li Junche expected.

The demon king of Bo Hanyuan really has to evaluate them for himself.

"Brother, can't you go?" The young man finally couldn't help, and posted it to Li Junyu, praying.

The man lowered his eyes, his cold eyes fell on the face of the beautiful young man Qingjun, "What do you say?"

Li Junche: "..."

Li Junyu's indifferent hooked lips, his voice was cold: "Still, I want to send you in personally."

"No, no, no, how can you bother Big Brother, Ache and I can pass by ourselves ... Walk around, walk around, let's go."

When Li Junting saw the situation was wrong, he immediately came to rescue his brother.

Seeing the two enter the treatment room obediently, the cold chill on Li Junyu's face turned into a little indifference.

He walked more easily into the institute, and stopped in front of the closed door at the top.

Li Junyu rang the doorbell.

The video screen in front of the heavy iron door lights up.

A handsome cold face appeared on the screen.

That is Bo Hanyuan, with sharp and cold facial features, deep and cold eyes.

Compared to Li Junyu's harsh cold eyes, Bo Hanyuan's eyes were more aggressive and bloodthirsty.

But he was hiding well.

Ordinary people cannot effectively distinguish the indifferent apathy in his eyes from the indifference of Li Junyu who refuses to be far away.

The only person who could understand him was Li Junyu.

"You're here ..." The thin cold eyes on the screen, the long narrow eyes were sinking.

The heavy iron door opened for Li Junyu in the next second.

[Next Chapter 21:20]

(End of this chapter)

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