Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 990: Regret vomiting blood

Chapter 990: Regret To Spit Blood

Inside the Li Garden.

Li Junting came out of the building where Li Junyu lived alone, and just saw Lingxi waiting indifferently in front of the door.

Since that day, they had been in the elevator and had talked like that.

Lingxi recovered her former indifference, and when she saw Li Junting in the distance, she would avoid it.

And when she looked at him, she became cold, as if she could freeze into ice.

I will no longer look down in shame and dare not look at him.

"Lingxi." Li Junting walked over and greeted the girl standing against the wall.

Lingxi was extremely cold, and the official office nodded at him: "Second Young."

"You are coming to report from Big Brother? Big Brother just lay down, Bo Shao said that he needs to rest now, and it is not suitable to go to the company for the time being, and it is not suitable to hear too many troublesome things. Please tell me first about anything. "

Just before Li Junyu and Bo Hanyuan, he acknowledged his flaws.

Li Junting was actually unwilling to face Lingxi at this time.

Although he knew, Lingxi would never know his secret.

He can always maintain the illusion of being unruly in front of Ling Xi's cute.

At least that way, the last point can be retained, as a man's dignity.

"It's about Chen Qingzhi and Meng Meng Meng. Grand Master asked me to check it a while ago. It shouldn't take me a long time."

As soon as Ling Xi returned to Li Yuan, he heard that Li Junyu was urgently returned from the small research institute.

I don't know the specific reason, but only said that he was ill.

Li Junting smiled bitterly: "If anything else, I don't really need to worry about it. But if it's related to Ruan Mengmeng ... Ling Xi, don't report my Mengmeng incident to my brother unless it is necessary during this time."

"?" Lingxi frowned, showing a puzzled expression.

The bitter smile on the corner of Li Junting's lips deepened: "It's not because of love ... Probably all the people in Liyuan won't guess. They are indifferent and restrained, cold and serious, they will be injured for the sake of a girl."

In some cases, he couldn't say, only to be so ambiguous as to Lingxi.

No one knows the impact Li Junting faced at that moment.

Just now, in the institute—

When the elder brother spewed the blood in front of him.

The whole of him was in a deep shock.

His elder brother has always been lofty and not shaken by anything.

The man, who was cast like steel and beaten with cold iron bones, was obviously so proud and ruthless.

But it happens, the moment you hear the truth, you will be so hurt.

If it wasn't for Bo Hanyuan, he didn't know that the elder brother's heart disease was so serious.

Touch phobia-hate everyone's approach.

Even him, Li Junyu, who wanted to help the over-injured, was coldly pushed away.

Li Junting knows who is the only person who can soften him ... only Ruan Mengmeng, only her.

On the spot, Li Junting told Bo Hanyuan everything he knew in order to cooperate with the treatment.

However, Bo Hanyuan warned.

Once the girl who made Li Junyu's condition worse, couldn't forgive him.

Or, letting Li Junyu know more will make him feel guilty and fluctuating.

Well, Li Junyu is not far away from death.

Thinking of Bo Hanyuan's warning, Li Junting frowned and hesitated: "Lingxi, what did you find out first, tell me first. I'll listen, it's appropriate to tell the big brother."

Ling Xi's eyes darkened, and he refused to have more opportunities to get along with Li Junting.

But think about it, for the sake of the young master, she had to say, "The young master asked me to check, why did Chen Qing bring Miss Mengmeng back to Liyuan at the beginning. I have already found ..."

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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