Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 991: Reasons to bring Ruan Mengmeng back to Li Yuan

Chapter 991: Taking Ruan Mengmeng Back to Li Yuan

"What did you find?" Li Junting heard this topic and couldn't help but take it seriously.

Yeah, it's really strange.

Although Aunt Qing said that she felt sorry for her ex-husband and didn't want to disturb Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng's peaceful life, she didn't pick up her two daughters to Li's house.

Later, when Li Junting learned that Ruan Mengmeng was in the embarrassment of the Ruan family.

I also suspected Aunt Qing's intentions.

He always felt that when Aunt Qing did that, it was more like afraid to offend grandpa and grandma.

After all, everyone knows that grandpa would not like a woman who married a second wife and brought a daughter born to her ex-husband to Li's family.

Grandma was very picky about Aunt Qing, and she didn't like that everyone could see it.

Aunt Qing is therefore cautious and unwilling to accept Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng to Li's house. Li Junting is actually understandable.


Hearing Ling Xi's mention of this incident, he realized that weird.

If you are afraid to offend the old man and the old lady, why did Aunt Qing finally take over Ruan Mengmeng?

Really like she said, was it because she felt that her life was about to run out and didn't want to leave regret, so she brought Ruan Mengmeng to Li's family?

Hearing Li Junting's question, Lingxi official said: "I found two points ... First, I found an old servant who had served at Ruan's house. She said that she was born at Mengmeng Later, Zeng heard that Chen Qingzhi had a quarrel with Ruan Zhaotian once and said a word. "

"Chen Qingzhi said that Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng were the stains of her life. If she could, she would rather have not given birth to them."

Li Junting: "What, she really said that? Will there be any problems with that maid, or will it be arranged by the stepmother ..."

"No." Ling Xi shook her head slightly. "The maid returned to the country for several years, and has long lost contact with the Ruan family. I gave her some money, and she didn't have to lie to me."

Li Junting: "..."

If this is the case, Li Junting dare not imagine how Ruan Mengmeng will leave with Chen Qingzhi and how he will be treated.

That's her mother!

Chen Qingzhi has been in Li's house for so many years, everyone thinks she is very kind and gentle.

Even the eldest brother, I'm afraid that's what he thought.

But who would have thought that in her heart, her daughter turned out to be a stain ...

Although Li Junting didn't know why Chen Qingzhi thought so, he could see Ruan Mengmeng's silly girl's love for Chen Qingzhi.

Ruan Mengmeng was driven away by his elder brother and there was nothing left.

Chen Qingzhi is her only pillar, if she knew ...

"And the second point ..." Ling Xi's expression was much colder than Li Junting.

She was accustomed to hiding emotions at this time. At this time, she just continued to report: "Besides, I also found out that Chen Qingzhi had believed in the Buddha in the years when he was in bed."

"Faith Buddha? Is it also related to Ruan Mengmeng?" Li Junting asked.

Belief in Buddha does not seem to be a problem.

Many people are seriously ill, and if they cannot be saved medically, they will pass on their spirit to other faiths in order to obtain support or liberation.

Chen Qingzhi was so sick before that everyone thought she might not survive.

It is not unusual for her to believe in Buddha.

Ling Xi nodded coldly, explaining: "There are ... Second Young is abroad, so I don't know. At this time last year, the master of Xuankong in Yunzen Temple was specially invited to Liyuan by the master to talk to Chen Qingzhi. After that, Soon, Chen Qingzhi suddenly told the master about Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng. He asked him to take his two daughters to Li Yuan. "

"I found Master Xuankong, and he confessed to him that he had lied to Chen Qingzhi. She said that she had not redeemed her sins and had owed money to others before she could linger on the sick bed and had no medicine to cure."

[Next chapter, before 22:40]

(End of this chapter)

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