Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 98 Storm (Part 1)

Even if she thinks back many years later, Dongfang Wan still clearly remembers how she felt at that time.

In the dark and gloomy forest, there were gunshots and noise from far and near. Because her body was covered with blood, she took off her clothes, wiped the blood and threw it away. Ye Lingjing in front of her took off a coat After putting it on for her, the night wind blew, and it was still a little cold. Of course, the coldness was not the point.

Crawl among the bushes and trees, fall to the ground at any time to avoid searching, sometimes beside tree trunks, sometimes among rocks, the light of flashlights and even flames occasionally appear in the field of vision, there are many figures in the woods, and sometimes touch a few people of nerve endings. Between a rock, Ye Lingjing took out a roll of bandages from her pocket, and bandaged the bullet wound on Dongfanglu's upper hand. The tall figure in the black cloak shuttled through the forest like a ghost, often appearing in the eyes of everyone for a moment, and then disappeared again.

A few years later, the truth came to light, and Dongfang Wan naturally knew that the "tall" was just her own illusion, maybe it was because she was always looking up at that figure in a low-lying posture, or it was because the figure showed that she was tall. The skills are too amazing.

Nearly a hundred mercenaries searched from far and near, and he was only one person. However, the few people evaded all the way, and the most indispensable thing they could see were corpses in different shapes, some were hit by bullets, and some were killed. Some of them were blown away by bombs, and some were pierced by wood and other objects because of traps. Sometimes they would also hear the voices of these dead people shouting from their walkie-talkies. It's unbelievable that this is just an effect caused by one person. The sense of chaos is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Although it is too contemptuous to use sheep to describe these mercenaries, it is very appropriate in front of your eyes. .

Large-scale chaos, weird firefights, although the mercenary group tried to start a steady roundup after realizing that there were not many opponents, but it was more than two hours after dark and before the action. There are so many small-scale traps that Jia Ming can set up. Even during the constant chase and escape, he can also use the grenades obtained from the dead to arrange small minefields, constantly giving people "surprises".

When the four of them were slowly sneaking away, they were naturally discovered by mercenaries, and one of them was shot dead by the gun in Dongfang Lu's hand. The other two were killed by bullets fired from nowhere the moment they appeared, and another person was also approached by the man in black when he arrived not far from the four of them. This person was more than two meters tall, Dongfang Wan, a strong man like an iron tower, also had an impression. This man should have one of the best fighting skills in the mercenary regiment. He once joked on the boat once, and he casually threw the bison aside.

However, it was such a man, before he raised his gun, a figure suddenly rushed out of the darkness gave him a violent knee bump on his temple, followed by a violent attack almost like a storm. He was beaten so hard that he didn't even have the time to fight back. This man probably thought he was very capable of resisting blows. Wanting to repel the enemy in a way that hurts both sides, he punched hard. After sweeping away a tree that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl, his throat was cut open at the same time, blood spurted out, and that ghostly figure had disappeared into the darkness again.

The battle in the woods lasted for more than two hours. Those mercenaries died unknowingly. The gunshots kept weakening in the woods. After a long time, it seemed that they could only be heard from a distance. Where the four of them passed by, they often saw corpses of one kind or another. It seems that it was because of a piece of clothing given to her. The girl named Ye Lingjing in front often hugged her body when she was dodging, curled up and trembled, until the gunfire disappeared for a long time, they were still walking and stopping along a fixed route, and finally spent half a day. After more than an hour, I came to a place at the foot of the mountain.

According to Ye Lingjing, there seems to be a lot of traps set up around here. Turn on the flashlight, and the mountain begins to rise in this area. There is a small depression in the mountain, about four meters long, about two meters It is not really a cave, but rather a small eave. An ancient wood that has been dead for an unknown amount of time stands on this "eave", which can barely be used to hide people.

When the light shone on, a ghostly figure appeared happily from inside, and then called softly: "Lingjing, are you alright?" Gu Jiaming, a very wretched classmate in my impression.

***************************************************** ***********

Next, it is mostly trivial things like self-introduction. Dongfang Lu is the chairman of the student union of Sacred Heart College. Lingjing and Jiaming both know each other. In the last martial arts competition, Lingjing naturally probably knew Dongfang Wan's identity , the only stranger was the fat man who had been following them all the time, and the three hostages had no interest in introducing themselves when they were on board, so the two Dongfang brothers and sisters only knew that the fat man's surname was Fu. Feeling that he was finally out of danger, the fat man was very excited, his cheeks flushed with excitement:

"Big, hello everyone, my surname is Fu, and my name is Yan Jie, hehe, my dad has relatively high expectations of me..."

Others didn't have any idea about the name, but Jiaming was slightly taken aback, his cheeks twitching a bit: "Uh, Fu Yanjie... Jiu Yang, Jiu Yang, my name is Gu Jiaming, hello, haha..."

At this time, the battle stopped for a while, and the Dongfang brothers and sisters and Fatty Fu looked at Jia Ming with strange eyes, which were both in awe and puzzlement. Jia Ming naturally knew what they suspected, so he and Ling Jing made up a story, probably saying that the two of them were also captured by these guys, but a mysterious figure nicknamed Tulip saved them. With black cloaks, the two of them don't know each other's identity and appearance. As for how their ship was destroyed and how they came to this island, there is no need to change too much.

The only loophole of this lie is probably why Jia Ming was hiding here alone when the group of mercenaries searched, but why was he not found? , I'm afraid it will be considered a real joke. For the girl named Cai Lingjing who went out to save people just now, but Jia Ming stayed here and hid, Dongfang Wan looked at Jia Ming with a bit more contempt and disdain.

In the battle just now, Ruan Zonggan’s side suffered heavy losses. Jia Ming had already contacted them when the casualties exceeded half, and asked each of them to occupy one side of the island and not to invade each other after that. Although Ruan Zonggan was furious at this time, The fire is burning, but the situation in front of me is not clear at all. The casualties on my side are heavy, but the opponent's firepower configuration is completely unpredictable. I think it's absurd, and the speaker himself may feel that he is a joke. .

The situation is stronger than people, and they can only gather strength to take a step back for a while. In the final analysis, this is a world where people rely on strength to make money. When the boat is gone, everyone wants to work hard, but if the hard work fails, it will be too irrational to die in vain. From what the other party said, Jia Ming probably knew that they regarded him as a member of the Huoyan Mercenary Group. This is the most ideal situation. At least he would think that it was impossible for him to send a signal for help. There is a buffer period of one or two days.

Regarding the upcoming storm tomorrow, Jiaming probably knew from the gunboat's computer records, so he naturally said it in the name of Mr. Tulip, and then Lingjing, Dongfang Wan, and Fu Yanjie got busy. Take out the tent from the hidden backpack and cut it open with a knife, put the canvas on the outside of the eaves of the small house, then sew the edges with soil, and then make a camouflage with shrubs, making it a small tent that can temporarily shelter from the wind and rain. cave.

On the other side, Jia Ming took out medicine and bandages to help Dongfang Lu deal with his injuries. The palm was pierced by bullets, one arm was dislocated, the other was fractured, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises. He was able to resist walking in the woods for more than two hours. For this man who has not received professional training, Jiaming really wants to pay respects. He can become the president of the student union of Sacred Heart College. justified. However, I heard a muffled sound from my brother's mouth because of the severe pain when his arm was connected. Dongfang Wan couldn't help frowning: "Be careful, will you cure it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Jia Ming smiled, "My future dream is to be a doctor."

Lingjing was very satisfied with his ideal, and said with a smile, "No wonder Jia Ming, you are always flattering my mother. You just want my mother to accept you as a disciple." Jia Ming just wanted to say, "It's okay to flatter Mother Ye." It's not just for this." Dongfang Wan sarcastically said, "Could it be to be a dentist?"

Jia Ming shrugged his shoulders: "If you can't get into a good medical subject, of course you can only become a dentist." Ling Jing's face suddenly turned cold: "My mother is not a dentist...but even if she is a dentist, there is nothing wrong with it. OK."

Unexpectedly, the words of the girl beside her suddenly turned cold, Dongfang Wan was a little embarrassed: "Uh, sorry..." In fact, Ling Jing is not a narrow-minded girl, but she really hates Dongfang Wan's mocking tone towards Jia Ming. .

Probably arrange the small cave well. A small embankment was probably built above to separate the water flow, and it was already late at night. They took out compressed biscuits from their backpacks and ate some. After making an appointment to take turns to watch the night, they went to sleep in the small caves.

At some point, Dongfang Wan woke up in a daze. The sky was still dark, but it was already raining outside. There seemed to be a smell of gunpowder in the air. flashlight. Jia Ming sat there with most of the clothes on his upper body undone. Lingjing sat next to him, weeping and bandaging a wound on his shoulder, the gunshot wound, until Lingjing knew that Jiaming had endured it for most of the night.

Almost at the next moment when Dongfang Wan saw the scene in front of her clearly, Jia Ming looked over suddenly, and then showed a helpless smile. Dongfang Wan moved her body and said softly: "What, what's wrong?"

Hearing her voice, Lingjing wiped her tears with her sleeves, then turned her head and smiled softly: "It's nothing, Jiaming was injured a few days ago, and he's still not healed." Her hands were trembling slightly, and she would be stained with blood. The dagger was hidden on the side where Dongfang Wan couldn't see, there was no anesthetic or other things, so I could only use gunpowder to kill the virus according to Jia Ming's instructions, and use the dagger to forcefully dig out the bullets embedded in the flesh and blood, Lingjing Just thinking about it makes her whole body ache. Just now, under her clumsy use of the knife, Jia Ming gritted his teeth and endured, I don't know what kind of amazing pain.

"Oh..." Dongfang Wan nodded, "By the way, where is that Mr. Tulip? Doesn't he have to come in to hide from the rain? The storm is coming, what should he do?"

"I don't know, he doesn't like being with us, but he will definitely find a way, don't worry."

"Oh." Nodding, Dongfang Wan glanced at the bandage on Jiaming's shoulder, then closed her eyes and fell asleep again. In the darkness, that ghostly figure seemed to flash out again. When she was about to be hurt, the god of heaven Appeared normally, saved her, saved everyone, and then killed all the enemies like a god, Tulip... What kind of person is he? With this in mind, she wrapped the blanket tightly around her body. There was no warm big bed, no gorgeous room, and she hadn't even taken a shower before this, but after a few days, this was the most sound sleep she had.

The next day, the clouds began to thicken in the sky. In the morning, it was just light rain. After noon, the rain began to increase, and the wind gradually picked up...

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