Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 99 Storm (Part 2)

On the afternoon of October 9th, the storm officially descended on this uninhabited island.

The dark clouds covered all the light, the torrential rain poured down, the strong wind passed through the dense forest, making strange and terrifying roars, and the wind penetrated into the small cave, and it seemed that it might overturn it at any time. The layer of canvas that covers the outside.

Of course, there was a fallen old tree pressing down on it, and a lot of heavy objects such as mud and rocks were pressed on the edge of the canvas. It was not so easy to overturn, but just to be on the safe side, Jia Ming and others still covered the hole. It is only when looking at the outside situation that a small gap is opened and a telescope is used to observe. Under such a strong wind, the group of enemies on the opposite side of the island should not be so brain-dead that they ran over to sneak attack, but who can guarantee that they will really be brain-dead.

In the cave, there are quite a few guns and grenades piled up. The flashlights on the guns were removed and used one by one for lighting. A fat man named Fu Yanjie sat on the outermost side, occasionally observing the situation with a telescope. A little bit in the middle were two brothers and sisters from the Dongfang family. Jiaming and Lingjing were on the innermost side repairing a weird radio. It turned out that the ship was blown up. A part of the radio was moved here before it was repaired. Now Jiaming disassembled a few walkie-talkies picked up from dead bodies, pieced together the parts, and also dismantled a submachine gun. I put half of my blanket on Jiaming's body, and sitting next to him said it was a part-time job, but in fact there was nothing to do, at most it was just chatting with him.

The relationship between the two is like a couple. It’s like a good friend from childhood sweethearts. Of course, at this time, the other three people have no further thoughts. Now in such an environment, the only thing that can be thankful is the fact that they are still whole. Listening to the sound of the wind and rain outside, sitting bored chatting and joking occasionally. Dongfangwan sometimes worriedly asked about Mr. Tulip who was still outside at the moment, and Lingjing smiled and said a few perfunctory words. He looked at Jiaming with ambiguous eyes, and the fat man named Fu Yanjie liked to tell some cold jokes, and often he laughed non-stop before others laughed.

The time passed in chatter and jokes, and in the evening, it was as dark as night, and Jia Ming replaced the fat man to guard the entrance of the cave. Lingjing fell asleep inside wrapped in a quilt, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful about the fact that there were three more outsiders in the cave. If it was just her and Jiaming, they wouldn't be bored if they could hug each other in this weather.

Not long after, Dongfang Wan on the side took out a raincoat from the small cave and put it on, then tied her waist with a rope.  This is something the five of you have discussed before, if it is convenient when the storm is coming.  You have to go out in this way, so as not to be washed away by the water flowing down from the mountain. She tied the rope around her waist with a beautiful bow, and she put one end into her elder brother's hand. When she was about to leave, Jia Ming pointed at the knot on her waist and frowned: "Uh, that...you tie it firmly." Yet?".

"Of course it's fastened.  " About the last martial arts contest. Dongfang Wan had a lot of resentment in her heart, so she said something lightly at this time, and walked out from the door. Outside the artificial small cave, it was pitch black due to heavy wind and rain. When the torch was shining, the water flowed down the mountain and was divided into two streams above the small cave. In the low-lying area not far below, the rainwater almost flowed into a raging Xiao He was secretly surprised. She descended slowly along the small grassy slope that was not too inclined. When Jiaming at the entrance of the small cave is sure that he can't see himself even if he peeps. Gang just squatted down and took off his trousers.

on the other hand. Holding the end of the long rope in his hand, Dongfang Lu sat next to Jiaming, and said with a smile: "Sorry, my little sister seems to have some prejudice against you. "

"Well, I know.  " Jia Ming shrugged, "It's because of the last martial arts competition.  "...

"Oh, that incident caused her to be laughed at many times among her sisters, but from my teacher's point of view, I think that your strategy was quite correct, Junior Brother Jiaming, but in terms of means Just...hehe..." Both parties smiled heartily, and Dongfang Lu asked, "Junior Jiaming, are you good at physics?"

"Hehe, just for fun.  " Pointing at the radio, Jia Ming smiled, "When I was young, I liked to dismantle radios.  "

"Since you are so interested in this aspect, why do you want to study medicine?"

"Uh, because..." Recalling the original intention of this goal, Jia Ming couldn't help shrugging, "Because there was a friend who always liked to fight and was always injured..."

Dongfang Lu lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Could it be the girl you like?"

"Uh, sort of, but..."

For Jia Ming, there is no need to cover up these things, after all, only words with falsehood and truth can deceive people. However, before the words were finished, Dongfang Wan faintly exclaimed in the wind and rain, and the end of the rope suddenly It tightened, then suddenly loosened. Dongfang Lu just wanted to get up, but was suddenly held down by Jia Ming. After that, he rushed out with a flashlight: "You are injured, pull the rope!"

In fact, as Jiaming, Dongfang Wan is not that nervous. If the rope is really loose suddenly, it doesn’t matter if Dongfang Lu goes, but now there is a cry first and then the rope changes, which means that Dongfang Wan must be affected first. attacked. Could it be that those guys are really stupid and came here to sneak attack? As soon as she rushed out, Dongfang Wan's flashlight fell on the small slope below, and the two figures rolled all the way into the small river where the rain was rushing in the low-lying place.

With a cold gaze, Jia Mingxu grabbed the rope and dashed down from above!

In fact, the sneak attacker didn't come here specifically to attack.

It was a mercenary. In the battle last night, this man was shot twice and fainted on the spot. When Ruan Zonggan and others retreated to the other side of the island, he left him where he was and waited Today the sky started to rain, he woke up from a coma, and wanted to find a place to hide from the storm, but when the storm really came, a simple bunker where he had been hiding was washed away by the rain, and he himself was in pain, his whole body They're all in a daze.  I don't know how long I struggled in the storm, when I was dying.  Only then did I realize that there seemed to be faint light shining on the small slope on the side, and then I struggled to climb up along the grassy slope.

In such a sea storm, the visibility was already poor. The mercenary climbed up slowly, but Dongfang Wan didn't notice it at all. Not long after she took off her trousers, she suddenly stretched out a hand in front of her eyes.  He missed the flashlight in her hand, but grabbed her by the bottom of her trousers. Dongfang Wan screamed in fright.  Then the whole body loses its balance. Because the rope around her waist was not tied securely, she and the mercenary rolled down the grassy slope together.

In the midst of the earth-shattering, Dongfang Wan kicked her legs desperately and smashed her forehead hard on a stone. She felt dizzy for a while, and felt that water was rushing from all directions. He poured it straight into her mouth and nose, drank a few sips of water, and in the darkness, the silhouette of the figure stood up in front of her eyes, holding a dagger in her hand as if about to stab herself, another figure , suddenly across from the eyes.

The figures intertwined, and she seemed to see that figure again. The dagger pierced the opponent's throat in an instant, and the enemy fell down. Her consciousness also fell into a blank at this moment.

***************************************************** *****

The next day, Dongfang Wan looked at Jiaming with a slightly strange gaze.

The storm continued to roar outside the small cave, and there was only one flashlight as lighting in the dim cave. Dongfang Wan's body was covered with a blanket, her forehead was wrapped in an ugly Arab shape with bandages, her right leg was also covered with bandages, and several small wooden boards were fixed to her right ankle, which was reset after dislocation, so that her body was in line with Dongfang Wan's. At this time, the two of Lu became the best interpretation of the idiom "difficult brother and difficult sister". …

The accident yesterday was finally determined to be caused by a mercenary who was seriously injured. After learning about Jiaming's heroic performance from her elder brother, Dongfang Wan felt a little complicated. The fact that the man was rescued was not the main reason.  More reason lies in some other trivial details.

For example. When she was rescued, her lower body was completely naked. For another example, because the rope was not long enough, in order to get into the water to save her, Jia Ming himself jumped into the torrent, and the two of them were rushed tens of meters away before Jia Ming found an opportunity to pull her ashore , After struggling in the storm for more than 20 minutes, the two finally returned to the cave with the help of others. Twenty minutes, basically, is enough to have a baby.

There is something romantic about the idea of ​​breaking open air for the first time in a howling storm. Of course, Dongfang Wan didn't think of Jia Ming as such a perverted person, although because of the violent impact of the water, there was indeed some pain there... What made her more concerned was the scene she saw before she fell into a coma—— According to his elder brother, Jia Ming just said that he pushed the seriously injured mercenary away, but his last glance clearly saw the murder scene of Mr. Tulip.

In the dark, she could only see the outline of people clearly, but the impact of that glance on her could not dissipate even if she was in a coma, and she was also a person who knew some simple martial arts. Strength and speed, a perfect knife, I can even see the scene where the tip of the knife pierces from the other side of the enemy's throat in an instant - is it my hallucination? Or is he deliberately covering up his fear after killing someone, or...

Thinking of that possibility, she felt that she might have hit her head and flooded her head. Probably it was really my hallucination. After all, since I woke up, the other party's behavior has always been normal, and it doesn't look like he killed someone at all.

The whole day on the 10th, the time passed in a monotonous storm. Dongfang Wan got a little cold because of the excessive rain yesterday. After taking the medicine, she felt a little better and chatted with Lingjing. , but the topic unconsciously led to Jiaming's direction, roughly talking about some interesting things about Jiaming, her, and Shasha since they were young, and Dongfang Lu was also listening, interjecting a few words from time to time. Recalling these interesting places along the way, Lingjing was in high spirits, and occasionally looked at Jiaming who was adjusting the radio at the end, thinking that we have gone through so many stories, thread by thread, bit by bit, As long as you remember, you will feel happy.

That night, the radio was probably restored. On the 11th, the storm finally began to lower. Jiaming and Dongfang Lu were sorting out the guns in the small cave. At noon, a red light on the radio suddenly lit up. Morse code signals came from inside.

"This is... China... The East China Sea Fleet... The Special Search and Rescue Team for the 104 Incident... has approached the island... East Longitude Chacha Chacha Chacha Chacha, North Latitude Chacha Chacha Dot Chacha..."

At this time, it was Fatty Fu who had been hiding by the side and dared not touch the gun, who read out this signal. I am more interested in knowledge, although I am not familiar with the hardware, but I still know the Morse code... huh..."

Jia Ming smiled faintly, embraced the radio, and started to send messages from his side.

***************************************************** *****

Although the storm has weakened, there is still an astonishing momentum among the surging waves on the beach. Five people came out of the woods holding the canvas as a tent. , and the light shines down, symbolizing that the storm is about to leave. On the sea, five large and small ships broke through the waves and anchored in the nearby waters, followed by small landing ships. …

"By the way, is it really okay to not wait for that Mr. Tulip?". Looking back at the forest, Dongfang Lu asked. Jiaming smiled faintly: "Anyway, we couldn't find him. We left a message in the camp, and the army will soon go to the island to search for the remaining mercenaries. With such a big momentum, he will definitely know. "

Dongfang Lu nodded: "Tell us what happened, the army should not embarrass him. I really want to see the true face of this gentleman.  "

Jia Ming and Ling Jing nodded vigorously, Dongfang Wan looked at Jia Ming's silly nodding, with a look of disdain on her brows, and turned her head to look at the forest.

While speaking, the first landing craft came ashore, and heavily armed soldiers jumped off under the leadership of Cui Guohua and others.  Followed by a second ship.

When the third landing craft docked, the figure of a girl in a raincoat that descended first was knocked down by the onslaught of the tide. Immediately, that figure rushed out of the sea. The posture ran towards this side. In an instant, Ling Jing burst into tears, and rushed towards the other party, her voice choked with sobs, and spread far away in the sea breeze.




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