Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 111 Each Christmas Eve

"Christmas Eve?" Listening to Dongfang Lu's question, Lingjing blinked her eyes, "I have to go to work tomorrow night, and we never celebrate Christmas Eve."

"Oh." Dongfang Lu smiled regretfully, "Hehe, that's a pity. Originally, people from our student union planned to have a dinner together, and wanted to invite Ling Jing to go with you, but now..." He Shrugged, forget it, anyway, you have to take your time, there will always be opportunities, but after hearing what he said, Ling Jing's eyes lit up.

"Dinning! Have you found a place? Our restaurant also happens to hold a Christmas carnival buffet with the hotel." She thought of the buffet held by the hotel. According to the rules, if the internal personnel can invite guests to come, they can get 10% The student union has never been short of money. According to the consumption of 500 per person, there are more than 20 students in the student union, and the rebates are more than 1,000. Now I am excited to introduce it to Dongfang Road: "There are salmon and grilled lobsters. , There is foie gras, and a lot of American barbecue, anyway, there is a band playing, and there is a big draw at the end, everyone..."

Having said that, she stretched out five fingers and hesitated for a moment: "Five hundred yuan each... But it's definitely worth the money."

Seeing that she who has always been quiet and chattering suddenly doing sales promotion, the people around thought it was a bit weird, but Ling Jing was already beautiful, and at this moment her face was flushed, and the look of anticipation on her face was very cute and attractive, so not many people paid attention to her. Thinking about it, the Dongfang Road family has a lot of experience, so they naturally understand that some hotel staff will get kickbacks when they bring guests. Seeing Lingjing's appearance, while admiring her, she was a little strange: Could it be that she is short of money? Immediately smiled and said: "Oh, I think no one will refuse Ling Jing's introduction."


Returning to the classroom with the gift box in hand, with a check worth tens of thousands of dollars in his pocket, he felt very happy just thinking about it. More than a thousand dollars belonged to him, so there was naturally a shortage of things at home. And since working part-time in the flower shop, I have seen Jiaming's proficient motorcycle skills, and the two girls also like the feeling of going for a ride occasionally, so they are also planning to buy a beautiful motorcycle in their hearts. She asked once, and now that they want to buy a motorcycle, the three of them will have to save up for a year or two. But it is good to have a goal, and the process of getting closer to the goal is the happiest.

Before sitting down, Xiaoli at the same table leaned over, smiled enviously and said, "That's great, did someone give you a gift? What is it? It must be from some handsome guy." Come over and unwrap the gift to satisfy your curiosity.

"Heh, it's a gift from the student union. You said thank you for my help these days. What are you thinking about?" Lingjing smiled angrily at her expression, and stuffed the small woolen satchel with tools at her waist into the drawer.

Xiao Li smiled with her cheeks on her shoulders, "Student Union, wow. Is it Dongfang Road?"


"Wow, wow, Lingjing. Dongfang Road, he is the one who came to look for you several times. Now I gave you a gift, you said..." Xiaoli lowered her voice, as if to say that aliens invaded the earth. The important thing, "Could he like you?"

"Where are you talking about? It's all about benefits. I've done so many things for them. It's not justified if I don't get some benefits." Ling Jing smiled and unwrapped the bowknot and wrapping paper, and opened the beautiful red box . Inside is a pair of white leather gloves, which look very expensive at first glance. Xiaoli immediately took one to try it on, and then exclaimed: "Wow, it's so warm, it's fluffy inside, it's comfortable and fits well, it's quiet, our hands are the same size, Senior Dongfang can pick things well Really accurate..."

"Well, I'll give it to you as a Christmas present." Seeing the other party's chirping, Lingjing shrugged with a smile, pushed the gift box and the other glove over, and Xiao Lixi said, "Really give it to me?" Give it to me? Really give it to me... But, it was given to you by Senior Dongfang, and your gloves are already very old, and they are still a little small..."

"I like to use my own pair." Ling Jing smiled and took out a pair of white woolen gloves from her pocket. Half of her fingers were exposed. Even if she wore them, she could play the piano. The gloves had been worn for a long time, and there were threads in many places. It came out, but she learned to fight the year before last, which is very memorable. Shasha has a pair, and Jiaming also has them, but Jiaming's hands are always like a stove, and they are like a stove. Sitting on the sofa and watching TV in the cold night, the two girls are used to holding Jiaming's hand as a stove. But Jiaming's hands are always moving restlessly... Thinking of this, Lingjing couldn't help laughing.

On the side, Xiaoli has already changed the subject: "Uh, actually, Lingjing, it's fine if you don't like Senior Dongfang. I heard that there are many girls who like Senior Dongfang, like that senior sister Tan Suyan in the third grade. Name the most beautiful senior sister Dong Danwen in the whole school, I heard that they had a big fight..."

"Is senior sister Dong Danwen really that beautiful?"

"Of course, Lingjing, haven't you seen her? I often see her. It seems that only the Japanese girl named Yuechi Kaoru in Class 6 of our first grade can compare with her. By the way, that Yuechi is your club. Yes. But Yuechi usually doesn’t wear make-up, senior sister Dong Danwen looks like a movie star every day, guess how much she costs for a dress?”

"How many?"

"At least 3,000 yuan or more, they are all very expensive famous brands, so beautiful..."


It's nothing to do with me, and I don't have any special feelings about Dongfang Road, so everything naturally hangs high, and these gossips are treated as entertainment news for idols. Holding up the beautiful new gloves, Ling Jing still wore the slightly advanced white gloves, and occasionally exclaimed twice, outside the classroom, there was snow.

***************************************************** *****

The next day, December 24th, Sacred Heart High School, a noble academy with half of the foreign investment, only had half a day of classes, and the holiday began in the afternoon. When school was over at noon, Yahan’s car was parked outside the teaching area. The three people who lived together came out.

"It's just a holiday today, Christmas Eve, I know you've always been good at it, and I don't have anything to do at school, so let's go to my place for dinner together at night."

"Sister Yahan doesn't need to go home?" Ling Jing asked.

"Oh, our family only celebrates New Year's Day, not Christmas. Although I was in the UK for a few years, I didn't pay much attention to Christmas. After all, it's just gathering together. Do you still work at night, Lingjing?"

"I'm going to help out in the afternoon, and I'll be paid overtime today." Ling Jing smiled, "But basically I don't need to play the piano at night, because the waiter's foreman has something to do temporarily, so the manager asked me to take care of it, about nine o'clock Zhong can go now, let Jiaming pick me up when the time comes."

"Then it's settled." Knowing that the three of them don't care much about the little things of playing around, it is enough for Lingjing to make up his mind, Yahan smiled happily, "Jiaming, Shasha, we have eaten at noon I'll pick you up, take Lingjing to the restaurant first, and then go out to do big shopping together in the afternoon."

Although she said it lightly on the surface, she has been preparing for this Christmas Eve for a long time. These days, apart from directing those stupid students who are too stupid to fly to the sky to prepare for the New Year's Eve party, she is basically busy with Christmas trees, lanterns, etc. Small things for decoration. For Jia Ming's feelings, she has become more and more difficult to grasp. She didn't know what kind of relationship he had with the other two girls, it was neither easy to ask nor explore, and she was even a little afraid to explore.

If the other party was an adult of her age, she would muster up the courage to challenge all of this, but Jia Ming is not, although Jia Ming always jokes that she is his child bride, she is not after all. His child bride. If such a teacher-student relationship appears. No matter where it is placed, it is probably something deviant. She is an adult, so no matter what, she will become the one who is wrong. People will say that she shamelessly seduced her students. Especially in that conservative family, she couldn't imagine what kind of repercussions this kind of thing would cause.

Whether it is dependence or love, she can only be in chaos and maintain this kind of friendship that seems too ambiguous. She can let go of everything in front of Jiaming, and sometimes squabbles are like a close relationship Brother and sister, after the incident, she would think that she was a little too crazy just now. She exposed her sexy thighs in front of Jiaming or was touched by him to take advantage of her breasts, and then she wondered whether Jiaming would have an impulse towards her .

But occasionally observe rationally. Jiaming doesn't have the slightest impulse beyond lust or reason, although he will also act lustfully. But no matter how intimate their behavior was, he was watching all this with the eyes of admiring fashion models on TV. That is. This sixteen-year-old mature boy has no carnal thoughts about her body.

This discovery made her a little confused and a little discouraged. That bad guy has always been deviant, or it was this deviant that attracted her, easily breaking the age barrier. And now she can only wait for him to grow up. Because there are already two girls who are more suitable for him by his side, it is impossible for him to choose who he chooses. So as Yahan. She didn't dare to break the matter at all, she could only expect him to grow up quickly, and he might have a pure love affair with one of the two girls, but he would experience a lot in the process of growing up, maybe when everything was right When they are mature, he and she will have a chance, but before that, they can only get along as friends. Friends are no better than lovers. As long as one party works hard, it will often last for a lifetime.

It's just a friend... Pretentiously and unintentionally, she glanced at Jiaming, and what she saw was a listless and lazy face. At this moment, she was a little funny. Why would she like such a child? But she thought: I don't want much, this is enough...

It was only after Jia Ming's beating yesterday that the car was driving fairly smoothly and drove out of the school. When the car overtook her, the girl in a thin sweater exhaled softly on the side of the road, looked up at the endless snow falling in the sky, her expression was calm, no one knew what she was thinking. Walking on the path by the side of the road, her person is as beautiful and cold as the snow. People only dare to admire her appearance from far and near, but few people really dare to go up to show love to her or pursue her. Because by her side, there will always be a vacuum that seems to be absent from the world.

After eating, I will do four hours of training in the dormitory. In the evening, someone should routinely call to greet me, and then I will continue to practice what Jiaming taught a few days ago, and I will go to bed at ten o'clock on time. If you are lucky, Jiaming may come to wake her up in the early hours of the morning, and have a simulated battle in the snow. Without exception, she will be beaten all over her body, sometimes her joints will be dislocated, and sometimes she will be stabbed by a dagger. A lot of blood was shed, but for some reason, every scar only made her feel warm, perhaps because she knew that these scars would protect her life in the future.

This is Kaoru Tsukichi's lonely Christmas Eve. If she has any wishes or expectations, she hopes that he will come...

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, several small cars brought more than 20 high school students to the door of the Nordic Fantasy restaurant. The leader was Dongfang Road, who was dressed in casual clothes and had a warm smile, and the one who followed him was dressed in black leather. Wearing a cap, Dongfang Wan looks like a fashionable girl. Go in with the tickets and receive the lottery numbers. A group of people laugh and compare whether the numbers in their hands are auspicious. In fact, the prizes are not important to them, the important thing is the lottery.

Entering the hall, many guests had already come, while chatting and laughing with a few people, Dongfang Lu saw Ling Jing walking in the distance of the hall among the crowd, smiled and waved his right hand. .

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