Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 112 Carnival Banquet

The white snow falling outside the large glass window is boundless, the warm atmosphere of the splendid hall, the fragrant food, the chatting crowd, the melodious music played by the band, sitting on a sofa near the window, Dongfang Road holding Holding a glass of red wine, there was a small plate full of food in front of him. Of course, he didn't eat or drink much, because he didn't intend to come in to eat.

"What, brother, do you think your charm has been hit?" Although Dongfang Road is making a sofa for two people at the moment, when she walked over, Dongfang Wan still chose an empty seat next to her. After the Xingmeng incident, the relationship between the brothers and sisters has become much closer. However, being in a big family, they have never been clingy since they were young, so they can't get too close after all: "That Miss Ye Lingjing just came here to call I ignored you after saying hello, what should I do? Brother, go up and strike up a conversation."

"She's just busy, there's no need to disturb her." With a faint smile, Dongfang Lu's eyes followed the figure of the girl in the crowd. The sixteen-year-old girl is actually not much different from an adult, wearing a close-fitting suit, Ling Jing Running around the hall with a smile and a smile, occasionally showing a cute and childish playfulness, but occasionally a sense of maturity that is different from his peers. That kind of maturity is very different from the maturity cultivated by the Dongfang brothers and sisters. While Jing is mature and independent, she also maintains the purest something, which is also the most attractive highlight of her body.

Especially in the eyes of Dongfang Lu, the peers around him are always naive and naive, and sometimes they even tend to be ridiculous. And if they are adults, they are all mediocre and corrupted by society. When they become smart, they also discard all their beauty. Therefore, the more he came into contact with this girl named Lingjing at school, the more attractive Dongfanglu felt. She was a miracle.

"Brother, don't think that people will take the initiative to come over if you wait here. If you don't go up... see? That bald guy over there. There is also that handsome guy over there, and there are handsome guys over there. These people can watch Your little angel has been here for a long time, if she falls into the hands of others, it will be too late for you to go."

"Oh, stop talking nonsense." Dongfang Lu smiled lightly. "And do you think Ling Jing would like these extremely vulgar people?"

"That's hard to say." Dongfang Wan rolled her eyes, "It seems to me that someone who can become a good friend with a guy like Gu Jiaming is a little out of order. If she might become my sister-in-law, please let her get rid of this first." Is something wrong?"

"I think Gu Jiaming is a good classmate. Maybe I can become good friends with him, and he saved your life..." Dongfang Lu stared at his sister for a long time, "As the saying goes, love is deeply responsible. Cut, Xiao Wan. You have such a big resentment towards Jia Ming, so it is possible that you have already..."

"Cut. Die, even if all the men in the world are dead. I will not let that cynical bastard be my Adam. He is ugly, disgusted by his family, has no talent except basketball, and has a bad temper." Not good, tsk tsk..." Shaking her head, Dongfang Wan stood up, "I don't want to talk to you. That flower magpie is here to bother you again, so I'll dodge first... That handsome guy over there. I'll be there in three minutes Get him inside..."

After taking two steps, Dongfang Wan pulled the black flat hat on her head and turned her head to make a grimace. At this time, she was like the most dazzling black pearl in the banquet hall, exuding incomparable charm.

The skills above the shopping malls actually take up a lot of communication skills. For this younger sister who always likes to "seduce" strangers in such banquets as a training exercise, Dongfang Lu smiled helplessly, and was later called "flower" by Dongfang Wan. The beautiful woman "Magpie" sat next to Dongfang Ludi, feeling the physical contact, he frowned imperceptibly, and then said with a smile: "Sister Danwen, why don't you come and play?"

"It's so boring." Shrugging her shoulders lightly, the great beauty Dong Danwen smiled faintly, picked up a red grape and bit her lips lightly, with a hint of charm in her elegance. Perhaps it was only in front of Dongfang Road that she would show such a smile a little. The evaluation of her in the school is roughly four points: cold, beautiful, aloof and versatile. The finale dance must belong to her. In Jianghai City, she can even be regarded as a starlet. However, although she is pure, elegant and cold on the surface, Dongfang Wan can see the ostentation in her at a glance, so she is called Hua Magpie.

"Didn't Senior Dongfang also go to play? This dance party, I really feel so boring, I really want to leave everyone and leave like this." As a man, when the beauty hints like this, if he says: "Let's go together. "Maybe there will be something romantic like elopement, and besides, the restaurant is above the hotel, if you find a place to be quiet, maybe you can stay "quiet" until dawn, but Dongfang Road smiled helplessly: " No, I think this place is very good. I was tired from playing just now, so it’s good to come and sit for a while. If junior girl Danwen is tired, why don’t I ask the driver to take her back first. I’ll explain later, I believe everyone will not mind."

Hearing that it was the driver and not Dongfang Lu herself, Dong Danwen shrugged her shoulders: "No, come to play together, how can we spoil everyone's fun, since Senior Dongfang is also tired, I'll just sit here with him for a while."

Although this time his mind was on Ling Jing, but with the beauty by his side, even if the beauty was a little hypocritical, it would not be uncomfortable for the man. After saying a few words, Dongfang Lu suddenly noticed that she was sitting not far away Among the two people, a middle-aged man also spotted him and waved hello.

Leading Dong Danwen over, Dongfang Lu smiled and said, "Mr. Zheng, you are here in Jianghai City. Why don't you let the students pick you up? Well, Danwen, this is Mr. Zheng Zepei, a famous songwriter in Hong Kong. This is My school girl Dong Danwen is also very interested in lyrics and music."

Then Zheng Zepei smiled and shook hands with Dongfang Lu and the two, and then said with a smile: "When it comes to lyrics and music, I am far behind Huang Lao. Didn't you also visit Huang Lao when you went to Hong Kong last time?" , I didn’t see it later, but this time I finally have a chance.”

After some introduction, Dongfang Road knew the identity of the person next to Zheng Zepei. At this time, television was not well developed. It was not like a few years later. His music development is basically influenced by Hong Kong and Taiwan. If this Zheng Zepei is the top musician in Hong Kong, the Huang Lao beside him is even more a legend in the music industry. There are countless singers who have become popular singing the songs he wrote. , Knowing the identities of these two people, Dong Danwen's iceberg melted in an instant, and her heart beat like a drum set on the stage. .

The four chatted, and Dong Danwen made a studious gesture and occasionally asked a few questions, looking forward to who of these two musicians could write a song for her or lead her into the music and film world. Zheng Zepei on the opposite side is more talkative. It is said that Dongfang Road visited Hong Kong last year and visited him specially. He showed him some of the songs he wrote after class, and Zheng Zepei was very fond of them. Elder Huang was listening from the sidelines, nodding his head occasionally, saying a few words, cherishing words like gold.

Soon, the host took a colored ball and walked onto the central stage: "Well, now let's start the second interactive program today, whoever receives this colored ball will come up and perform a show, everyone agree! If you want to show off your singing and dancing skills, or want to show your love to your girlfriend in the most romantic atmosphere, act now! The first one, whoever wants it, we have professional accompaniment, and..."

At this time, karaoke is popular in the outside world. Hearing the host's words, some men and women who are confident in their singing voice immediately raised their hands, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic...

Standing in the crowd, Lingjing looked at the watch on her wrist, and then looked at the snow scene outside the big glass window. It was half past eight, and Jia Ming would come over soon, and she had already agreed with the manager that it would be at nine You can leave, thinking of the small party that will be held at Yahan's house, she smiled faintly.


There was a bang, and the bicycle blew out on the snow.

Looking at his watch, at 8:53, Jia Ming frowned. This place is not far from Nordic Fantasy. I remember that there was a small car repair stall not far ahead, but I didn't know if there was anyone there in such a heavy snow day. Vehicles were coming and going on the street, and the lights were flickering. In fact, in Jianghai City at this time, most people still had Christmas Eve. After turning the corner of the road, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the orange light was still shining in a small shed by the roadside.

"Master, the rear tire is blown out, please take a look."


Breathing out the heat, the shabby mechanic put the bicycle down with a smile, and then brought the cold bucket of water with his red and cracked big hand.

"Master, why are you still working so late? It's very cold today."

"Ah, haha, it's a sad day." The car mechanic smiled heartily, "Young man, I don't see you wearing much, go to the back shop and wait, five minutes will be fine, at least it's warm in the shop I'll call you then."

"Well, I'll trouble you then, Master."


Eight fifty-nine.

Lingjing looked at her watch, Jiaming was used to coming earlier, why didn't she arrive at this time. Heh heh, I'm going to make things difficult for him later because of his late arrival. Lingjing wrinkled her nose playfully and made a decision.

When he turned his head to look at the stage, it was the personable Dongfang Lu who walked up, holding the colored ball, waved it gracefully a few times, and then picked up the microphone.

"Uh... I'm going to perform it for everyone. It's a song I wrote myself a month ago last year, and it's dedicated to a girl in the venue. Well. I've brought up the score, and I hope I can invite someone Piano accompaniment. Hehe, the handsome men and beauties in the band on stage have been busy for so long, I think it’s better to let them take a break..."

In the audience, Dong Danwen has stood up with a smile.

"...Ye Lingjing, please accompany me, please?"

Xun Danwen's smile instantly froze on her face, and Ling Jing was slightly stunned: "Uh...me?" Then she smiled and waved, "I can't do it. I haven't learned the piano for a long time, and..." She shook her head. shook his head. I wanted to see if Jia Ming's figure appeared outside, but after all, Zhang Jingfeng walked over and said with a smile, "Lingjing, although it's already nine o'clock, Jia Ming hasn't come anyway. Accompaniment, just go up for a while."

"Uh... that's good." She smiled helplessly, "I'm not good at one shot, so don't blame me."

For a moment, the affectionate melody sounded in the venue...


Stuffing a pair of cheap white gloves into his pocket, Jia Ming walked out of the shop behind him.

"Are you ready? Master, how much is it?"

"Okay, okay, I promise it's okay, one dollar."

"Oh, yes, thank you."

"Hehe, it's okay, young man, ride well."

"See you."

Waving his hand, Jia Ming rode his bicycle and turned into a road next to him. About five minutes later, I came to the door of Nordic Fantasy, and there was a song that was not professional but quite charming: "In this life, I will treat you as my whole..." I couldn't help but smile, The lyrics are so straightforward.

Looking in from the large glass window, I saw Dongfang Lu was singing on the circular stage. He was always handsome and the gesture of holding the microphone was obviously professional. However, his eyes were always on the side playing the piano... Ling quiet!

At this time, the lights shone down, playing and singing on the stage, just like a pair of lovers. Jia Ming shrugged helplessly, and pushed his bicycle to the door of the restaurant, but the security guard knew him: "Hey, Jia Ming, are you here to pick up Ling Jing again?"

"Well, the family is waiting for her to cook? Can I go in?"

"Hehe, go in, it's not like everyone doesn't know you, put the bike here, I'll help you look over it."

"Ok, thanks."


After one song was sung, the audience applauded immediately, and Zheng Zepei also nodded with a smile on the chair, and commented with Mr. Huang. It's pretty good for a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy to be able to compose music to such an extent in his spare time. Amid the shouts of the crowd, Lingjing stood up and bowed formally, with a bright smile on her face, before stepping down. Dongfang Lu flicked his hand and turned into a beautiful rose: "Hehe, this is the flower I secretly picked up on the table over there just now, I hope the restaurant won't ask me to pay for it, in order to show Lingjing Thank you for playing my accompaniment, I want to give this flower to her...Ling Jing, this is my thank you, I hope you don't refuse."

Down below, Dong Danwen's face was pale, but Dongfang Wan was admiring her elder brother's method. She really paid attention to the method of killing with one blow. Looking at the flowers sent to her eyes, Lingjing hesitated for a while, and Dongfang Wan had already taken the lead in instigating below: "Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it..." Immediately, everyone in the banquet hall roared. Looking at the crowd below in embarrassment, Lingjing took the rose, struggled to smile and said, "Thank you."

"Hehe." Knowing that the attack on Lingjing had to be slow, Dongfang Lu picked up the microphone and walked aside, "Then, who is next, let me see."

Among the crowd, Dong Danwen also raised her hand coldly, she was not convinced. Dongfang Lu smiled and threw the colored ball over.

The lights danced and then stopped in front of Dong Danwen. It was a young man in casual clothes with snow on his shoulders and feet. He looked very ordinary. At this moment, he looked at the colored ball in his hand. He scratched his hair in distress.

"Uh, I received it by accident, so...do you want to sing when you receive it?".

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