Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 142 Goodbye

The rain fell one after another, and the soft music sounded in the coffee shop next to the supermarket.

"I just arrived here not long ago, and the jet lag has not been adjusted. I wanted to rest first, and I will go to you tomorrow after dressing up. I didn't expect to meet you like this." Looking at Jiaming, the blond Marilyn said with a smile, her voice As soft as ever, just like a woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Of course, it is the ancient Jiangnan, not the modern Jiangnan.

"According to our time here, you should have got your air tickets at around 7 o'clock last night. You arrived in Beijing in the morning, then transferred over and booked a VIP room at Huajing Hotel. This time, you came here with that Mr. Joseph. "

After taking a sip of fresh orange juice, Jia Ming casually told their itinerary, Marilyn opened her eyes wide in surprise, with a heartfelt smile in her eyes: "Well, you...have you been looking at us? "

"It's almost the 21st century, and computers can do a lot of things, especially in the United States... Do you know? Your affairs have been filed with the FBI, because the results of your last trip were really scary. This time You are coming to China again, which is considered a big event, and they reported it to the higher authorities immediately. By the way, I even saw Heidi’s winning photos of several singing competitions.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to stroke Heidi who was eating ice cream. As a mixed race, the little girl did not inherit her mother's blond hair. Instead, she had black hair like satin, which felt very tactile. Feeling the pressing of her palm, the little girl shook her head impatiently, stuffed her cheeks with ice cream, and glared at him viciously.

"It's impolite! A gentleman won't touch a lady's hair casually!"

Heidi was furious, with serious consequences.

It's a pity that no one in front of me seems to have enough understanding of this seriousness. Jia Ming just smiled, his palm still resting on the little head that was trying to beg him. Looking around a few times, he said worriedly, "Will it... bring you trouble?"

"Don't worry, if you were in the United States, you might be monitored, but this is China, and the FBI is not that powerful. Most importantly, I'm just a high school student." After touching the little girl's hair enough, Jiaming said in disgust She patted on her pink cheeks, and then she was willing to let go after pinching, which made Heidi pissed off. Damn it, I haven't seen him for three years, he has become so hateful! Not gentle at all, thanks to the fact that I still think of him often in the United States, hum!

After hearing Jia Ming's words, Marilyn also felt relieved, looked at the little friction between him and Heidi, and said with a smile: "Heidi often tells me about you in New York, she misses you very much, of course... …Me too."

"Nonsense, I don't have it! I just want... Chinese cotton candy!" Heidi retorted angrily, and the two people next to her smiled. After a moment of pause, Marilyn changed the language from English to Chinese, which was obviously not very good I hope Heidi knows these things: "After returning to China, I participated in some family affairs. Of course, it has nothing to do with the Mafia. What I came into contact with was some relatively clean business of the family, because these things were basically handled by Joseph before. , so I was one of his assistants, well, I think you already know that."

"Of course, you have done a good job these two years."

Marilyn smiled sweetly, reached out and fiddled with a strand of blond hair on her forehead, and raised her eyebrows: "Then... I think you will also know that Joseph is pursuing me, and in the family... well, I mean the father's side, too. Hope I can marry him, of course, just a suggestion..."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Jia Ming with a smile in her eyes, but saw Jia Ming took a sip of fresh orange juice, smiled and nodded: "On the fbi file, Mr. Joseph was highly rated. Well, your father came to pick you up three years ago, and the man who followed him should be him, which shows that he also holds a high position in your family, and I probably know that as early as seven or eight years ago, he had already Started to pursue you, seems like a good man, if you like..."

"I don't like it." His eyes rolled gently, "I want to tell you this personally."

Jia Ming leaned on the back of the chair: "Did you decide to think about that man until your death? Although it is understandable, I find it very boring."

"I forgot about Don." Marilyn stated with a smile: "Now I just want to watch Heidi grow up peacefully, and... I made a promise to you."

"Oh." Jiaming whistled, and he naturally remembered the promise, "Whether you are mine or not, I will always be yours", "As long as you need it, I will come to you immediately", etc. Although he didn't really care about it, as a man, he still felt an indescribable temptation in front of the mature and beautiful woman in front of him. At this time, Heidi protested: "It's impolite! I have just started learning Chinese, you are not allowed to speak in Chinese."

Marilyn shrugged, smiled apologetically, and switched back to English: "For the past two years, in order not to arouse suspicion, we don't know what you're doing or where you live now. Gu, what should we do?" found you?"

Hearing this sentence, Heidi stopped venting at the ice cream, put down the spoon and said, "Aren't you going to the hotel with us? Then, Mommy and I should go to your house, okay?"

When the two were hunted down three years ago, they lived in the house left by Jiaming's parents for nearly a month without leaving home, but now the mother and daughter can be regarded as the focus of attention, so it is naturally impossible to live there again. Go there, Marilyn explained, Jiaming looked at the time, and smiled: "That's not okay, and it's late now, I should go back, so, get a good sleep tonight, and I will go to see you tomorrow , okay?"

"You...but we've only met for a while..." Heidi looked at him, her eyes almost turned red, she was so angry after sitting for so long, "You mustn't lie!" Although Marilyn just ordered He nodded and did not speak, but his eyes were still fixed on Jiaming, with a complicated expression.

It may be difficult for mother and daughter to say goodbye after a simple meeting. Bid farewell at the entrance of the coffee shop, the mother and daughter held umbrellas and walked back to the big hotel not far away. Jiaming got on the bus and headed back towards Sacred Heart College.

It's already six o'clock in the evening, and the sky is getting dark. It is estimated that Shasha has already cooked at home, but these days Lingjing is rehearsing at school, and she has to cook the dishes by herself. When I walked downstairs, the entrance of the video game room was full of people. On one side were young residents headed by Ah Qiang and Ah Shui, and on the other side were more than a dozen members of the Yongsheng Gang. It was completely blocked, Jia Ming sighed, and started to separate from the crowd and walk in: "Sorry, let me in, let me in, thank you...".

Carrying two bags of things bought from the supermarket, Jiaming fiddled with the crowd in front of him. Two members of the Yongsheng Gang stepped aside impatiently, but the third person was dancing and shouting. Immediately, it was photographed on a glass jar that Jia Ming bought, and he turned his head immediately: "Let me let you let me let you mother, boy, what do you want to do?"

"Uh, sorry..."

Jia Ming raised the bag in his hand, and was about to defend himself, when Ah Qiang yelled, "What are you so arrogant about, do you know that good dogs don't block the way! He lives here... Jia Ming, you go in. I Let's see who dares to touch him!"

"Yeah, which one of you dares to touch him and give it a try..."

In the eyes of these people, Jia Ming has always been an upright and honest person. For a while, those people in the rear roared. Zhong passed through: "Thank you, thank you..."

When I went upstairs and opened the door, I could hear the two sides shouting at each other with bravado. This kind of fight probably wouldn't start. Yongsheng didn't have many people in his gang, so he didn't dare to hit people at will, and there were too many people here. Things got crazy. Walking into the door, I could smell the smell of cooking. Shasha was watching TV in the living room, and asked, "What's wrong? You came back so late? Hehe, there's a lot of trouble down here, do you think there will be a fight? "

"Sorry, I was delayed by meeting two acquaintances. Heh, don't worry if the idiots below can't fight. By the way, why did Lingjing get home so early? Didn't you rehearse today?" Jia Ming smiled as he put down the bag said.

"Shh." Shasha turned her eyes to signal the kitchen, raised her index finger to her mouth, and made a gesture of silence, "Don't talk about rehearsal, Lingjing is in a bad mood, hmph, those guys at school... and Tan Suyan, I have to talk to them tomorrow!"

"What's wrong?"

Just as she was wondering, Lingjing in an apron came out of the kitchen with a vegetable bowl, raised her head and smiled, "Jiaming is back, ready to eat." It's just that the smile was a bit forced, after she finished speaking, she turned and went back to the kitchen. Ming hurriedly followed.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't lie, tell me, I'll help you settle it, huh?"

She stretched out her hand to hold Lingjing's shoulder, but Lingjing still shook her head: "No need..." When he walked to the gas stove, Jia Ming stretched out his arms from behind and hugged him: "I don't necessarily want to interfere with your privacy, But we are a family, although we are still young, but I am your husband and you are my wife, I don't want to see you unhappy, can you tell me? Is it because of the performance?"

"I...wow..." After listening to Jiaming's words, Lingjing finally couldn't help crying softly as she leaned on his shoulder. After a while, she said in a low voice, "Jiaming, they said I danced I'm not doing well, so I won't be allowed to dance... Now Tan Suyan, who is in the third grade, is leading the dance, Jia Ming, I've been rehearsing for so long, Miss Fang even said that I dance well, how can they do this..."

"What, what? It's only over a week before the performance, and they actually changed?" Frowning, Jia Ming said in disbelief. Indeed, when it comes to dancing, Tan Suyan is indeed much more professional than Lingjing. However, from Jiaming's point of view, Lingjing has a spirituality that no one else can match, whether she plays the piano or dances. Of course, he may have selfishness and is not objective enough. However, Lingjing's hard work during this period is well known, and it is not a super-professional performance that focuses on dance. It is really incomprehensible that such a thing happened at this time.

Could it be... Dongfang Lu deliberately did something because of his unsuccessful pursuit of Lingjing... It's not like...

"It must be Tan Suyan's secret relationship." At the door of the kitchen, Sasha said bitterly, "She is no match for me in the volleyball team, and she knows that Lingjing is my best friend, so she did this on purpose. It is said that the student union is responsible for this The dancer is very close to her, and the teacher in charge of the dance is also related to her. The student council president named Dongfanglu even argued for Lingjing, but in the end he made such a decision for some unknown reason. It’s disgusting , I have to ask tomorrow to see what they can come up with!”.

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