Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 143 The Truth

Apologize! "


Looking up, Jia Ming saw Dongfang Wan's condescending cold face.

"What's wrong?"


It was seven o'clock, and it was still raining outside. Since it was still early, there were only a few people in the classroom. However, when Dongfang Wan walked to this corner at the back of the classroom, one or two students looked over with interest, after all In this class, the feud between Dongfang Wan and Gu Jiaming has a long history.


"Don't pretend, you have to apologize to me for what happened yesterday!"

"Yeah." Nodding his head, Jia Ming smiled, "I'm sorry, I was wrong yesterday."

If it is purely based on Jiaming's heart, there is no joke in this world that cannot be made, but of course it needs to include many dark things as a foil, and for ordinary people, it is actually enough to make jokes here. And hearing Jiaming say this so simply, Dongfang Wan's expression suddenly turned a little surprised.

"Uh..." No matter how many contingency plans I had planned before, none of them seemed to be of any use. After being surprised, Dongfang Wan stared at him for a while, and then said: "Uh...it doesn't matter..."

"It's okay, you still want me to apologize, it's really..." Jia Ming laughed.

Dongfang Wan stared at her viciously: "I won't be as rude as you!" After speaking, she turned and walked away.

"Wait. Dongfang Wan, I also have something to ask you."

"Eh?" Turning his head in doubt, "What's the matter?"

Jiaming raised his head, looked at her and smiled faintly: "Do you know about Lingjing? Why was Fang Yusi's lead dancer she gave to Fang Yusi at the school celebration, why was it withdrawn? Don't tell me it's because she didn't dance well, I think I have learned her dance, and even designed a few moves for her. I dare say that no one in the school can dance like her, and Tan Suyan can't learn it."

After hearing what he said, Dongfang Wan's eyes widened: "You...you designed her movements, you mean...the last time Ye Lingjing said that there were some changes to the dance, and then the teacher praised her a lot. Did you make the small changes? You, you, you...you can still dance?"

"I told Lingjing not to speak out, but that's not important. The important thing is...why was she removed? Your brother is the president, and I believe you know the inside story."

"Well, last night... Brother seemed to have said something, and he looked very annoyed, but I didn't pay attention to it." Recalling last night, Dongfang Wan's cheeks flushed slightly, and she was flirted with by Jia Ming all night long. The teasing attitude made me dizzy, although I probably knew that Jia Ming was deliberately playing a prank, but I just couldn't let it go easily. As for the relationship with Dongfang Road, although the brother-sister relationship has been greatly strengthened after the ship hijacking incident. But on weekdays, after all, they are not as close as brothers and sisters of ordinary people, under that kind of emotion. How can I care about what my brother said casually.

Just as he was thinking back, Jia Ming's face was already in front of his eyes: "Please. Do you remember?"

"Bah." Dongfang Wan was taken aback, and then said with her eyes wide open, "If you have something to do, please say please. When I say please, don't say I don't know, and I won't tell you if I know!" After finishing speaking, she was arrogant Turn around and leave. A smile flashed in Jiaming's eyes, and he sat down and looked at the rain outside the window. After a while, Dongfang Wan came back with a gloomy face: "Hey, you...you won't do anything messy?"

"Who knows?" Jia Ming shrugged, "Maybe everything can be done, maybe nothing can be done, and I can make a decision after I find out the reason first."

"I'll ask my brother tonight, don't mess around."

"Okay." Jia Ming nodded and smiled sincerely.



When the second class was over, a beautiful figure appeared outside the classroom, which immediately attracted the eyes of most people. Dong Danwen, a big beauty with a star face in a green blouse and a white dress with lace, knocked on the glass beside the classroom , the student by the window nodded in flattery, only to see Dong Danwen say something softly, the student turned around and shouted loudly: "Gu Jiaming! Someone is looking for you!"

Dong Danwen, a second-year student of Sacred Heart College, is one of the influential figures in the school, just like Tan Suyan, a third-year student. It is said that they have all chased Dongfang Road in the past—or are chasing it now—but this beauty and Jia Ming can There is no intersection, except that at the Nordic fantasy Christmas dinner, Jia Ming robbed her of flowers once. However, when he saw the figure by the window, the feeling in Jia Ming's heart was not doubt and surprise, but: finally came.

For Jia Ming, who has a long-term memory, since the other party is a famous figure in the school, he can remember it after seeing her once in a while, and probably knows the evaluation of her by most people in the school. Become famous, become a singer, a star, and work hard for it all the time. That time Jia Ming snatched the bouquet, although it seemed inadvertent, but Dong Danwen behind him could not escape his eyes. It is not surprising that such a person would beg Jia Ming for help after knowing Jia Ming's ability, and it has been delayed until now However, Jia Ming admired her patience.

Yuechixun outside looked at Dong Danwen faintly, and gave up his seat. Jiaming walked out with a smile, and nodded innocently: "Senior sister..."

"Uh, I'm Dong Danwen in the second grade. You can just call me Danwen. I have something to tell you. Can you...uh, can I find a place?" Nodding and smiling, Dong Danwen seemed generous, but there was something obvious in her eyes. Still a little cautious, when Jia Ming nodded, the two of them went down the stairs together, and passed through the teaching building to the unoccupied club activity room: "Actually... it's a bit presumptuous to come here suddenly, maybe Jia Ming will understand better when he said this. I was also there when Jia Ming performed the song "Dong Feng Po" on Christmas Eve, and that... Ye Lingjing is your good friend?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Well, there is one thing... Originally, Fang Yusi wanted to come to perform. When the school was selecting students to lead the dance, the student union also thought about arranging me to lead the dance. At that time, I heard that Ling Jing was also participating, so I refused. Of course I didn't It’s not that if I join Lingjing, I won’t have a chance, because she dances really well, really!” Dong Danwen smiled shyly, and twirled her left hand in the air, “However, Lingjing was withdrawn this time. The leading dancer, Jia Ming, you already know about it?"

"Understood." Jiaming smiled lightly, waiting for her to say the conditions.

"Actually, student Lingjing danced very well, and she didn't make any mistakes at all. I heard that there was a reason why she was removed, because they also came to look for me, but I still refused. I heard from an insider that ..." Without asking first, Dong Danwen directly said the answer Jiaming wanted to know, and then both of them frowned: "I know this is difficult to understand, but the truth should be like this...".

"Well, thank you senior." After a while, Jiaming nodded, "If there is anything I can help..."

"Actually, there is." Dong Dan smiled, "I hope Jia Ming, you can help me write a song, I don't know if it is possible..."

"One song is not enough, two. I don't have much inspiration recently, and there are only two new songs. Thank you very much, senior." Jia Ming nodded. If she was the first to ask, Jia Ming would give her at most one song Song, but since she said the answer first, the remaining one should be regarded as a reward. Anyway, the song is also a generosity of others, so he doesn't feel bad.



After one o'clock in the afternoon, Rusha hurriedly rushed into the auditorium where the program was being rehearsed. The two members of the student union who blocked her were pushed aside by her: "I don't care if you are during rehearsal or not, I want to find someone in charge of dancing!"

The auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of people, currently only has dozens of people in it, and it does look a bit empty. Although there are a few people practicing movements on the stage, most of them are chatting and joking. Dongfang Lu and Tan Suyan are there, seeing the anger Everyone looked at Rusha rushing in with suspicion.

"Sister Shasha, what's the matter?" The first person who greeted her with a smile was a male classmate who was in the same class as Shasha, who had just joined the student union because he was a first-year student. Shasha glanced at him, and then said loudly: "I want to know why you didn't let Ye Lingjing lead the dance, is it because she can't dance well or something? Do you know how much effort she put in for this dance? Say Let people dance, let people dance, and tell her to leave immediately if you don’t want to let her go! How did your student union make a decision! Where’s the dance teacher!?”

"Sister Shasha, don't be angry, don't be angry, dancing is not something that can be decided by one person, I think Lingjing dances very well, but Miss Fang is a big star, and it's not just about feeling. Student Lingjing has no professional dance training..."

"What's wrong with the professional dance training? What's wrong with Lingjing's dance, tell me! Fang Yusi has said that Lingjing dances very well..." At this point, Tan Suyan seemed to have heard something funny, Slightly snorting coldly, Shasha gritted her teeth: "If you don't want to make you think that someone is professional, let her compete with Lingjing! Let everyone watch and vote!"

"Heh, classmate Huaisha." The performance hasn't started yet. Naturally, it is impossible to dance for everyone to see first. Dongfang Lu smiled and walked over with a wave of his hand, "Actually, the dance is the decision of the entire student union. There are many reasons. I know it is not good to do so. But there is no way. It's hard to say clearly..."

"Don't fool people with such words!"

"Compare!" Before Shasha finished speaking, Tan Suyan raised her head and said, "I also think it's a good way to compete, I'm fine!"

"Okay, everyone heard it, when it's time to compete, don't deny it!"

"The time and place are up to you!"

Seeing that the two talked to Maimang, and were already discussing the details of the competition, Dongfang Lu and others hurriedly intervened, saying that they were not allowed to perform before the school celebration. We quarreled for a while. Then Tan Suyan seemed impatient with the quarrel: "Hmph, what's the matter if you say it! No matter how you compare, Ye Lingjing can't be the lead dancer anyway. Miss Fang said she couldn't do it herself, why did she have to keep it secret! What else is Miss Fang talking about?" Praising her personally...that's polite perfunctory, okay?"

"You said... what?" Gently. Rusha's voice was a little dry. The people in the student union also fell silent. In fact, they didn't understand why Dongfang Lu insisted on keeping this matter a secret, but if it was Jia Ming, they would naturally know that he did this to keep Ling Jing from being too shocked. Sighing, Dongfang Road defended softly.

"Cough... Although it was indeed Miss Fang's request, but Miss Fang's agent was also here at the time, it is very likely that her agent made such a request. Because the performing arts company will require perfection and professionalism in this aspect , we think Lingjing dances very well. But..."

"But...Miss Fang said that Lingjing dances very well..." Shasha retorted a little weakly, but her confidence was lost in her voice.

"Well, I don't think it's Ms. Fang's intention to get rid of Lingjing, but in fact, an entertainer... also has to accept the arrangement of the manager..."

Dongfang Lu comforted her, and Rusha wanted to talk again, when a figure walked over from the side and patted her on the shoulder, a familiar touch. Turning around, it was indeed Jia Ming: "Stop talking, let's go."

"...Yeah." Nodding hesitantly, she looked back at the crowd and went out with Jia Ming. It wasn't until she went out and reached a secluded place that she said in a chaotic voice: "Why...how did you behave like this?"

"Who knows? There are many reasons. Maybe Fang Yusi has reached menopause, or her aunt suddenly came, a woman who has just been abandoned by a man, and she can do anything."

"And you know she was abandoned..." Bai Jiaming glanced at him, and said rustlingly, "Why are you so calm? You're not surprised at all, you already knew the reason?"

"I knew it in the morning. I don't know if it's true, so I didn't say it. During the meal, Lingjing and I told you not to pursue it. Who knew that you rushed into the auditorium as soon as you turned around." Scratched with your fingers On the bridge of her nose, Jia Ming smiled and said: "You, you are always in a hurry..."

Shasha smiled, then sighed again: "Then what should we do? Lingjing will be very sad, should we tell her the truth?"

"I don't want it anymore. Let her feel that it would be better for those people in the student union to use power for personal gain. If it was Fang Yusi, she would be very depressed..." Jia Ming smiled faintly with his arms around Rusha's shoulders.



At two o'clock, when the wake-up bell rang, Jiaming walked into Yahan's office. Yahan, who was sleeping on the table, had just woken up, her face was blushing, and her eyes were hazy.

"Well, Jiaming, I've been looking for you at noon, but I can't find..."

"I went to relax with Lingjing. Let me borrow the phone..." Going to the desk and picking up the receiver, Jia Ming pointed at her face with his hand: "It's red, rub it."

"Oh" holding up the mirror and looking at it, Yahan said: "By the way, Lingjing is very sad... I just found out about Lingjing's dismissal of the lead dancer today, so I went to ask about it. By the way, don't tell her ..."

"Fang Yusi's meaning? I know, now is to solve this matter."


"I... oh, hello..." Putting his finger on his lips, Jia Ming smiled: "Hello, Mr. Zheng? I'm Gu Jiaming... Well, there is something I want to ask you this time, this time Is the song you asked for from me for Fang Yusi... No, I refuse to write a song for her, yes, absolutely not... Also, from today onwards, any star who is involved with Fang Yusi, whether it is cooperation or transmission Gossip, are you doing it for publicity or something, as long as there is one time, I will be blacklisted... Hehe, how is it possible, I am just a songwriter, how can I have the ability to block her, I just do my best, anyway, I can Guaranteed, three songs, I can make any newcomer popular... Well, please tell Mr. Huang... goodbye."

After talking like fried beans, Jiaming put down the phone, and Yahan stared at him dumbfounded. .

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