Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 160 Network Storm (Part 1)

In fact, in this world, there are more or less so-called geniuses.

For example, Fu Yanjie.

Although he is unattractive, extremely mediocre in many aspects, and has a strong desire for performance and vanity, it is undeniable that once he comes into contact with computers, information, and other aspects, this fat man is enough to make everyone feel excited. People feel the dazzling light. Because of this, with the help of several companions, he was able to set unspoken rules for the Internet company in Jianghai City under the codename "Slimming Superman", and at this time he was able to break into Carmen's system with lightning speed and Further expand the results.

Experts look at the doorway, laymen watch the excitement, and see a group of computer masters knocking their fingers desperately. After the data flows, someone cheers and enters. Hacked the computers of all the other people, and connected the surveillance cameras of the school's closed-circuit television to every computer screen. This magical effect immediately aroused everyone's interest and pursuit.

Purely from a performance point of view, this scene is undoubtedly very successful.

And when the computer in front of them can no longer be operated, the people sitting in front of the computer sweating profusely stand up and admit failure. Some of these people are graduates who specialize in computer technology, and some are still in college. The students all have very good computer skills from a good family background, and some of them, while admitting defeat generously, also took their business cards and started to solicit Yan Jie.

"I am xxx from xx Group. Mr. Fu's computer skills are indeed quite outstanding..."

"My name is xxx. I don't know where Mr. Fu is now..."


All of a sudden, the simple school celebration activities turned into a disguised talent recruitment event. While Fu Yanjie happily accepted his business cards and received the attention of everyone, he helped his companions to show more powerful strength. Although trying to control the entire school and even the city network is somewhat immoral, the onlookers did not stop it at this time. After all, as a performance, he would not do anything too outrageous, and after a while, the people from abroad The fierce attack finally launched.

Hacking other people's websites for no reason, it is impossible for the other party to have no countermeasures. This point can be understood by the experts who are watching. How much strength can Yan Jie have to resist. And speaking of it, this first wave of attacks was really as shocking as Mount Tai was overwhelming.

"...ddos flood... my god... has this kind of data exceeded 30,000 units? It's still rising..."

"Who is it in the Carmen Forum?"

"Is this style... alarmed?"

Looking at the data flowing on the fat man's computer screen, everyone is talking about it. Ddos flood attack is the attack mode that most hackers like to use, but it can integrate the power so efficiently at one time, as if it can make people in a flash. The attack flow of network collapse is not something that everyone can easily do. Lu Kaikai, the queen of violence on the Internet, is naturally one of them, but if it is her...

Using ddos ​​floods to form a powerful attack and spread the virus on a large scale after controlling the network is the most common move used by this violent queen to vent her anger. It is also because of this huge destructive power that after several network attacks in the second half of last year , the hacker world has a sense of fear for such an unscrupulous cyber saboteur. Seeing the sweat dripping from Fatty's high-spirited face and the message sent by his companion on the screen, many people suddenly felt like stabbing a hornet's nest.

"The first gangplank was taken down... oh my god, the second floor...too fast..."

"I try to contain it as much as possible, but I'm not sure, Boss... I'll leave the rest to you..."

"All my counterattacks were blocked...God, it can't be a supercomputer over there..."

"Finding the first wave of viruses... it can't really be... I'm already infected, I hope it can be cracked..."

After a momentary change, everyone around had an indescribable feeling that a genius met a more powerful genius, Zhou Yu met Zhuge Liang... and when traces of the virus began to be discovered, the rest of the people finally began to panic. A simple hacker battle may only affect each other, but what I met was this violent man who likes to spread virus strains indiscriminately. Once the virus of the other party spreads in the network here, the consequences are unpredictable. Several high-level people sat back in front of the computer again, Fu Yanjie also let go of the restrictions on the computer, and jointly resisted the opponent's attack.

Even if the power is not great, it is always better than nothing.

A few seconds later, an inexplicable message was sent indiscriminately and appeared in front of everyone.

"what does this mean?"

"It seems to be German, meaning..."

"Beautiful teacher... I seem to... see you..."

"Uh...beautiful teacher?"

When everyone was whispering to each other because of this information, in Yahan's office, Jia Ming was silent for three seconds facing the computer screen, frowning.

When the computer was attacked, what he had to do was to find out the reason and fight back. With his computer skills, he entered the other party's computer without Fu Yanjie being alerted, and he probably understood that the attack was carried out by computer activities. In normal times, all you need to do is to throw a logic bomb and let these computers do super-infinite loop calculations, but when Fu Yanjie is confronting Kelly Furnim, he enters the network to investigate. Undead was sensed by Kelly's keen sense of smell. That is to say, if the computer society is defeated and the physical ip is exposed, her own address may also be found by the other party, at least it will provide her with clues to find it.

Originally, it didn’t matter if I confessed to her, but Kelly Furnim and Natalie Annis, who are probably the two strongest women in the world, have already met, and according to Kelly Furnim’s character, if I It's someone weaker than her, so if you want to control her or get her help, it may be quite troublesome...

There was a groan in the room, Yahan turned over gently on the sofa, Jiaming rolled his eyes, and started typing on the keyboard.

I hate extra hassle...

***************************************************** ***********

At 8:40 a.m. UK time, inside a certain military research base, a red alarm light came on. Wearing a dark purple dress, Natalie Annis walked out of the room.

"What's wrong?" She calmly asked the old butler beside her. .

"It is said that it is your new friend. That Miss Kelly is using the computer. Dr. Durand and his team have already rushed over."

"Oh?" With a charming smile on her face, Natalie Annis walked forward, "Kelly can always create surprises, I'll go and have a look."

The old housekeeper in a tuxedo followed behind. Although he didn't speak, his face still showed a hint of disapproval. That little girl with no manners and self-cultivation, what she created might not be a surprise, but a panic...

Pass through the long passage and enter a large room full of instruments and screens. More than a dozen people in British military uniforms or white research uniforms are busy in front of the equipment. Various voices are nervous and noisy, shouting and cursing Sounds, the sound of instruments and chairs moving, Kelly Furnim, who has a healthy wheat complexion and looks chic in jeans and a jacket, is sitting on the conductor's seat in the center of the room, her fingers are dancing quickly on the keyboard, and the voice behind her head The ponytail is neat and handsome.

"Quick, hurry up...can't let her escape, haven't the calculation results over there yet... Buckley and yours...damn it, the algorithm you need to use is the function integral of the quadratic power..."

While coping with her own affairs nervously, she can also take care of other people's work or mistakes, and orderly direct everything. Although she won't be blushing, but in her eyes at this time, the twinkling is indeed called With a frenzied light, she walked to the computer and looked at the screen. Natalie, who was not very familiar with computers, shook her head helplessly, and then walked to a middle-aged man with a big beard.

"Dr. Durand, what is the current situation..."

"Oh, Miss Anis, the situation is like this." Durand, the chief engineer of the institute, saluted and nodded, "About an hour ago, one of our peripheral forums was hacked, but because the problem is not serious, , the people left for observation only roughly recorded the data. At that time, Miss Kelly, who was using the host to chat with people, fought back, but after a while, it seemed that Miss Kelly discovered something and pressed the alarm bell to call At the same time, the opponent's counterattack became extremely powerful. According to Miss Kelly, the opponent... seems to be her teacher..."

"Oh? Her teacher?" Natalie Anis pondered for a moment, "Then will there be any problems here?"

"I'm afraid it's hard to say at the moment. The knight we use is the best supercomputer in the world. In theory, I have the confidence to deal with any challenge, but the opponent's attack in the past few minutes... To be honest, we have never seen it before. The opponent's actions are as difficult to capture as ghosts." After tapping a few keys on the keyboard, Durand frowned, "The opponent is constantly fighting back and getting stronger. I have never seen someone who can strengthen himself. Such a fast hacker, he is obviously still at a disadvantage now, but he is like a huge mutant octopus, devouring everything that can be devoured, I can almost see the scene surrounded by countless tentacles, this is not normal, Either the other party has mastered the loopholes of all the programs in the world, or the other party... is God..."

Dr. Durand sighed, leaned over in front of the computer, and Kelly Furnim danced her fingers into a phantom. Under dozens of levels of operation, she collected huge data and performed calculations beyond the limits of human beings. The corners of her mouth slightly raised Zhong Yi murmured excitedly: "It has to be like this...it has to be like this...".

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