Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 161 Network Storm (Part 2)

No one thought in advance that on this ordinary afternoon of May 2, the biggest cyber disaster in 1998—or it can be said that in the following five years—would erupt because of this playful hacking incident .

In the computer club activity room of the Sacred Heart College where hundreds of people gathered, people were chatting and whispering, while in front of the computer, more than a dozen people headed by Fu Yanjie were staring at the scrolling data stream on the screen in amazement. The facial expression is like seeing a prehistoric dinosaur running on the street, and dancing samba hand in hand with Donald Duck.

The confrontation with the violent queen of the Carmen forum, under Fu Yanjie's full resistance, only lasted for more than five minutes, and the defeat situation began to appear, the springboards set up were found layer by layer, With powerful computing power, it is like peeling the skin of an onion. According to everyone's estimation, even if you use all your strength, you may be able to determine the failure within five minutes. Just as Fu Yanjie was sweating profusely and continued to resist, an extremely strange stream of data entered the battlefield.

It is like a black hole the size of a needle eye. When it touches the surrounding matter, the black hole rotates at a speed visible to the naked eye and begins to expand.

Two minutes later, Fu Yanjie determined that the purpose of this force was to help him. When he tried to contact and assist the other party, the response he got was only one word: get lost.

Then, the other party performed an astonishing magic trick on the Internet, and at least in the next ten years, more people habitually called this event a miracle. The vortex continues to expand like an organism, swallowing data, analysis, and calculations. While resisting the attack of the Carmen Forum, it directly takes over all the network resources accumulated in Fu Yanjie's hands. Countless tentacles create springboards in every corner of the world. Making more and more broilers, summarizing more resources, it is actually doing countless tasks at the same time: defense, active invasion, control, attack...

No single individual can do such a thing, but the huge amount of calculation is enough to make supercomputers feel tight. The situation in front of them seems to be that that piece of data has become a catalyst, and then the entire network has gained life, forming an independent thought of.

The web comes alive...


"This is the first time I have seen such a situation..."

"It was a disaster, the entire civilian network was blocked..."

"Thinking in a specific context, being aggressive, being able to expand itself... looks like a super virus..."

"It's not a virus. Its tentacles stopped when it extended to certain areas, such as military networks, aerospace, and city administration departments. This shows that it is manipulated by someone. Which hacker group in the world can do this thing?"

"I just received the news that the cause of this incident came from the celebration activities of the Sacred Heart College in Jianghai City. They first invaded the Carmen forum with hacking techniques and were counterattacked. The initial estimate may be that it evolved into the current situation... Heh, they thought it was a research lab with supercomputers like ours, that's why some acquaintances called to ask..."

In the huge research room, the voices were chaotic and noisy. Since there was not much preparation in advance, when this incident was monitored, the situation here was worse than that of Kelly. The research institute where Fernim is currently in is even more busy, and among these researchers, Fang Guolin, who is wearing a pair of big glasses, turned around: "Jianghai City?"

"Yes, Jianghai Sacred Heart College." The researcher explained with a smile, "Oh, Guolin, I'm afraid you don't know, it is the best noble high school in Jianghai City, today is their school anniversary, so many graduates They have all returned to school, and one of them is my classmate in college at the same time. His computer skills are very good. No one thought that a simple hacking technology competition would cause such a big mess... Well, I have to call Ask a few other places, things of this scale cannot be done without supercomputers..."

"Jianghai City..." Watching that person leave in a hurry, Fang Guolin turned her head, "It must be you, Tulip..."

In just over half an hour, not only the computer research institute where Fang Guolin is at the moment, but also people from all over the world have turned their attention to this cyber war. During this period, Kelly Fernim changed several attacks All the forms were easily resolved by Jia Ming. He has a computer level that surpasses this era for more than 20 years, and is familiar with almost all the loopholes in the current system. These things are not difficult for him. What he needs to think about now , just how to end this matter neatly.

"...According to the current situation, after two hours, even if the other party sends spam, it can crash this super computer. How on earth can he bring the network back to life..." Although it seems that it still has the upper hand, Someone in the research room was already sighing, Kelly Fonim's eyes were shining, and she directly interrupted his words.

"The Internet has not come alive! This is just a super program, which is equivalent to increasing the intelligence of the computer thousands of times. In a sense, it is exactly the same as the program for playing chess or cards, but even if it can form With such a reaction rule, the other party is just an ordinary computer, and his processing power has an upper limit, even if each reaction is simplified by thousands of times, the upper limit still exists..."

"It has been done to such an extent, how could it be an ordinary computer..."

"Is the other party really alone..."

Before Kelly finished speaking, everyone had already raised doubts. Even though she had proved her computer proficiency these days, in some respects, this little girl still had the slightest pride and arrogance. While listening to their discussion, Kelly just smiled disdainfully and glanced at everyone.

"I said yes, it must be. What you are seeing now may be the attack launched by the strongest person in the world. If you can experience this historic event yourself, don't you just make some boring discussions? What we want to think about now is not how to fail, but how to defeat him... You see, she stopped..."

***************************************************** ***********

As Kelly Fernim speculated, what Jiaming used to strengthen himself was just a complicated reaction procedure, and what he mastered was still the word "law".

From the moment a person comes into contact with this world, he constantly feels the law. .

One plus one equals two. This is the simplest law. When we solve more exercises in class, the solution of math problems will form a law, Chinese will form a law, and politics will form a law. When we gradually understand these laws, then we will also You will gradually come into contact with the laws of life. Sending flowers to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day will increase your favorability. You need to give gifts when you do things, treat guests to dinner when you are in a relationship, use the right tone of voice when talking with people, and how to respond to advances and retreats when dealing with others. Although the laws of all these are not like mathematics The solutions are so fixed that it seems that there are no absolute rules, but the rules still exist one by one. Whether the subjects of life can be mixed up or not depends on whether you can understand these laws.

The more people experience, the easier it is for these rules to form conditioned reflexes in their minds. For example, when you were a salesman for the first time, you felt tongue-tied and couldn't find the right words, but after a long time, even if you don't With more thinking, the appropriate rhetoric will come out of the mouth, calmly and fluently. As for a computer, all laws are much simpler than life, which is why Jiaming can use programs to simplify all reactions, and in the eyes of others, it seems that the entire network is alive.

Of course, manpower is sometimes poor, and computers are even more so. If you just fight recklessly, the situation in front of you that still has the upper hand is already the limit of what Jiaming can do with this computer. Busy at the desk, it was close to four o'clock, Yahan rubbed her eyes and woke up from the sofa in a daze.

Rubbing her cheeks that were red and numb due to deep sleep, Yahan dragged her high-heeled shoes and put them on her feet, stood up like a ghost, walked slowly to the seat next to Jiaming, and put her high heels on the floor There were a few crisp sounds, making the atmosphere in the office extraordinarily quiet.

"Hmm... what are you doing?"

Sitting there like a little girl, Yahan gently rubbed her eyes, unable to get rid of the trouble of low blood pressure. After a while, the dream and reality were slightly separated, and the spirit gradually recovered: "Yeah?"

"You're a little too punctual. Four o'clock is four o'clock..."

"Hey, I'm very good, hehe...are you drawing?"

"You are what you see."

"Oh, I can also use this drawing board, you get out of the way, out of the way, I'll show you..."

Dragging the stool and squeezing over, Yahan was like a child who saw a new toy in the hands of his companion, grabbed Jiaming's mouse, and then dragged it with ease, without feeling the slightest feeling that the whole world was coming. One of the most famous doodles is taking shape under her…

***************************************************** *************

At 4:14, everyone in the institute stopped at the same time, including Kelly Furnim, and countless words stopped abruptly.

"When did she enter the system..."

"have no idea……"

"All programs...uncontrollable..."

More than ten minutes ago, Kelly Fernim's prophecy came into effect, and the opponent's defense could no longer be strengthened, so a new round of attack started here. Although the progress was slow, after the opponent's unscrupulous expansion for so long I was finally suppressed, and I felt quite elated here, but just now, after more than ten minutes, all the programs suddenly lost control, and the other party had directly invaded the system of this super computer at a certain moment , and gracefully took over the mastership.

On dozens of large and small screens around, the same simple picture appeared at this time.

"Uh... what is that..."

"China's national treasure... the panda..."

"Why is it holding a lit stick..."

"In China...it's called incense, and it's what they use to worship their ancestors..."

"This painting is really ugly..."


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